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About Harafat

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Started playing here 3 days ago, here are my experiences so far... Day 1: As a fresh spring chicken i spawned near the coast on the slopes of a gigantic snowy mountain. Getting my bearings crossing the mountain, i devised the plan for that day: finding a boat and going to those yummy oil rigs they got on the map. Little did i know those places are bugged and dont spawn loot, read before you act Harafat! For this endeavour i would require a large pack, food and drinks. Weapons seemed like a luxury viewing that no zed's are supposed to spawn on those rigs. After planning out this mission i left the cold snowy plains and found myself close to the town of Sabina. Excellent, i thought, and i set of towards the supermarket and the mall to fetch the items required for my mission. The feel of Taviana is so awesome. The cities actually feel like real cities where a zombie acolypse JUST happened instead of chernarus, which looks like it has been going on for a few years. Anyways, i quickly found myself in the posession of an Alice pack, tons of foods and drinks, basic surivival equipment and bottles for advanced survival, should the mission prove succesfull. Next stop was to be Ekaterinaburg Harbour to find my boat. However, i wanted to swing by the airfield cause of the 2 barrack complexes and the airfield itself. In the first complex i found myself an AK-Kobra and a sidearm. Overjoyed i decided to skip ahead to the harbour untill i found myself 3 mint condition airplanes on the airfield. Jumped in the double-dekker, heart racing because i never flew a plane, engine on and off i was! Happy as hell i flew to my target to find no boats there! Not turned off by this slight dent in the road i flew to the island nort of there with the prison complex on it. Located two boats, was rdy to bail out of the plane. Then suddenly the server went out. Logging back on i found myself no longer in the plane but on the West side of lake Umag, near the castle. Then a call for help came over the radio. 2 BSB guys were flying a chopper when the incident happened, they were now no longer in the chopper but somewhere on a random location in the ocean. Knowing these guys would actually hunt me soon and show no mercy, i still decided to help them, because losing your gear due to server restarts sucks balls. I devised the plan to do flyovers grid per grid of the ocean with a C130, mark their location on the map, then pick em up by boat. Adrenaline roaring, i set off to the airfield again. Found the c130's still there and prepared for take off. Being an inexperienced pilot, i didnt check the terrain around the airfield, just taxied my plane onto the runway, cigar in the mouth, whiskey in the glass and off for a glorious rescue mission. I punched down the throttle, took off, and swirved immediately towards the east to reach the ocean. Little did I know that there was an enormous mountain range there. Immediately realising my mistake and inevitable doom i started evasive measures and pulled up, to no result. Plane stalled and i just got out be4 it drilled itself in the mountain. No worries, i tought, another plane remains. Not making the same mistake twice, i took of again, directed myself safely towards the ocean and started the search. After about 5 mins of flying the engine turned itself off tho. I was too late to eject and died a wet death trying to rescue 2 people. They made it back to land however, i was back to square one Day 2: After messing some more around with 1 plane earlier, i decided i had to stop my shennanigans and start to build my base and gear up, or i was going to be trampled by whoever i was gonna meet here. It became an intense day of looting in which i perfected my looting tactic for barrack complexes, repaired a hatchback and a UAV and found a coyote backpack and some basic zombie-culling weapons, nothing fancy tho, AK's, M16's, Shotguns. All these were alas depleted during my rather rash looting of sites, drawing attention of lots of zombies. Looted nearly all the top-loot locations twice, hit 2 helicpoter sites, and still found myself with only an AK74Kobra. I was about to give up untill i hit the last firestation for that day and i found an M24 and a GPS!!! Whole day of top location loot, nothing, 1 firestation, GPS, M24. Happy with this, i decided to make a camp and drove my vehicle i decided to keep out to a non disclosed location and logged of. Day 3: Deciding to keep the gear in my basis, i left everything behind besides my sidearm, bandages, 1 food, 1 drink and 1 morphine. After an early day of looting and getting a pack, equip, food/drinks, meds and yet another Kobra. I decided to go on another sight seeing tour of the islands by plane, maybe ejecting to loot anything that caught my eye. After a long while of boring flying around i decided i had enough and i ejected on an undisclosed location, looking for some more military loot. I missed my dropzone, but not by much. Not knowing exactly where i was, i looked around in my surroundings. My heart, nearly exploded when i saw a chopper near me. I quickly went in to investigate and found myself in an extensive camp. 3 working Heli's, 2 Urals, SUV, UAV and Hatchback. All loaded to the brim with weapons and gear, unfortunately no NV, Ghillie's or Rangefinders. I helped myself to a DMR, an M16AcoG and a ton of ammo. I then contemplated that i had to destroy all these vehicles, because a ton of weaps remained. Wepons and Heli's that would be used to kill me inthe not so distant future, especially with me stealing from them. However, i decided to be mercifull and leave this camp alone for this once. Would it remain there till next week, then i will destroy it. So guys, move your stuff, your location is compromised :) Now i find myself with 2 full sets of my fav loadout: zombieculler with low noise and non-overpowered sniper. From now on you can consider me to be a hostile XD.
  2. Applied for Whitelisting, decided to give this a go. Consider me a an adequately skilled lone wolf, however i'll gladly cooperate with other Bandits against these organised factions. Will pop up on TS from time to time when playing, as soon as whitelisting comes through