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About niksal12

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. niksal12

    Helicopter Repairing

    So I managed to find that last few parts and put them into the helicopter. It did work as soon as it was 100% fixed all the status indicators in the pilot's seat changed to green and it worked! Thanks for the tip, I would have given up on repairing it other wise.
  2. niksal12

    Vehicle Not repairing

    I have the same problem with an Mi-17. I repaired the main rotor and engine both disappeared from the action menu on the left side but when I jumped into the driver seat the main rotor and the engine were both still red.
  3. niksal12

    Helicopter Repairing

    I thought that you only had to use scrap metal. I have never had to repair glass on any other vehicle to get the hull green, unless it is different with helicopters. Ok ill have to find the last few that i need and see what happens.
  4. I found an MI-17 up in Devils castle and i began repairing it. I repaired the hull with scrap metal, it disappeared on the left action menu. I then jumped into the helicopter and the hull on the top left was still red. I jumped out and made sure that i repaired the hull and not the rear rotor. the hull was not on the left side action menu to be repaired. I dont know what is going on and I don't want to use any more parts to see if it works. any ideas?
  5. Me and my friends found a huey on US 3066. We managed to completely repair it, we logged off just after repairing it for the night. The next day we logged on the huey was gone and so was the pbx that was on the shore. I asked other players that were on the server at the time and they said that their vehicles disappeared as well. Does anyone know wtf happened. The server is running dayz and 101334. I thought that this issue was fixed that you didn't have to save the vehicles when the server restarted.