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Target Practice (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Target Practice (DayZ)

  1. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Got my CD key stolen, now what?

    You've lied twice already, I see no reason to believe your sob story this time. Bottom line is, you downloaded hacks. There is NO legitimate reason to do that. Ever. Whilst you get some small credit for actually manning up and admitting it, you only did that because you tried to lie twice and got caught. If you want to play DayZ, it's time to re-purchase it, although I'd recommend formatting your hard drive first to make sure the keystealer is gone.
  2. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Got my CD key stolen, now what?

    You know, when you link to someone else's account claiming it as your own, you should probably make sure that the person you're linking to doesn't have your profile on their friends list...
  3. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Disregard, apparently I'm retarded.

    Okay, so I have no idea where to put this thread, but this seemed like the most likely place. Basically, image tags are doing weird things for me. When I link to an image in my post using them, the image shows up fine in the WYSIWYG editor view, but once I actually submit the post or go to preview it, the post only displays a link to the image. I've checked, and the img tags are correct in the bbcode editing view, and I can't see any logical reason why this would be happening. It's entirely possible I'm slightly retarded and have missed something blindingly obvious, but this has been bugging me for a while now, and I just can't seem to find a logical explanation for what I'm doing wrong. I'm using Firefox if that helps diagnose anything other than my personal preference in browser. Thoughts/suggestions? This thread is redundant. Please feel free to mock me mercilessly for being criminally stupid.
  4. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Disregard, apparently I'm retarded.

    *facepalm* - how the feck did I miss that? I even did a search to make sure someone else hadn't asked the question already. Welp, chalk another one up to me being a 'tard, I guess. :) Thanks, Vapordad.
  5. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Disregard, apparently I'm retarded.

    I'm not entirely sure I've understood the question (sorry, it's been a long day and I'm slightly sleep deprived) - if you're asking if there are hyphens in the address of the image I'm linking to, I don't think so - I'm sure it's happened at least once on an address without them. If you're asking if I'm actually using the [.IMG] (minus the period of course) tags, then yeah, that's the issue - I'm using them, but they only seem to be working for me in the WYSIWYG editor view - once I actually submit the post, for some reason it reverts to a link, despite the fact that the [.IMG] tags are still there.
  6. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Got my CD key stolen, now what?

    And just like that, I have a new internet hero. You have made my day, sir.
  7. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Help! 680 or 7970?

    And yet I have 1 GTX 670 and was running at 25fps pretty comfortably the whole time apart from when I was flying low and fast in a heli over woodlands. (assuming we're talking about ARMA III) - I guess it's because it's an alpha, but that game has some bizarre optimisation issues atm.
  8. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    People, you're asking questions that are already covered in the Changelog thread. Read that thread, then if your question isn't answered, ask here. The more time Razor and the guys have to spend answering questions that have been answered already, the less time they have to actually work on the mod. Do your bit to help the community by reading relevant threads before hitting that 'post reply' button. :)
  9. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Jesus H Christ, people. It wasn't intended to cause offence. It was a lighthearted jab at the way people are inevitably going to overreact when the game doesn't land in June. Come on, let's all pretend just for a moment that we're big boys and girls and can understand that just because someone uses cutting oneself as a hypothetical extreme for the sake of a cheap gag that they're not actually trivializing self-harm. Are we really all that sensitive that we now need to start pre-emptively apologizing for something that hasn't even offended anyone yet? :-/
  10. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    If it's not released by 00:05 GMT on June 1st, I'm cutting myself. DO YOU WANT THAT ON YOUR CONSCIENCE, ROCKET? DO YOU? :P
  11. Target Practice (DayZ)

    New Gaming PC Time!

    Aye, it does seem that AMD processors are much more amenable to OCing, although I'm not really familiar enough with them or their benchmarks to really make an informed decision as to whether it's worth the money or not. Either way, it seems that many fall into the trap of thinking that overclocking is going to drastically increase performance for very little cost. Sure, if you already have awesome cooling, it can't hurt, but generally, I'd be pretty hesitant about buying liquid cooling or similar JUST so you can OC your CPU a bit, because odds are, you can probably get better gaming performance for your money by spending the money elsewhere.
  12. Target Practice (DayZ)

    New Gaming PC Time!

    I can confirm this is a very handy setup for the price. I have a similar system (albeit with a 750w PSU and an i7-3770 for futureproofing) and I've not yet found anything I can't more or less max out. I'm sure it might not quite max the unoptimised mess that is Crysis 3, and it did get a little choppy (pardon the pun) on very high settings while flying a helicopter in Arma 3, but for the price, it's a fantastic machine, and it runs DayZ like a dream. As far as Overclocking goes, I've never really been convinced by it - the FPS gains you get weighed against the time it takes, the risk you run of potentially damaging your hardware and the extra cooling you have to pay for don't really add up for me - it just seems like something people do to be able to put a bigger number down when posting their specs, or because they like pushing their hardware - as far as actual gaming performance goes, you're probably just better off investing the money elsewhere. Just an opinion though, and I'm sure others will disagree strongly. :)
  13. Target Practice (DayZ)


    Yes, entirely possible, but once again, I'd ask why someone who would go to the trouble of giving himself godmode and the ability to teleport would simply continue running in a straight line while being shot at, and only THEN teleporting away once they were in the sea. Surely he'd either teleport as soon as you shot him the first time, or simply ignore you, knowing you can't hurt him (or kill you, I guess). The straight line thing and shooting but nothing happening sounds a lot like a fairly heavy case of lag/desync to me. I might well be wrong, god knows I've been wrong plenty of times before, but it doesn't make sense to me for that to be the work of a hacker.
  14. Target Practice (DayZ)


    It's possible that if he was just running in a straight line and went into the sea that it was just some particularly heavy desync. It seems unlikely that a hacker would go to the trouble and risk of using god mode just to go for a swim.
  15. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Good point. Either way. TOTALLY THE SAME THING, HONEST.
  16. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ SA: Walking simulator

    I just googled Prison Architect based solely on the fact it was the only one of those three I hadn't heard of and played already. Looks interesting, although $30 for an Alpha is a bit steep for me.
  17. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Obviously. Because 6 months and 10 years are TOTALLY THE SAME THING.
  18. Indeed, the creator is on here somewhere and regularly posts updates. He's a good guy, and the app's pretty good as well - certainly handy if you don't want to have to keep alt-tabbing. :)
  19. Target Practice (DayZ)

    Should loot "grow"?

    It's not a horrible idea, and I can see the thinking behind it (encouraging players to visit otherwise quiet locations like Msta and Guglovo), but it's simply too open to exploitation to really be a viable option.
  20. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I'm pretty confident that your fears, while understandable, are unfounded. Rocket has spoken out pretty frequently about his disdain for that particular distribution model, so I imagine that any fringe benefits will be very much out-of-game.
  21. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Haha, okay, my bad. Internet sarcasm filter strikes again. :) Yeah, I was trying to illustrate that kind of 'free updates to a finished game' model as opposed to minecraft's 'updates to a beta until final release' model, and TF2 was the most significant example of that style I could think of.
  22. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Read the next few words before hitting that 'reply' button, champ. Or stop deliberately trying to misunderstand people's points. ;)
  23. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    It's swings and roundabouts. Yes, Bioshock Infinite is going to be a single-player experience and therefore require much more developer time... On the same note, they also have a shit-ton more developers, so not entirely sure what your argument is, there. My point was that your implication that just because a game is delayed means it's going to be bad is hilariously misinformed and ill-conceived. The way I understand it, the model is going to be a little closer to Team Fortress 2, minus the microtransactions. Eventually, once the alpha stage is done, they're going to release a 'finished' game that is (barring the odd patch here and there) complete and worthy of a standalone purchase. From there, they will simply supplement the game with free addons, which could be anything from new vehicles to new maps to new game mechanics. All free of charge. Either way, I can't really see why you're so furious about this other than the stock standard 'OMFG I HAVE TO WAIT THIS IS BS' internet reaction that everyone was expecting. Hell, we're pretty much in april already. It's two damn months, man, and the mod is here for you to play already... What's the big deal?!
  24. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    @electroban Sorry feller, but games almost never hit their initial release dates. Bioshock Infinite? Originally intended for January 2012. Over a year late from initial release estimates, still looks like it's gonna be awesome. One would assume that Rocket's Everest trip wasn't planned last week. It was probably planned months ago,possibly before the whole 'standalone' idea was even around. I, nor anyone else vaguely sane expects him to put his whole damn life on hold because I can't suck it up and wait a month or two for what could very well be a huge, huge game. He is a person first, a game developer second. Remember that.
  25. Target Practice (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I would rather have a completed game in June than an incomplete one now. The mod is still plenty of fun, and will keep me going for a while yet. Like others, I expect this to create a good old-fashioned whinge-athon from some quarters, but that seems to be the culture of the internet these days. Here's to an awesome (and finished!) game arriving before 2014!