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Mancspartan (DayZ)

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About Mancspartan (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Mancspartan (DayZ)

    Building up supplies

    Thanks for the replies, much appreciated. Not sure what is meant by the above. How do I SAVE my tents/vehicles? Cheers
  2. Mancspartan (DayZ)

    Building up supplies

    I've just started Dayz, and am really enjoying it, even tho I'm a death magnet!! I filled my backpack with supplies, left it in a (hopefully) safe place, then went off to gather more supplies. When I got back to my safe place, my pack was gone. That's all in the game I suppose, but I would like to know please how to store multi backpacks worth of loot? Does this involve building some sort of camp, and if so, how do I go about doing that? Thanks in advance. Cheers