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Everything posted by DayZeeSurvivor

  1. Server located in Germany (Nitrado server) Epoch PVE server with PVP around hot zones such as NWAF Great server with AI missions, added custom buildings, auto refuel, trader safezones. Very active Admin that keeps the server clear of scripters/hacks Enjoy
  2. DayZeeSurvivor

    DayZ Epoch PVE server with PVP zones

  3. DayZeeSurvivor

    The sound thread

    I think Rocket mentioned in one of the streams that sound had a lot of work to be done to but that it had lower priority than other issues at the moment. He didnt say it was unimportant, just that it was not at the top of the list at the moment. I dont see a point of a poll at the moment, at such an early stage of the development, other than to send a message to BI that sound is important. Totally agree with the importance/quality of sound though. It adds so much to the immersion.
  4. DayZeeSurvivor

    Long range sniping videos?? Post if found

    @Mallow88 I got as far as 17 seconds before I paused
  5. DayZeeSurvivor

    Loot Spawns not resetting?

    I played last night and had no problem. Maybe its just bad luck (unintentionally following someone) or a temp glitch at that server. I guess all I'm saying is that I havent experienced the same problem. Hope it gets better
  6. DayZeeSurvivor

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Thanks for the info! I'll be checking Early Access on Steam on a daily basis now... instead of every other day up until now :)
  7. DayZeeSurvivor

    Epoc, should I bother?

    As mentioned in previous posts there are a servers with different settings in regards to traders, houses, self-blood and so on. I've also been on servers with extra buildings. You can pick and choose to your liking almost. I havent played all servers of course but the ones I've tried, loot was more common than vanilla, seems like the chance of bleeding after a Z hits you is higher but then you dont bleed out as easy/fast. In general I would say that if you are more hardcore go for the vanilla DayZ. I play Epoch beacause of the crafting and building and it takes a lot of time to do it on your own.
  8. DayZeeSurvivor

    D-90 until DayZ will be history for me

    Good luck man and be careful.
  9. DayZeeSurvivor

    I figured it out (release date of SA)

    Me too :) ... almost, got two120Hz 1ms still. One for the game and one for the map in BF4
  10. DayZeeSurvivor

    What's your Favorite MOD for this MOD

    Been hooked on Epoch for a while but looking forward to Aftermath from what I've seen on youtube
  11. DayZeeSurvivor

    frankie server

    It could be the Emerge Overwatch server. Its close to full most of the time which he tends to go for to get some action I think, At least their debug looks like the one in Frankies vid.
  12. DayZeeSurvivor

    A rare moment in DayZ

    I'm on a Overwatch 40+ player server. The kind of server where you have to run away from the coast as soon as you spawn or you will die within minutes. Looting the tower at Zub and taken by surprise by a player looking down at me from the stairs above. Aiming right at me. I turn and run down, no shots fired, find cover an direct chat to him and ask if he's friendly. Yes, he says. Waiting for a friend, he ads and I ask him if he wants me to leave. No, you can loot and I do so, trusting him as he had the chance to shoot me already. And that was it. I looted, thanked him for not being a dick and got the hell out. I was a bit touched to be honest... made my eyes water..
  13. DayZeeSurvivor

    Chernarus, the unasked questions

    Who thought it was a good idea to place a bench across the hallway and through the wall in the barrack at NWAF?
  14. I wouldnt call that creep a hacker. Dont meen to glorify hackers but they do poses some kind of skills and intelligence. My guess is, that what hit your server, was most likely a scripter and I would like to make the distinction because its most likely some 13 year old dead scrotum that is running something they have no clue of how to make.
  15. DayZeeSurvivor

    Randomly got killed in forest near Cap Galopa...

    shit happens! Maybe they spotted you from far away and where hoping that you would come their way. Maybe there is another thread on this forum where someone describes a really sneaky, lucky and succesful ambush. I feel your pain though
  16. DayZeeSurvivor

    What are you doing to the game we love?

    "Instead you are too busy working on all this other superfical stuff that many of us do not really care for or need instead of bringing us a better polished version of the mod on release" From what I've heared some of the "superfical stuff" they are working on is the server-side thingy to prevent hackers and scripters. THAT is a huge deal to me. The biggest game breaker for me by far and if they sold me a game/alpha where that wasn't fixed I would be royaly pissed off. I have other concerns about the development of DayZ SA but it's nothing new and I wont waste your time.
  17. DayZeeSurvivor

    rambo zombies back?

    My experience is quite the opposite. Specially on a busy server with 40+ players. Not complaining about the harder zombies though just dont like hospitals without medical loot.
  18. DayZeeSurvivor

    Camping Mr McBandit

    Loved it!
  19. DayZeeSurvivor

    Why does everyone complain about night time?

    Love nights once I learned that Z are less alert. Sneaking around Z´s in pitch black nights trusting your ears more than your eyes is exciting. BUT I do crank up gamma, brightness and HDR as well from time to time.
  20. DayZeeSurvivor

    DayZ took my life

    Second that. Itamar, you are way better off playing DayZ than hanging out with that crowd.
  21. DayZeeSurvivor

    wtf is this

    Played Overwatch at night and at least the server I played on had pitch black nights. Even with gamma/brightness at max I could hardly see anything. Spooky as fuck!
  22. DayZeeSurvivor

    Being a spy in DayZ

    Thanks for sharing! Must have been fucking awsome playing.
  23. DayZeeSurvivor

    Who is your favourite DayZ youtuber?

    Frankie and Jack and preferably when they play together.
  24. DayZeeSurvivor

    DayZ: Overwatch - Hidden Island!

    by the sound of it the chopper was full of food as well
  25. DayZeeSurvivor

    Fix the hosptials?

    I'm with M_Mitchell on this one. Maybe I am playing it wrong but in my opinion the game is a bit unbalanced. I would be OK with antibiotics being just a bit more easy to find. The rest I like and I think the risk to die if you get infected is OK too because it will keep you more cautious.