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About grimm89

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    On the Coast
  1. grimm89

    It's getting lonely and barren in NWAF

    See, I don't get why people don't just leave these f*cking towns... Me and my friends have spent 3 days inland on full servers and not seen a single soul. What's the point in hanging around the coast, where you're 10x more likely to get killed, the thrill about DayZ is not expecting where someone will be, and if everyone's in the same place all the time and you expect people to be there, you lose that... Seeing that guy in some random woods, spotting a player the other side of that field, thinking about what you have to do to not die... That's how DayZ should be, not; "Oh well, if I die I'll just spawn in the same place anyway, doesn't matter". There's no sense of consequence for these people that hang around the coast.
  2. grimm89

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    I fully support modding. It's mods which kept me playing DayZ, vanilla got too stale for my liking. Mods like Epoch actually gave me something to do, a reason to go out and not sit in the woods next to a camping tent, or just sit at Cherno/Electro sniping bambis. I personally think that Epoch turned DayZ into what it should of been in the first place, aside from the fact that it was pretty easy to gear up, had it of been harder to get started would of made it much better. Because what reasons did you really have to run around the map for in a completely untouched vanilla Dayz mod?
  3. grimm89

    Update on rubberbanding/screen glitch

    I feel your pain, man. I had my fully geared char. commit suicide off of the shipwreck by the RB'ing. Never had anything like it 'til a couple of days ago, annoying as hell. Was also running through the fields in Elecktro and my guy decides he just gonna run in a really laggy curve to the right for about 15m, all while I'm under sniper fire from noob mountain, then get tele'd back and good 30m. Good job his aim was terrible.
  4. grimm89

    Why banditing?

    After being a good guy in the game and helping these two guys for three days, just for them to shoot me when they didn't need my help any more... That's when I turned and became a bandit. Seriously, if people are just gonna throw things back in your face like that, what's the point in even battering an eyelid at a call for help. If I see freshspawns or low-geared players struggling or in need of help and I'm not busy, I'll lend them a quick hand, but aside from that... If I see someone with something I want, see someone facing towards me with a gun, someone running in my direction or someone who's too close for my comfort, I will open fire... In other words, I'll kill to survive. You can talk to people all you like, and they may come across friendly... But the first rule of Day Z in my books? Trust -NO ONE-.