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About AuroraHD

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  1. Threads are also known as CPU Threads. Different processors contains different amount of threads, such as i5 and i3. i3 contains 2 cores (threads) and i5 contains 4 cores (threads). I have the AMD FX 8320 - 8 cores >:D
  2. - Name: Justin - Location: Singapore - GUID: 51bb0fc8da988d23109e3812a9cb802f - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: I've been looking for a fun active and whitelisted server to play on since I've been on countless of servers which are riddled with hackers and abusive admins.
  3. Respawn and that'll fix the debug island issue.
  4. After playing DayZ for a week now, I haven't killed a single player because I was simply afraid to pull the trigger. But tonight, I can claim that I've became a man after what I've done. This is the story of my first kill. The sun was gleaming onto my face, as I slowly crawled around the outskirts of Cherno, attempting to find a nice route to obtain some loot. There were dozens of zombies around me, and I just rolled my way near the small church in the outskirts. I had a Lee Enfield, and we all know what fate would be brought upon me if I had fired the gun near zombies. But, after scoping the area for awhile, I spotted something in the corner of my screen... Could it be? A player?! My heart pounded, he was a normal survivor but I knew that I had to kill him as he was armed with an AKM and would probably kill me once I ran into Cherno. I slowly crept up to him as he started to run out of Cherno. Slowly, I followed him and then, I stood up. BAM, BAM, BAM. That survivor dropped like a bag of potatoes. I pumped him with several bullets from my Enfield, and double-tapped as I approached him, to ensure that he wouldn't just wake up and start shooting me as I continue to loot him. But sadly, zombies swarmed around me as I attempted to loot him as my Lee Enfield woken up every single zombie (not really) in the area. Although I didn't get any nice loot, I still obtained my first kill, and that's the first step of becoming a cold hearted bandit. The following day, I logged in and decided to hang around Cherno for awhile, hoping to get my second kill. I was scoping around the Cherno fire-station when I spotted someone, could it be? It's a BANDIT! The bandit had a CZ550 and was scoping around as well. I decided to sneak by the back of the Fire Station. As I climbed, my heart pounded, this could be my FIRST bandit kill. Slowly, I climbed up the ladder and I saw him, laying down with his CZ550. He turned around and shouted - " frien-... ". But he was too late, I filled his body with lead from my AKM and before he could react, he was knocked out (I thought I killed him.) But sadly, the faggot decided to log out and I was left there, stranded with zombies on my tail. Then I saw 2 other players, one who is unarmed, and another with a G17. They must have heard the shots. Knowing that I could kill them, I waited as they climbed up the Fire Station. I shot the unarmed one as I was nervous and couldn't tell who was who. But suddenly, BAM BAM BAM. I heard CZ550 shots. Could it be? The bandit has came back?! Suddenly I heard my bones break as I watched my character fall to the ground. Shit, I thought to myself. I tried to kill the other players but they were shot by the bandit. I was knocked out by another shot. Luckily, I had morphine and when I was concious again, I immediately bandaged myself and ran towards him. But sadly, he was too fast and shot me. Then, I was dead. But, after spawning near Cherno, I decided to head back and saw a bandit falling off a building. He asked for help as he fell and as soon as he landed on the ground, I heard his bones break. He was knocked out, and had a M24 and an M4A1 CCO SD! Holy shit, this was a gold mine. Holding my hatchet tight, I ran towards him and sliced that bandit up. I immediately took his ALICE / ASSAULT backpack, and took both his weapon and logged out, happy with the amount of loot that I've gotten from this poor bandit. Woohoo. Will be updating constantly.
  5. AuroraHD

    Noob looking for a clan.

    I liked an Australian clan as it's near my timezone, mine is GMT +8. Contact me on Skype: z0mbot
  6. AuroraHD

    Making a new clan/Just bought a server!

    Added you. Skype is z0mbot
  7. Hello, I'm Aurora and I'm looking for a clan or a group to play with. I'm currently playing on The Laughing Man's Private Hive, and have been playing for a day or two now and I'm really into this game, but it's quite boring playing alone, hence I would love to join a clan. I'm in the South East Asia region, but I'm not being picky, I liked to play with players from all over the world. I currently have NO microphone, but I'm getting one ASAP. I actually have one but DealExtreme sent me a broken one and refused to replace it, so yeah... I have Skype as well c: