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Everything posted by cf3kylerees

  1. cf3kylerees

    I need a Main Rotor Assembly

    If you want to make a deal, contact me Steam: CF3KyleRees
  2. cf3kylerees

    I need antibiotics, want to make a deal?

    Hey there, I'm in need of antibiotics. I am located in the North West area of the map, close to Lapitino. If you would like to make a deal then please reply to this topic. Note that I am playing DayZ mod.
  3. cf3kylerees

    I need antibiotics, want to make a deal?

    I would but I'm low on blood and there isn't a hospital in my area.
  4. So I played on this server, but then got a permanent ban for teleporting... I didn't even know how to install the game?! How on earth can i figure out how to teleport! Before i got banned I was having trouble with my fps so maybe that was the misunderstanding? Would be appreciated if someone could tell the admin to unban me...I have some good memories on that server. I was known as Peacekeeper in the server.
  5. So i was in college and i train in construction skills, i was holding a shovel and was thinking about getting home and playing DayZ! And that's when the idea hit me. This would be a melee weapon similar to the crowbar or hatchet. It could also be used for other things like digging holes, trenches and any other stuff you may think off. Another idea could be you can only hide bodies if you have a shovel and maybe there could be an animation of you digging a hole and burying a body. so feel free to share your ideas relevant to the shovel and please don't hate, it's only an idea.
  6. cf3kylerees

    Dayz Trailer? (YouTube)

    Hey, I make cinematic edits and produce game trailers. I had an idea of a DayZ Trailer and was wondering if you guys would like to see a trailer from me. But who am i? I'm not famous on YouTube and i don't have much subscribers but i have known people who have seen my videos are really pleased with me. If you would like to see my videos please check out my YouTube channel right here! http://www.youtube.com/user/CF3KyleRees/videos If you guys think i'm a worthy editor from watching some of my videos and you want me to make a DayZ trailer please reply and i will get working on it straight away. Thanks!
  7. cf3kylerees

    Dayz Trailer? (YouTube)

    Apologies http://www.youtube.com/user/CF3KyleRees/videos
  8. Hey, I've been looking for an official hardcore server for some time now, can any of you recommend any? They need to have: No nameplates No death messages No cross-hairs No side chat No hackers No custom/donated gear Original amount of vehicle spawns and loot 3rd person is optional and it must be 100% official Thanks!
  9. Once you get the feel for dayz in a couple of days, the only thing you worry about is bandits and unfriendly survivors. But not zombies. This is because the zombies are to easy to avoid and kill. So why not increase the zombie's abilities, strength and count. Maybe even add hordes randomly on the server which patrols the whole map, and maybe even spawn them in trees and open fields? I have been playing for a month and have noticed they only spawn around buildings? Imagine seeing this image that i've attached every few hours? I bet you would want a helping hand to get around this!
  10. So this is my idea... When the game has released and is stable and have fixed problems like hacking and combat logging, there could be tournaments. There would be a cash fee, and a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. For example a cash prize or just an awesome prize. The tournament will not have a time limit due to how long people can survive, and when the survivor count drops to 10 remaining, they could survive on a smaller map or be on the same map but in a certain area to speed up the time. And rather than having that stupid saying "turn around, you're leaving the battlefield" when going out of the area, there could be something like radiation or something else to add to the story which stops them from leaving. There will not be any camping because they will starve of hunger and die of thirst, so they will be on the move a lot which increases coming in contact with others and the speed of the tournament, and teams may be formed to help each other get to the end, to claim 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The map could also be edited every single tournament so players can't prepare or get a feel to the map. The vehicle spawns and also the loot spawns will be changed so maps on websites like DayZDB and DayZWiki can't be used to gain an advantage over others. There will be no global chat so players can't arrange to meet up and so on. Let me know what you guys think, Peace.
  11. Hey guys i'm looking for an official server, can you help me? I don't want no custom equipment/vehicle/settings. I just want a normal server. A server where there isn't any bullshit like combat loggers, donations for better equipment etc, Admins who spectate you and give away your position or kill you. I just want to play the game how it should be played, thanks.
  12. cf3kylerees

    Different types of tents!

    So i was wondering if it would be possible to get different types of tents like for example, Civilian (small) = 18 slots Civilian (medium) = 36 slots Civilian (large) = 52 slots and... Military (small) = 36 slots Military (medium) = 52 slots Military (large) = 88 slots Small, medium and large tents would be different shapes and sizes. And the civilian tents may be one plain colour, while the military tents have camouflage. Feel free to share your opinions and ideas connected to this thread.
  13. cf3kylerees

    Different types of tents!

    To the guys who are criticizing me for the number of slots, they are examples. "So i was wondering if it would be possible to get different types of tents like for example,"
  14. Radios: So my idea is that the only way to communicate on DayZ except from direct chat is the use of radios. The radio will be found in military loot. It will consist of a number of frequencies and could maybe have areas where they wont work. I believe they are known as black spots, correct me if i'm wrong. This would add more tension in the game if they are suddenly not working. Groups can all connect to the same frequency to communicate. Some survivors could even randomly change frequencies and hope they find another survivor to team up or get help if they're in trouble. For example it would also be cool if you are maybe a hero and find a bandits group frequency and listen in on their communications, then with this intelligence the hero can ambush them. I also know they have radios in Arma so if they did actually add this idea, it wouldn't be from scratch. This idea will... 1. Prevent side chat spam. 2. Add more realism to this mod/game. 3. Allow a new group chat with a bit more realism and difficulty. 4. New way to communicate. 5. More horror and difficulties. (black spots) 6. New way to ambush and cause more conflict. Share your ideas, don't hate its only an idea...
  15. cf3kylerees

    Hero perks/advantages?

    Hey there, i just became a hero and was wondering the perks/advantages i now have? Would appreciate the help!
  16. cf3kylerees

    Hero perks/advantages?

    ahaha ^^ thanks guys
  17. cf3kylerees

    Hero perks/advantages?

    Ah right, well thanks for the quick reply dude!
  18. Hey guys, just really thought this should be added, feel free to share your opinion.
  19. cf3kylerees

    Tactical suggestions

    I am in a small tactical team and here are some of my suggestions Hand Signals: I have a team and we speak in direct chat or type in direct chat, thought it would be cool if there were hand signals/gestures to use for communicating quickly. Also near by enemies won't hear/see our conversation, this means we can be completely quiet and fast. Which will help us out a lot especially when we go on operations like looting or killing bandits. I'm aware they have them on Arma but i'm pretty sure they don't have them on DayZ. Map: I'm aware that if you mark something out on the map every survivor will see it on their map. Could it be possible if only your group can see it or the people you choose can see it, or even if you can only see it? This would help me mark things out like overwatch position, entrance route, exit route, alternative route, enemy position, enemy camp, my own camp etc. Thanks for reading.
  20. cf3kylerees

    Tactical suggestions

    and the coordinates aren't accurate when you are marking out things in a tight area :/
  21. cf3kylerees

    Tactical suggestions

    I agree Clumzy, you have my beans!
  22. cf3kylerees

    Tactical suggestions

    this could work, but it would be a lot simpler and effective if they did my suggestion.
  23. cf3kylerees

    Instinct- UK Squad is Recruiting!

    I'll join you and i meet the requirements!
  24. cf3kylerees

    Taking a survivor hostage?

    So i had an idea of taking another survivor hostage. Wouldn't it be rather cool and helpful if you could tie a survivor's hands and legs? All they could do is roll and crawl on the floor and to make it fair for the hostage, the hostage can break out of it after an hour or two. This hostage feature could be useful after telling a survivor to drop their weapon and gear, and you would feel a lot safer after they're tied up. If you put your mind to it, you could use the hostage as bate for zombies, and even bandits. You could tie them with rope or simply use handcuffs, that could be looted from a police officer zombie. Another way you could take a hostage is to approach directly behind another survivor and throw your arm around his/her neck, and use them as a shield. While doing this you could possibly pull out your pistol to deal with any other threats. And to make it balanced the guy that is taking the hostage wouldn't be able to aim down their sights for less accuracy. After grabbing the hostage, you could have an option whether to kill or let them free. To add more to that there could be options like "knock out", "Shoot in head" and "snap neck" if you want to take a stealthy approach to the situation. The "knock out" option would be for the Heroes since they don't kill people only bandits.
  25. cf3kylerees

    Taking a survivor hostage?

    Very good ideas for balancing, you have my beans!