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About recklesspanz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. recklesspanz

    wanting to do a death match on our server

    I guess it could be considered hunger games style....we all spawn in together and kill each other, last man standing wins, so yeah..sort of hunger games'ish
  2. We did a start fresh and spawn in to fight till the death the other day and quite enjoyed it. we were thinking of doing it with a few more people. pm me your steam if you are interested.
  3. In the past 4 days, at least 10 people have joined my server asking right away if this is a "No PvP" server. How would that even be fun? What are they going to do? Farm the barracks all day?
  4. So my group of four was moving through a small village when 2 bandits took shots at us and killed 2 of the four of us. My surviving friend and I killed the bandits and as we were looting the bandits a man came up behind us and yelled friendly. We panicked a bit and shot him right away. He labeled us as bandits to the server and now we are constantly being hunted. my question is what would you have done?
  5. So my group of four was moving through a small village when 2 bandits took shots at us and killed 2 of the four of us. My surviving friend and I killed the bandits and as we were looting the bandits a man came up behind us and yelled friendly. We panicked a bit and shot him right away. He labeled us as bandits to the server and now we are constantly being hunted. my question is what would you have done?