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Dr. Satan

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About Dr. Satan

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  1. Dr. Satan

    Looking to join Gang of Bandits

    Wow, ok guy. 1. You really have no idea what I am talking about, you're assuming i'm saying you must be deployed/a killer to be serving the country. Assume - make an ass of u and me 2. Even the branches don't like the reserves. 3. I am asking what branch. 4. Being behind a computer is a great army job providing intel/controlling drones, so for that part i don't give a fuck. And finally, the reserves sit there and do NOTHING besides drill 1 weekend a month. If they are deployed, sweet, thats great. If not, they didnt really do shit to serve our country. A lot of my family is military, and i hold the army, marines, navy, and air force in the highest respect. So please, read before you write some dumb ass retort on a guy you know nothing about. In your words, saying how you addressed me as a nerd who has no respect, let me dumb it down Fuck off faggot.
  2. Dr. Satan

    Looking to join Gang of Bandits

    By Ex-Military please specify. I'm curious, saying a lot of reservists who never did anything also say they're ex military
  3. Dr. Satan

    New DayZ Taviana Server

    Shouldnt this be in private hive discussion? Or is this a clan
  4. DayZ Name : Dr. Satan How long have you played DayZ : Lost count, i'd say over 9 months Time Zone: EST Will you stay loyal to our group?: Perhaps What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Pilot, sniper
  5. Dr. Satan

    Creating new Clan/Group

    Skype name: dead544 I'm a pilot, a sniper, and a rifleman, heavily experienced. I'll join you
  6. Name: Ryan Age: 16 TeamSpeak Name: Dr. Satan Mic?: Yessir Why do you want to join?: Looking for a new group with new people who are generally not retarded. With the classes and specializations it looks like this is a little bit organized as well. Experience in game: I have heavy experience in both flying and sniping, but i have also been known to carry a bundle of medical supplies, making me a medic as well. I understand milldots and how to zero and shoot a rifle effectively as well as fly like a pro. The only thing i can't do while flying is pretty much flips. Once i outran a hacker in a VTOL, shooting rockets and a machine gun at us, the only reason he shot us is because i accidentally stalled the huey trying to make a sharp turn like i've been doing around him, but he shot us in the tail when i stalled and we landed hard on the ground, but it didn't explode even though we fell like 70meters, entire flight crew survived including the huey. Timezone: EST Bio: I started like anyone else, before i picked up a sniper. That's when i realized that sniping was easier than actually fighting, but that got boring rather quick saying you can easily take down a squad without them ever seeing you. I quit for a while, and came back and decided i wanted to learn how to fly, 4 destroyed helicopters later I was flying like a pro. In game Name: Dr. Satan
  7. Dr. Satan

    Red Berets Clan recruiting

    IGN: Dr. Satan Skype: dead544 What class you'd Like: Medic or Sniper, experienced in both How much experience you have: Plenty, i've played for so long i forgot when i joined. I usually end up bandaging people/egtting a hero skin, or i end up on a hill providing overwatch on team mates below. Mostly i snipe, heavily experienced with AS50's and DMRs. And why you want to join: Well, I've been involved with a lot of clans, and killed a lot of people. This seems like a pretty fun thing to join, especially with all the perks
  8. Dr. Satan

    Dumb ways that you have died?

    Pressing A instead of Q in a little bird. Corkscrew right into a tree
  9. Dr. Satan

    Looking for some buddies

    Sorry man, but I don't meet that criteria, i'm 2 years off. Thanks for the video, though.
  10. Dr. Satan

    Awesome private hive, needs players

    Server still alive!
  11. This server is an amazing server with amazing people. There are plenty of vehicles, but not too many to make it not very fun. the IP is: The server could use some people!
  12. The databases are all different on unofficial servers. Official dayz servers all share the same hive, so location and gear switches between servers. Unofficial servers have their own hives, so it doesn't switch And for the last question: Yes for vehicles, as for zombies im not sure