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Everything posted by safirxp

  1. I discovered DayZ after watching eatmydiction1's YT channel. After going through his playlist I found myself watching every other DayZ vids. Even though my PC is old I took the risk of buying Arma CO for the mod. I can play it in windowed mode but my gpu suffers this black screen hiccup every other minute. Even after that, DayZ the mod is worth it. Very few games can evoke such varied emotions from the player. There are bugs, too much pvp, etc. but its still one of the best games I've ever played. If I had a decent PC and $30 to spare, it'd be a no brainer for me..
  2. safirxp

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Desktop Monitor resolution: 1920x1080 CPU: Core2 Duo E7400 (2.93GHz) Graphics card: GTS 250 RAM: 4GB DDR2-800 SSD: No Playing the mod on a lower resolution and windowed. Will upgrade next year but I'm itching to run the SA..
  3. Hi. I've been playing DayZ for a few months now. After consulting this forum I used Dayz Commander to install DayZ & connect to the servers. I updated to the 1.7.7 version of the mod the moment I saw it in DC. Since then I cannot join any servers. I attached the screenshot I get everytime I try to connect. After reading some other threads I even tried installing the latest beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php which is 106400 but DC recommended I install version 103718 and I also attached a screenshot of DC if it helps. I usually play on servers that are near to me, latency wise that is. When I contacted some of the server admins they said its probably something to do with their servers and the new update. But I see lots of other people logged on to their servers. Ands its been a while now. So after some more discussions some suggested I could try reinstalling Arma2, OA & Dayz. I use a 1mbps connection so it will take time but I'm ready to do whatever it takes to play this awesome, awesome game! So my question is, should I reinstall everything or is there an easier way to solve this problem? If I've to reinstall, what is the procedure exactly? Go to the game's Properties section, Local Files, Delete local game content? Then redownload everything? Never done it before. Should I save the CD Key from the Properties menu? I bought the game online after a lot of trouble (considering where I live) and I'm still new to Steam. I literally can't afford to screw up my Steam account or my Arma purchase. Please help...
  4. OMFG! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! You sir, can have my beans, my guns, my bloodbags, anything you want! :D I'm simply overjoyed to be able to log on to these servers again. Thanks a million mate.
  5. Yeah, go with DayzCommander. I also wanted to go with the Steam version but decided to stick the forum's advice & everything worked out perfectly.
  6. safirxp

    My first attempt at Dayz..

    Cool! I play on JP servers anyway, since they have the lowest latency.. for me that is. I also found a hatchet & a makarov! My Steam ID is the same as my nick if you wanna add.
  7. safirxp

    My first attempt at Dayz..

    Wow! Pretty eventful first day. My first day (which isn't over yet) - running away from zeds & desperately looking for loot. Haven't even found an axe/hatchet yet, let alone guns! :( After being chased by a zombie horde I somehow managed to climb up this giant crane & logout. I'm hungry, thirsty, scared outta my mind & loving it! :)
  8. safirxp

    First install..

    I finally bought Arma 2:CO and I've 2 questions: 1. As I've read in the forums and other guides, I should install Arma 2, then OA, then run Dayz Commander. When I added Arma2:CO to steam I got a download link for "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Beta". Included the picture below. So should I install it after finishing OA or do it through Dayz Commander? 2. Would there be any issue if I play Arma 2 while OA is downloading? Will changing the graphics settings in Arma 2 affect anything later when I install/play OA or DayZ? Thanks in advance... :)
  9. safirxp

    First install..

    OMG! I logged into a night time server for my first taste of DayZ. Bumped into a zed & I ran for the hills, literally! :D The game runs fine. It is so much better & scarier than I had expected. The 25 bucks, the worries, the download time, was worth it!!! :thumbsup:
  10. safirxp

    First install..

    Whew! Took 3 days to download on my PoS Internet connection. >:( Thanks for the help my Aussie friend. DayZCommander is downloading DayZ atm. Very, very, very excited & also scared that my PC will struggle.... :) :(