So me and my friends found a helicopter, Maxelende shows up with his friend lampam. Our sniper shoots him with his AS50, he doesnt die. Our sniper shoots lampam and he goes down, but afterwards our sniper starts shooting uncontrollably, He couldn't stop shooting, he coulnd't control his character cause someone was controlling it for him, just after he shoots maxelendes friend and the global notice shows up ''(Blank) Killed lampam with an AS50''. So he logs out and when he reconnects his entire inventory is filled with AK mags. He had a silenced rifle that one-shooted my friend, granted he could have gotten a head shot but still. In his bag he had a machine gun which we saw him use to take care of the zombies. But still he had room for 3 Windscreen glass 2 scrap metal and Mainrotor assembly to fix the helicopter, and we saw 3 jerry cans just magically spawn on the ground infront of him and then we watched him fly away with this helicopter which we found totally broken, and we had spent the last hour getting parts to repair it. Please ban this motherfucker, excuse my language