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Everything posted by cf3kylerees

  1. cf3kylerees


    So I've been playing for a few days now and I've found an M9 supressor, an M1014 shotgun, 2 frags, compass, map, binoculars, entenching tool, toolbox, matches...well you get what i mean, i'm doing well so far. Until i crawl over some bricks and SNAP! I have a broken bone -.- I'm a far way from the hospital and it's going to take me a long, long, loooooong time and i already have ran out of food and the hunger icon is almost red! What can i do?! My friends don't have DayZ yet and i can't trust anybody and i hate them bandits -.- what do you think i should do? P.S. I can't wait until they fix this problem! :D
  2. cf3kylerees


    Thanks man, you have my beans!
  3. A: Peacekeeper B: Broken bone, dying from hunger, low on blood C: Kozlovka, 043 106, hiding in bush D: normal skin, m1014 shotgun Reply and let me know when you're there and ill come back on the server thanks. Server:
  4. cf3kylerees


    I absolutely agree with you my friend.
  5. cf3kylerees


    I am enjoying this game, but the aim of the game is to survive and that's what i'm asking help with. There's no point of playing if you're going to 'not try' to survive and if i'm going out, i'm going to go out in style or in a fight. Not from crawling on a brick... :lol: But i do know where you're coming from with the adventures though :D ;)
  6. cf3kylerees


    For the people who say they will help me, how do i know once you see me you will kill me? aha :lol: I find it hard to trust people on this game >:(
  7. cf3kylerees

    Fuse boxes for buildings

    Just came up with this idea and had to share it, wouldn't it be cool if there were fuse boxes at the back of houses and other buildings, and every now and then lights would go out or start to flicker. Say if the lights were out in this building and you wanted to loot/stay in this building. You could try to find a part or parts for the fuse box and try to fix the electrics with the toolbox item. This was just a random idea and thought it might be worth sharing. I think having flickering lights and having power cuts would add more horror to this amazing mod/game. Thanks for reading. I know this is asking a lot and i know how hard you guys are working on the mod (especially with the people who are hacking). Just want to say i appreciate what you guys are doing! :thumbsup:
  8. cf3kylerees

    Drag/Carry animation

    I'm not the only one who has suggested this but i will back the people up who did. I want to be able to drag a friend out of danger/in to cover after they've been shot. And i want to carry a friend around if they can't move due to a broken bone. I think this will encourage more survivors to work together. Please post if you agree/disagree or can add to this idea, thanks :thumbsup: P.S. I'm new to the game so if you can already do some of these things i apologize
  9. cf3kylerees


    So i was trying to think of a new method of getting food, and i came up with the idea fishing? The only ways of getting food are from tins and killing land animals. (correct me if i'm wrong) So fishing could work like this: Find equipment in one whole package or if you want to go in to more detail, a fishing rod/pole, some fishing wire, bate and hooks. Then go to the coast, a lake or a pond. Catch some fish. Cook it and finally eat it! Let me know what you guys think ;)
  10. cf3kylerees

    Fuse boxes for buildings

    I agree!
  11. cf3kylerees

    Fuse boxes for buildings

    That is a very good question that i can't answer aha ^_^ The survivors could try and operate them in some way, i don't really know how they operate
  12. cf3kylerees

    Fuse boxes for buildings

    While i have been playing i have noticed some power lines connected to a power plant/factory. That could be the source. I also agree electricity would be the least of their concerns but it's just an idea ^_^ I also like the idea for a reason to kill the zombitches B)
  13. I would like to see official servers on DayZ. I find it hard to find a normal server. The servers i find say things like "24/7 day light" and/or "start with M16 and...and...and...and..." These servers for me, aren't really challenging or difficult. I like to play the game how it should be played, therefore i want official servers with default settings. I hope other people agree with me and hope that this will happen.
  14. cf3kylerees

    Can we get Dayz "official" servers?

    Thanks to everyone who agreed with me and helped me!