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Everything posted by BRKermit

  1. Think of the people who made Epoch, or Tavianna? or other mods that exist... Its the same thing as Arma: II just a more enhanced better engine. There lying if they claim they are building the engine from ground up... LOL.... LOL. LOL OLOLOLOLOL. They converted Arma: II dayz mod, to Arma: 3 And CHANGED AI PATHING? do you know what pathing is at all? And I know they didn't re-build the loot system.. cause that shiz is still the same. The weapons, half the loot, half the clothe's, gear is from ARMA III, you guys know that don't you? Actually almost 95% of it is. But your all right, they made that from the ground up.
  2. http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=arma3_files I'm waiting for the standalone alpha to release a private hive. So I can stride past these turtles. Don't get me wrong, Some patchs We/I will need, but as of now... There literally.. Just meh.
  3. Please be more mature, Lets drop the pre-order arma III get dayz free subject. And get back on topic.
  4. Mos1ey, I promise you. Thats what the pre-order for Arma: III said or I would'nt of bought it.
  5. You guy's do know, Scripting/modding Arma: 3 and on Arma: 2 are basically the same? How about you look into it yourselve's... I can easily convert Arma:2 models to Arma:3 with no errors, but the lack of detail and graphics would be less... Look up Armaholics. Private hives? Private hives are awesome! What your public so you can just server hop and mine gear?
  6. That was the pre-order benefit for Arma: III. Was you were going to receive DayZ when it's released free.
  7. Yes they did, On steam, They said pre-order Arma: III and receive DayZ Free. And with some other company's like steam aswell.
  8. I think you completely mis-understood me. In every way shape or form, I literally, practically played the whole alpha... This is how long I waited for the standalone, to be basic? So basic its sad... Very sad... Rocket released this, just get money. Guaranteed. IT SHOULDVE BEEN FREE. Pay 30$ to test somthing, that supposively has been worked on for so long? Yet I see slight changes and modifications.
  9. HOW CAN IT BE GROUND UP? THEY HAD A YEAR AND A HALF TO BUILD IT. (FACEPALM) Do you release Arma II: DayZ IS STILL IN ********** * ** * ** king Alpha...?
  10. Sorry, I'm not ina college class? Can you not read are you illiterate? I'm sorry please move along to the next forum post. Then. I tried making it easier to read, I just suppose afew select like yourself can't.
  11. I hope you guys re-read. Lets be mature about this too, these are my beliefs and you have yours.
  12. BRKermit

    I just can't do it.

    Good luck, the aiming and hitting detection with the axe is like... like.. just comeplete.. *****. Its like your blindfolded.
  13. I did post everything I know of too the tracker, I re-posted in on the forums too see what people thought.