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About sockem123

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  1. The zombies are now running cacti who know kung-fu. Still appreciate them, though.
  2. sockem123

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Cool. Thanks.
  3. sockem123

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

  4. sockem123

    Trading Post

    I have a completed ghillie outfit if anybody's interested.
  5. Implement a timer that wouldn't save your character's position unless 5 minutes have been spent on the server?
  6. sockem123

    When will the Sway be fixed?

    IMO that huge, circular weapon sway is stupid and shouldn't happen like it does But of course, it's still a WIP
  7. sockem123

    How to Approach other players?

    I usually just sneak up on somebody, give them what they need, then vanish as soon as I can. I mostly give out ammo and stuff, but I try to stay smart about it. So far, I haven't been bitten in the ass.
  8. sockem123

    The current state of persistence in 0.54

    Nothing survives Wednesday maintenance
  9. sockem123

    see no more join=kick servers? you're welcome

    You're doing God's work, son
  10. Happens all the time. I just traded (kills) with the guy in old fields.
  11. sockem123

    instaghillie, SKS and "in hands" items

    If you lose a gun while double-carrying, don't worry; the weapon takes like 10 or so minutes to spawn on the ground where you "drop" it. I thought I lost my AKM the other night. After running around for awhile and meeting up with a friend, I went to show him where it disappeared. Lo and behold, my AKM was sitting on the ground, right where I bandaged an hour earlier. I've had it happen enough times to know that "lost" guns can be recovered, but I haven't timed the process,