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Everything posted by Zilligenaire

  1. Welcome to TNOGaming Addons are listed below and are continuing to be added from popular demand AI Missions Roaming AI Debug Monitor Safe Traders Self Blood Bag Take Clothes Tow and Lift Auto Refuel Chernarus And more + what players want
  2. Chernarus - Default Loadout Makarov 2 mags 2 bandages Flashlight, Map, painkillers, beans, morphine, water bottle, coyote patrol pack Taviana - Default Loadout Makarov 2 mags 2 bandages Flashlight, Map, painkillers, beans, morphine, water bottle, coyote patrol pack
  3. Willing to change maps based on communities liking.
  4. Zilligenaire

    Looking for bandits

    Hey, our server is. A private hive and we are looking for bandits. We have currently a squad with 5 people and a few other survivors who are looking for a fight. We currently have a namalsk and a Chernarus server just go to filter and type trust no one. We are looking forward to killing you!
  5. Zilligenaire

    Looking for bandits

    It's a private hive. It is day and night but there is nighttime city lights. We have a tea speak server and there is around 150 vehicles on the map the starting load out is just and m9 with a couple of mags if there is anything else you want to know just ask
  6. Zilligenaire

    Buy new Laptop: Day Z + Video Convert

    With $700 you can get something decent, I suggest not to buy it from BestBuy, Walmart, or any other popular retailers but rather small businesses, (usually better PCs.) You definetely can't have nearly as good gaming with a laptop than a PC but, this one I have posted, should be pretty good for your needs. http://www.xoticpc.com/msi-cx61-0nf257us-backorder-p-5390.html
  7. That is actually very strange. Creeped me out a bit.