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Target Practice (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Target Practice (DayZ)

  1. Target Practice (DayZ)

    So tired of being colorblind...

    You either need a blood bag or a saline bag to be administered to you by a friendly party. That'll sort it. :) I believe that health (which is why you're seeing in monochrome) regenerates slowly when you're fully fed and watered, so keep on eating until you're stuffed and drink regularly, and it may regenerate too (although some people are reporting this may not be working - it's not entirely clear).
  2. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Huh, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for explaining. :)
  3. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Creation of a "Feedback/Suggestion" Forum for DayZ Standalone

    Yeah, I think this is one of those things you take on the chin - I think the odds of it producing anything actually beneficial to the Standalone are fairly minimal on its own, but it would greatly reduce the amount of shit that's flowing through Mantis at the moment, and in turn make that a much more useful tool for the devs.
  4. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Long Range Scope

    I eated them all. :(
  5. Target Practice (DayZ)

    So...Is the community usually this terrible?

    Don't judge us all by the actions of two idiots. :) Having said that, generally at the moment, it's safer to assume an unknown player is hostile than friendly. There isn't much to do in the current build of the game, and many players are alleviating that boredom by killing others. I'd say that goes double for groups of players, who I almost always avoid unless absolutely necessary. Still, I like to tell all new players that every death in DayZ is a learning experience, and you just learned your first lesson - not everyone you meet is as friendly as you are. :)
  6. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Long Range Scope

    I must submit a bug report about that body armour. I keep pressing it like it says, but nothing happens. :(
  7. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Isn't the point of an Alpha build...

    As I said in my initial post - there are idiots on both sides. Fortunately for those of us in possession of more braincells than teeth, the morons are pretty much keeping each other busy, leaving the relatively sane few to get on with things and redirect the million questions from new users that have already been asked before. :p
  8. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Isn't the point of an Alpha build...

    Agreed, but often times these are things that the devs themselves have already addressed and said 'we know it's not working/enabled right now, it's coming, but this is our first Alpha build so bear with us.' I don't think anyone would call that an unreasonable attitude on the part of the devs. As I said in my other post, I think it's perhaps members not being frustrated at the user's feedback, but the fact that they're not reading available material/information before submitting their complaint/feedback. Like I highlighted in my initial post, I'm yet to see more than a handful of instances where genuine, useful and well-delivered feedback has been in any way negatively received.
  9. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Isn't the point of an Alpha build...

    I agree with you entirely - I think a lot of it is perhaps regular users getting a little worn down with people complaining about either very minor things in the grander scheme of things 'it's too dark when I want to play!' or complaining about things that are clearly not features and have been addressed already as bugs 'my character got wiped when I changed server! FIX NAO ROCKETTT'. Those get pretty tiresome after the first 10-20 times you see them.
  10. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Isn't the point of an Alpha build...

    I disagree that it's happening as frequently as the naysayers are trying to claim it is, but I'm not enough of an idiot to deny that there's a problem on both sides - some folks don't understand what an Alpha is and apparently need to be told that, and just the same, some players need to loosen themselves from Rocket's nutsack and accept that there are things that need changing. I haven't seen more than a handful of legitimate suggestions that are being delivered in a reasonable manner getting screamed at and slapped with the Alpha Shield treatment though - the only ones that are getting that are the 'OMFG WHY HAZ NO COMBAT LOG PROTECTION WHY HAZ NO SERVER HOP PROTECTION' posts.
  11. Target Practice (DayZ)

    I have a small dark 100 in upper right of screen!

    Not sure exactly what it is or refers to, but as far as I know it doesn't do anything. I can't ever remember seeing it not being 100 in the past few weeks, so I wouldn't worry too much. :)
  12. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Good god sweet jesus no. I can't think of anything I'd want less. If you died, you died. If someone hacked, they'll get found out and banned sooner or later. We aren't talking minor inconvenience Battleye bans here - VAC bans are a pain in the ass.
  13. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Dayz Standalone

    The issue last night was a Steam Auth issue, and has long since been resolved. As for whether it's worth your money, well that's a matter of opinion, and there's a few threads here where people have asked (and answered) that same question.
  14. Target Practice (DayZ)

    BIG Problem. ADMINS/Rocket/Bohemia need to fix ASAP

    Yeah, fortunately it got picked up on pretty quick, and a few folks with direct lines to the dev team flagged it up straight away, so whatever caused it has been sorted. Kudos for reporting it though! :)
  15. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ and nVidia Shadowplay? (resolved, thanks)

    Yeah, sometimes the search function can be a bit screwy. I find clicking 'advanced search' next to the search bar then entering my search details there usually brings better results. No problem! :)
  16. Target Practice (DayZ)

    BIG Problem. ADMINS/Rocket/Bohemia need to fix ASAP

    There was a bug yesterday where I think 2-3 user's registration details were sent out to everyone. That's been sorted now. Is that what you've got, or are there more?
  17. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ and nVidia Shadowplay? (resolved, thanks)

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154597-day-z-shadowplay/ Search function is your friend. :)
  18. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Idea of a new rescource that forces to team up.

    I have literally no idea what you're talking about. I'm suggesting that no-one should be forced to play as a team, which is what the original suggestion was advocating. Your response confuses me.
  19. Target Practice (DayZ)

    PvP... and not much else.

    Ehh, I disagree with that to a certain extent. Enjoyment has to play a certain part in it, because if the game's not fun and no-one tells the developer when it's in Alpha, then you're going to have a problem when it comes to launch and no-one wants to play it. :p However, in this instance I agree with you that there's no point at all in even attempting to balance PvP/PvE at this point in time, because there's so much yet to come that could alter that balance. Wait until we've got some more key features in place, and then maybe do a little bit of placeholder balancing. The problem you can get if there's too much killing is that it becomes quite difficult to test things, because by the time you've found a knife and a tin of beans to check if opening a can with a knife works yet, someone's shot you in the face. But things aren't quite at that stage yet.
  20. Target Practice (DayZ)


    For some reason I read it as 'bandana'. I think I'm going text-blind. :-/
  21. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Dear Rocket and the Players

    Well said. I agree on a lot of your points, although I'm not sure how you'd enforce a server-hopping delay. All that stuff (combat logging, server hopping etc) is 'on the list' though, so it'll get looked at and fixed soon enough. As for the 'Alpha Shield' (I like that expression!) - I think it's a two way street. There's people on both sides that don't understand what an 'Alpha' is - there are idiots who expect the game to be pretty much complete and ready to go, and are furious that the game isn't in a better condition than the mod (despite the mod having a head-start of at least a year or more, plus being worked on simultaneously by a volunteer team). On the same note, there's also a group of people that think that because it's an Alpha, that any kind of feedback should be met with hostile and shrill cries of 'read the agreement! It's only an Alpha!', because they feel that despite all available evidence, any less-than-glowing praise of the standalone would cause Rocket to throw his toys out of the pram and abort the whole thing. Both those parties are equally unhelpful to the cause. Thankfully, both those parties are also pretty much cancelling each other out in a few revolving-door arguments, leaving the rest of us (the sane ones) to actually concentrate on talking about improving things going forwards, and what works and what doesn't. :)
  22. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Trekkin' in the dark

    Yeah, I was saying on the Skype chat last night how much I've enjoyed playing in the dark, and how much of an advantage you can have if you're sparing with the flashlight/headtorch and can move quickly and quietly. Last night I watched three players walk no more than 5 feet past me without suspecting a thing (until I shouted ABLOOOGYWOOGYWOOGYWOO at the top of my voice in direct chat...) - if you're observant, you can see other players coming a mile off, and I like the caution/anticipation that brings.
  23. Target Practice (DayZ)

    PvP... and not much else.

    Actually, an improvised deadman switch would be a very interesting addition to the game. Worth thinking about.
  24. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Help me please !!

    Honestly dude, why don't you just put your address here, we'll send someone over to your place, they can sit down and play the game for you? You spawn on the coast near a swamp, right? And you see that map people have been linking you to in your last 2-3 threads asking for help navigating? Well try finding a swamp near the coast on that map... there's only one, it's on the South coast near Balota and you're at it. Therefore, if you stand with the sea to your back on the South coast, you'll be FACING NORTH! I've got no problem with helping new and inexperienced players learn the game, but it seems like you're wanting everything spoon-fed to you by other people rather than thinking about it for yourself and getting out there and learning. Why do you need to get to the airfield so badly anyway? There's nothing there you can't find anywhere else.
  25. Target Practice (DayZ)

    PvP... and not much else.

    If you're being killed, it's because you made the mistake of letting yourself get spotted. Honestly, whilst I don't disagree that there's a bit too much KoS going on (and has been for some time, although obviously in SA there's a reason for it right now), it always amazes me when players hang round in high-population areas known to be packed with newer players and a lot of gunfire, make no attempt to stay hidden or avoid contact, and then wonder why they were shot.