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Target Practice (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Target Practice (DayZ)

  1. Target Practice (DayZ)


    Yeah, that was kind of where I was going with that. I don't actually dislike Frankie's stuff (not really seen enough to really form an opinion), but yeah, someone using a potentially disrespectful term (I don't know the intention behind it, as I've not seen the video, but it doesn't seem complimentary) simply because they've seen someone on youtube do it is not exactly a sign of someone I want to play with.
  2. Target Practice (DayZ)

    What is DayZ now?

    I never understand why people complain about being shot on sight in Cherno/Elektro. It's not like it's a big secret that they're full of players that are either freshly spawned and have nothing to lose or players that are simply there to hunt other players. It's like running down a motorway and complaining that you keep getting hit by cars.
  3. Target Practice (DayZ)


    I don't personally like it, as I feel it has negative connotations, and as others have said, it's most prominently (over)used by over-excitable children. It was an entertaining use of the word to add flavour to a youtube video, but when actually used 'for real' it simply makes me think slightly less of the user.
  4. Target Practice (DayZ)

    What is DayZ now?

    Ugh, I'm not sure what I find more irritating now, the people who only know how to KoS, or the people who get shot and then proceed to come on here and complain about how the game is RUINED FOREVER because some big meanie shot them. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been shot on sight, partially through taking care with my movements and routes and partially through good communications with players I HAVE bumped into. If you're dying more than once a week or so to other players, you're doing something wrong.
  5. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Gaming pc help needed

    Indeed. I'm an nvidia man myself, but I'd recommend the 7850 over the 650 comfortably. It's a really good little card.
  6. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Gaming pc,Yh another one lol,but this is different

    I've said it before, I'll say it again, if you're looking for value for money, overclocking isn't the way to go. The stock i5-3570 is more than enough to handle anything around at the moment, and presumably for a little while yet. Plus, you should be able to run it at clock rates fairly comfortably on a stock cooler, saving money on all the extra watercooling stuff, which is just money down the drain if you're on a budget.
  7. Target Practice (DayZ)

    BattleEye and GameGuard

    So, you want to play DayZ while you run some kind of MMO farming application in the background? Honestly, it's likely GG is somehow blocking Battleye traffic, hence the error. Looks like you have a choice to make.
  8. Target Practice (DayZ)

    BattleEye and GameGuard

    Yup. Simple solution here - turn off/disable game guard.
  9. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ/ArmA 2 SLOW frames 7-15

    Absolutely not. Sadly your PC is pretty much at end-of-life as far as cutting-edge gaming goes. Any money you have shouldn't really be wasted on that PC and would be better spent saving for a new one.
  10. Target Practice (DayZ)

    This prick places tents on church loot spawns

    Yay for OP's casual homophobia. Totally makes me want to help him out.
  11. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    They are coming, but unfortunately money issues have prevented me getting my hands on the software I'll need. The scripts are written for the first 2-3, so I'm just waiting until I can actually film it before I put out a call for some long-suffering teammates. :P
  12. Target Practice (DayZ)

    New Player, had a great first night on this.

    Oh, and in case no-one's told you yet, be careful when moving weapons around if you don't have more than 10 spaces free in your backpack - it will eat your weapon! Found that out the hard way. :P
  13. Target Practice (DayZ)

    New Player, had a great first night on this.

    Glad to hear you're enjoying the game, and also that your first experience with other players was a positive one! Don't pay too much attention to the doom-mongers, despite popular belief, the majority of players won't shoot you on sight as long as you don't give them a reason to. Yes, there are more than a few idiots out there who haven't managed to work out that DayZ isn't a deathmatch, but in my experience, those folks are generally outnumbered fairly heavily by folks who will simply let you go on your way as long as they don't have a reason to kill you (said reason could vary from being afraid that you might attack them right through to 'they like the look of your gear' :P). DayZ is a big wide world, and there's so much to see and do that having a tour guide to help you through some of the more complicated stuff can be a huge help early on. For all its brilliance, the learning curve can be more or less vertical at times, so having someone explain stuff like how your backpack works can be a huge help. :)
  14. Target Practice (DayZ)

    AS50 Double-scope spot.

    In other news, if you press 'Z' you can lay down and have a much more stable shot! You're totally welcome for this awesome secret sniper tip. ALSO, I found this awesome cheat menu the other day - if you press Esc, then go to 'options' and 'controls', it brings up a list of all these TOTALLY SECRET buttons you can press to do stuff.
  15. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Which should I use? DayZ commander or PlayZ withSIX

    I also prefer DayZ Commander. It's a lot easier to navigate and use, although it's also worth noting that PlaywithSIX does a lot more besides just DayZ. However, for pure DayZ, Commander is much easier to use in my honest opinion.
  16. Target Practice (DayZ)

    The switch from console to PC

    That's what I thought he'd be getting at as well, but seeing as everyone else has the exact same setup, it's not exactly much of an advantage. Judging by the lack of response, I'm assuming it was just a hit-and-run trolling attempt.
  17. Target Practice (DayZ)

    The Laughing Man Prive Hive Admin Hacking Video

    Aaaaaaany actual proof of that whatsoever? If you're going to throw round accusations like that, you have to back them up, buddy.
  18. Target Practice (DayZ)

    The switch from console to PC

    I'm at least moderately sure you're trolling, but I'm intrigued, so I'll bite. How are they easier?
  19. Target Practice (DayZ)

    The switch from console to PC

    I started out on PC, then had to move back to console during the years when PC hardware was accelerating at a crazy rate as I couldn't afford to keep up. Then I got a laptop which allowed me to go partially back to PC gaming although with the more demanding games having to be bought for console. Then this year I finally came home - I finally got the money together to get a decent gaming PC, and I haven't so much as touched the console since. I have nothing against console gaming, but in my experience, the PC gaming experience is an all-round better one - more control, more variety, and fewer complete idiots.
  20. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Learning the ropes

    How old are you? There's a load of clans and groups recruiting in the recruitment section, so you'd probably be able to find a group of like-minded folks your age in there. :)
  21. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Any tips for new players ?

    Copy/pasta'd from a post I made somewhere else: 1. Assume everyone and everything will kill you the first chance they get. A fresh spawn with a hatchet can and will kill a well-meaning veteran with an M16A4 if the vet lets his guard down. You don't have to shoot everyone you see on sight, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that just because the other guy only has an axe that he wouldn't try and kill you with it if you turn your back. 2. Think ahead - Always make sure you've got your next 2-3 meals and drinks on your person. That way if you hit a run of bad luck while looting, you'll have a little bit of leeway before you have to start taking risks to stay alive. Sure, you don't have a broken leg right now, but if you get one, it might be a long, long crawl to the nearest hospital, so it's better to keep basic medical supplies on your person. 3. Travel light - Don't bog yourself down with stuff you don't need right now like engine parts and tons of ammo. One clip and a spare should be more than sufficient to keep you alive if the worst happens, and you can start looking for vehicle parts once you've actually found a vehicle. 4. Know your surroundings - The forest North of Msta is a very, very different environment to the forest surrounding the Northwest Airfield. Know where you can press ahead and travel quickly and where you need to take your time and be careful. Assume EVERY town/city has people inside it and snipers watching it. 5. Know your enemy - Approaching an area known for snipers? Think like a sniper - if you were trying to hide somewhere where you'd be hard to see but have a good view, where would you go? How about scavengers? Which routes into and out of the town look safest but with lootable buildings on the way? If you can see a good way in, chances are, others can see it too.
  22. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Any tips for new players ?

    Whilst I wouldn't go as far as to say 'don't trust anyone', I'd certainly advise being careful - sadly there are quite a lot of players who will shoot you first and ask questions later, and the fact you're unarmed and no threat to them won't matter. Just be careful when engaging other players and use your common sense. :)
  23. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Yet another 'Is this pc good' topic

    Indeed. If anything, it's the other way round at the moment - most current-gen games aren't making full use of the i7's threading (or something like that), meaning that as far as gaming goes right now, an i5 is no better or worse than an i7, but costs less. Having said that, if you're looking to futureproof, an i7 might not be a bad bet. Either way, the i5-3570K is a fine processor, and will continue to be for some time.
  24. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Why is that?

    From what I can tell, looks like OP bought a key in 2012, played for a bit then stopped. He's now come back to play and (I think) he's got a global ban message. Could be for hacks, could be a dodgy key bought from a dodgy site, could be a keystealer. He needs to speak to Battleye, nothing we can do. EDIT: DAMMIT, ninja'd.
  25. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Stupid brother...

    As the big brother in my family, I can attest to the fact that I was responsible for far more weird and wacky shit going on with our PC than my brother ever was.