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Dayz of Glory

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Everything posted by Dayz of Glory

  1. Dayz of Glory

    Dayz of Glory server, open for all survivors

    At the moment most people are friendly, but there are some bandit groups that keeps the spirit of fear alive. TS is for clan members only, But if survivors want voice communication we have a spare Mumble server that is ready to use on request.
  2. Dear survivors, After a few months of testing and modding we have released the lockdown and the server is open for all survivors! At the moment we have a mix of English, Dutch and Belgian players (chat in ENG) and are still looking for some more active players to join in. You do not need skills, we have beginners and veterans, as long as you have fun and don’t use any mods or hacks then you are more than welcome! We even got hero’s to patch you up, and a Bambi rescue team! We still have places left on our 30 slot server, and everyone can login, but remember: In case of hacker emergency the gate WILL be closed and only players who are whitelisted or have a password can continue. Passwords are given to all who register on the forum and ask for one at the corresponding topic. Server specifications: Scavenge for parts and build your own base or camp Bandit, hero and survivor high artificial intelligence NPC's NPC heli patrols Mumble voice chat server on request (ENG) Server location: UK Timezone GMT-2, Day/Night cycle Chernarus map only 90+ Vehicles / 12+ Helis (including some very rare spawns) Server restarts every morning at 08:00 AM Vehicle script runs on Saturday morning's to reset and create new vehicle spawns Global chat (ENG) tekst, no voice Battleye active Server player rankings and statistics No rules of engagements, it’s your story and you can do what you like as you like Dayz of Glory -Chernarus- UK/EUR (v1.7.6.1/beta 103419) [bASE/CAMP BUILDING|AI NPC'S|VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON] [GMT-2] www.dayzofglory.com Server IP: Information, rankings and statistics at: www.dayzofglory.com Stay safe, let’s bring glory back to Chernarus!
  3. Dayz of Glory

    Looking for partner

    Why not try our server, we are a mix of Dutch and English players! And still have some slots free! http://www.dayzofglory.com
  4. Dayz of Glory

    Dutch/belgian players (preferably)

    Why don't you stop by at our server? We are a mix of most Dutch and a few English players! http://www.dayzofglory.com
  5. Dayz of Glory

    Dutch people only! Looking for members.

    Kom eens langs op onze server, wij zijn voornamelijk NL spelers en een paar Engelse! http://www.dayzofglory.com
  6. Dayz of Glory

    Dutch guy looking for People!

    Why don't you come by at our server, we are most Dutch and a few English players! http://www.dayzofglory.com
  7. Dayz of Glory

    My bud and I searching for more buds.

    Why don't you come and take a look at our server, we are most Dutch and a few English players! http://www.dayzofglory.com
  8. Dayz of Glory

    Teamup soemone?

    Why don't you come and take a look at our server, we are most Dutch and a few English players! http://www.dayzofglory.com
  9. Dayz of Glory

    LF Dutch team to play chernarus...

    Why not take a look at our server, we are a good mix of most Dutch and a few English players! http://www.dayzofglory.com
  10. Dayz of Glory

    Looking for player to coop

    Come take a look at our server, we are a mix of most Dutch and a few English players! http://www.dayzofglory.com
  11. Dayz of Glory

    Dutch player looking for team/group

    Why not try our server, we are a good mix of most Dutch and a few English players! http://www.dayzofglory.com
  12. Dear survivors, After a few months of testing and modding we have released the lockdown and the server is open for all survivors! At the moment we have a mix of English, Dutch and Belgian players (chat in ENG) and are still looking for some more active players to join in. You do not need skills, we have beginners and veterans, as long as you have fun and don’t use any mods or hacks then you are more than welcome! We even got hero’s to patch you up, and a Bambi rescue team! We still have places left on our 30 slot server, and everyone can login, but remember: In case of hacker emergency the gate WILL be closed and only players who are whitelisted or have a password can continue. Passwords are given to all who register on the forum and ask for one at the corresponding topic. Server specifications: Scavenge for parts and build your own base or camp Bandit, hero and survivor high artificial intelligence NPC's NPC heli patrols Mumble voice chat server on request (ENG) Server location: UK Timezone GMT-2, Day/Night cycle Chernarus map only 90+ Vehicles / 12+ Helis (including some very rare spawns) Server restarts every morning at 08:00 AM Vehicle script runs on Saturday morning's to reset and create new vehicle spawns Global chat (ENG) tekst, no voice Battleye active Server player rankings and statistics No rules of engagements, it’s your story and you can do what you like as you like Dayz of Glory -Chernarus- UK/EUR (v1.7.6.1/beta 103419) [bASE/CAMP BUILDING|AI NPC'S|VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON] [GMT-2] www.dayzofglory.com Server IP: Information, rankings and statistics at: www.dayzofglory.com Stay safe, let’s bring glory back to Chernarus!