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Target Practice (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Target Practice (DayZ)

  1. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Bug List

    Confirm, saw it yesterday evening. _Anubis_ Yup, thirded here. Experienced it myself.
  2. Either you are an excellent troll, or you misunderstand the meaning of the word 'original'. Not only has this been suggested a thousand times, everyone pretty much hates the idea, plus it's been confirmed by Rocket himself I believe that the zombies are not infectious to players.
  3. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Im Tired-Less Running Please

    Buy me a drink first.
  4. Found that out the hard way last night - fortunately I got away with broken legs and had a teammate there to heal me, but still...
  5. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    Boom. 111-120 added to the original post!
  6. No, I don't have too much of a problem with it, to be honest - I've bumped into folks with bandit skins before that are perfectly friendly - I once raided a crash site with a bandit when we got there at more or less the same time. He spotted me watching him from a way off, figured that I could have fired at him but didn't, so he let me take what I wanted from the site as long as he could have first pickings, which I was happy to agree to. As long as you remember that you're playing the player and not the character model, there's a lot of fun to be had. Having said that, I'm much more likely to open fire on a non-responsive bandit player than I am a non-responsive hero player, as it's a lot harder to keep that hero skin whilst murdering people randomly.
  7. Target Practice (DayZ)

    The best place to set a tent...

    Ah, of course. *facepalm* Thank you gents.
  8. Target Practice (DayZ)

    The best place to set a tent...

    I'm not aware of that one (the dam) - any specifics or perhaps a location where I might find specifics? There's nothing I love more than raiding the tents of glitchers. :D
  9. Personally, I don't think so - what makes DayZ such an interesting game is the 'shades of grey' that make the game what it is - if you start rewarding one particular playstyle over another, even in a small way, suddenly you are playing favourites and trying to push players down a particular path. That's not what DayZ is about - there's no 'good' and 'bad', there's just survival and doing what you believe is necessary to encourage that - if that means opening fire on a non-bandit who's armed and ignoring your calls to stop and identify himself, then that's that - I don't think players should miss out on something simply because they make that judgement call.
  10. Target Practice (DayZ)

    New 'suggestion' board

    Perhaps an alternative could be a stickied weekly/monthly 'cool ideas' thread (or similar) in which ideas with potential for debate and discussion beyond how horrible an idea it is could be featured. It wouldn't require a drastic rehaul of the existing system, and it would still be a good way of ensuring good ideas are kept in the public eye rather than buried on page 3.
  11. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Tired of KoS? Do something about it!

    That's fair enough, and it's a reasonable explanation of why you do what you do - I appreciate that we all have our preferences in what we look for out of our games, and it's a credit to Rocket and co that DayZ is a game that can satisfy so many niches simultaneously. I don't have a problem with your playstyle, and I don't think many others would either - you're not simply a mindless idiot who camps spawn points and slaughters newbies because he doesn't have the skill to do anything else - you're someone to match wits with - to avoid and out-think, not just a faceless bush wookie on sniper hill with an AS50. I think any sensible player is going to enjoy and embrace that challenge rather than cry about it.
  12. Target Practice (DayZ)

    [Forum] Moderator Notifications

    One minor tweak could be disabling email notification for these by default. Not a big thing, and easily fixable in the notification options, but I don't really know if you need both a forum notification AND an email because a topic was moved. Otherwise, cool little feature - anything which makes a mod's life easier is always good. :D
  13. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Tired of KoS? Do something about it!

    I think what confuses a lot of people (including myself to a small extent) is why people who are clearly only interested in the 'killing other players' aspect play DayZ rather than something more designed to cater to their interests/wants/needs like Wasteland or even just vanilla ARMA II. I'm not suggesting what they're doing is 'wrong' or anything like that, I just don't understand why they do it. When I get an urge to take advantage of ARMA's unique and tense combat mechanics, I fire up Wasteland and start hunting people, and it suits me perfectly. I still play Bandit on DayZ sometimes, and I still play survivor sometimes, but if I want pure PvP, I acknowledge that DayZ is not designed with that in mind, and therefore find something that better meets my needs.
  14. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    I don't actually have one at the moment. I'd be creating one just for these. I'm currently reading up on the basics of Video editing and working out how exactly I'm going to film some of these, as ones that involve flying a Huey like an idiot are going to be pretty hard to do 'naturally', so I'll probably need to find a server I can use just for filming purposes.
  15. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    You're utterly welcome, sir. Thank you for the beans. :)
  16. Target Practice (DayZ)

    New 'suggestion' board

    That's the problem though, people don't SEE the idea, because unless they log in at the right time, the thread slips down the page because everyone's too busy telling some guy that DayZ doesn't need T72s. The problem is, a really good, well-thought-through idea doesn't leave much for people to say except 'yeah, that's a good idea', whereas an idiotic, poorly-conceived idea will sit there for days while people try to explain to the OP exactly why his idea sucks a giant bag of donkey dongs.
  17. Hey there squire. I'm not sure if you're looking for a regular server or just a regular group, but we have a bunch of players that tend to play together at least reasonably regularly. We're all in our 20s and have reached the stage where we all realise gaming is just a bit of fun, and the screwups are part of what makes it so much fun. We're not a clan or anything like that, so there's no 'orders' or 'leader', and we don't mind if you can only play once a week, once a month or whatever - we're really laid back. If that sounds like something you'd be looking for, feel free to give me a shout, we'll probably be playing this evening, and you'd be more than welcome to tag along. However, if you are looking for a regular community/server, I can thoroughly recommend the Balota Buddies - I play there myself from time to time and it's a nice community - well worth the effort of getting whitelisted.
  18. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Yet another 'Is this pc good' topic

    He can just double up on 670s instead. That's exactly what I'm planning on doing - I bought my machine with the express intention of putting a second 670 in there in 18 months or so. Maybe by then the price of the 680 will have dropped a bit in relation to the 670, but right now, unless you have money to burn, the 670 is a better choice.
  19. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    101-110 are now added to the OP. Enjoy! :)
  20. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Players should be warned about abusive private hives!

    I've never had a problem with it, so I can only go by my own experience, which has been thoroughly pleasant. The only fly in the ointment is the fact that they still run for some reason, which is a pain.
  21. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Friend's character moves REALLY slow

    Yeah, think this is a lag issue. I seem to remember a friend struggling with this one when his other half was watching netflix in the other room. Also, a bump after an hour and a half? Come on, man.
  22. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Players should be warned about abusive private hives!

    Paragraphs are your friend, buddy. Just hit that 'enter' key once in a while and do us all a favour. :) Anyway, there's a lot to be said for just finding a good, whitelisted community. I recommend the Balota Buddies community servers in particular, but there's many others out there. Sadly, DayZ staff can't do anything about Private Hives that are badly run - the only consolation is that in the long run, servers like that one will die out as people get fed up of being on the receiving end of abuse.
  23. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Coming back after a long break!

    Welcome back. :)
  24. Target Practice (DayZ)

    How To Record Dayz

    Hahahaha, I hope you uploaded it - I can imagine the reviews now: "Thumbs up. Good video, would watch again. Bit slow-paced though."
  25. Target Practice (DayZ)

    I've finally given in to Banditry

    One of us misunderstands the term 'bandit'. It's possibly me, though. I'm not sure AS50 sniping on the South Coast is really 'true' banditry as much as it is random killing. Maybe I'm out of touch though.