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Everything posted by cyanyde

  1. cyanyde

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Okay, I am absolutely positive that my L85A2 AWS would spot you a mile away. I'm 100% sure that you wouldn't stand a chance. That better? ;)
  2. cyanyde

    The Decline of DayZ

    You need to be patient and stop demanding things like a spoiled little school girl. I'm tired of these posts so here is a bunny with a waffle on his head instead.
  3. cyanyde

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    I somehow doubt that.. considering you would wash up on the coast with nothing but a bandage and some pills, I'm pretty sure I could locate you before you even had a chance to find a weapon.. that said, I would probably stalk you until you found one and *then* kill you, because I have never killed an unarmed survivor before, and I don't intend to start now.. Gotta agree with you there! ;)
  4. cyanyde

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    haha! For someone who has never played the game, you sure talk big. I have over 250 hours of experience between arma2 and dayz.. Please buy the game so I can take you to school little boy. Lol! Thanks for the laughs though.. It was getting a little too serious in here. ;)
  5. cyanyde

    Near Stary Sobor

    I was in stary when I logged out last night, but unfortunately, I spawned in Kamenka when I logged back in tonight.. Got Teamspeak or anything? I'll make my way there now, if you still need assistance in another hour or so.
  6. cyanyde

    New Locations or Buildings for Standalone

    I just hope the new stuff lives up to the quality of the Chernarus map, and I hope that the implementation of the instanced stuff isn't as half-assed as Rocket makes it sound in his interviews.. I also hope that we keep the "urban legend" type stuff, I love how Green Mountain has it's whole mythology being built around it and how unexplainable things happen from time to time. Finally, I hope that they fix the models leaking into buildings and other graphical issues that are present, but that nobody ever seems to mention. (NWAF cargo containers clipping through hangers, trees clipping into buildings, etc..) Other than that, I'm just glad that I will still have somewhat of a clue where I'm going in the stand-alone. :)
  7. cyanyde

    My little rant

    Holy fuck, stop blaming Battle Eye, it's not their fault. The Arma 2 engine is wide open for scripting. The DayZ mod is not geared towards scripts, but Arma2 is. It's because of the nature of the engine that there are so many "hackers" but they're not hex editors or aimbot users, they's literally script-kiddies. ONE: stop calling these little shits hackers. They're not hacking, they're downloading scripts. TWO: It's not Battle eye's fault, it's because the engine is trusting.. don't blame the script, blame the script kiddies. :P THREE: With full access to the source, the DayZ team will be able to lock this shit down.. relax and play something else for a month or two.. come back when the stand-alone is released.. everything you love about this game will still be there. I just spawned in Kamenka after I logged out just outside Stary.. am I going to rage in the forums? Am I going to blame Rocket or BattleEye? No.. I'm going to accept it and be thankful I didn't get spawned as a goat.. relax and enjoy what we have, or wait for the stand-alone where these things are able to be fixed.. it sucks waiting right now, but it will be worth it when it comes. ;)
  8. cyanyde

    Found this and it works perfectly!

    Hmm.. I have G-keys on my keyboard too, never thought to even try using them that way. Thanks! :)
  9. I was expecting a QQ post but the OP was well written and concise, and it summed up the current issues without sounding whiny or like a little kid who can't have his way.. some of the replies are a bit childish, but that's to be expected. Just relax.. you don't have to play the "alpha" every day. This part was a test, now let's just relax until the stand-alone comes out. It's sort of nice to see the forums dying down and as a result of the (minor) player decline, there are less hackers. Yes it sucks about tents, but it's not that big a deal.. as Rocket himself has said in a recent interview, some of these issues are very difficult, if not impossible to fix in the mod, but easy once we are talking about the source code for the engine. DayZ stand-alone will be exactly what we make it.. the mod *will* be released as open source when the stand-alone version is ready. Just have a bit of patience.. the only thing I'm not looking forward to is the return of all the cry-babies when the stand-alone is released. :P
  10. cyanyde

    Found this and it works perfectly!

    In before someone posts about the steam overlay.. oh darn, too late. :P Interesting app.. but I think I'll pass until it can make me randomly do zig-zags.
  11. cyanyde

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    I'm starting to think that people (read: detractors) are missing the point. We (read: The Coalition) are not trying to force behaviour on citizens, we're trying to protect them from outlaws. We aren't trying to ruin the fun of bandits (not much anyway) we're simply looking to provide a safe haven for those who don't want to play the same game that the pvp types do. We aren't expecting everybody to follow our guidelines or to jump when we say jump, we just want to provide an opportunity for players to have the choice when they log into DayZ. I'm not saying pvp is bad or even that it's not wanted, what I am saying is that people should have a choice. Sometimes, I log into a server and I'm perfectly fine with shooting and/or being shot on sight.. but other times, I just want to be able to role-play and not have to worry about some moron shooting me because he just wants to increase his kill-count.. It would be nice if we could have different game-types so that we could separate people who just want the chance to enjoy the game from those who just want a death-match with zombies, but that goes against the very aspect of DayZ that we are all in love with. I'm perfectly willing to admit that the constant threat of death is one of the many things that make this mod so unique. I'm also willing to admit that changing it with in-game mechanics is definitely not the way to go. This is why we, the players that are able to do so, are willing to help make Chernarus just a little bit safer for the players who genuinely want to be allowed to enjoy the game in relative safety. Bandits and even straight up psychopaths are a necessary evil in DayZ, I will be the first to admit this, but a little bit of civility is just as necessary as you are.. if there is evil, then there must be good, or there is no balance.
  12. cyanyde

    THIS GAME IS SO.....

    I agree completely! It's got to suck sometimes, trying to keep these forums under control.. ;)
  13. cyanyde

    Incredible loot find

    FN FAL is my favourite gun! :) I found an L85A2 aws on someone I killed earlier today.. It's the one with thermal. ;) Too bad tents aren't working.. :(
  14. ahaha topic sounds like something out of Craig's List.. :P Anyway, add me as well, if you like. I have been meaning to help out some new players.. I'm finally at the point where I'm not an utter newb myself. ;)
  15. cyanyde

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    You were de-synced for an un-godly amount of time, and now you've re-synced?
  16. vaguely interesting.. probably better in your native language though. I don't like hearing about innocents being slaughtered for no reason, but meh, it's the apocalypse..
  17. cyanyde

    Help me get started.

    Great thread up until the point where you quit. I know we've all felt that way as well at one point or another, but the thing you have to realize is that this mod is a prototype of what's to come. Call it "Proof of concept" if you like. While none of us can honestly say that we don't hit our fair share of "beartraps" in our enjoyment of DayZ, we all have different reasons why we keep playing. You have to figure out what yours is, and then decide whether or not it's worth putting up with the bullshit along the way. Trust me, when this game is finished, it will be a long way from where it is now, but you will be immeasurably better at it, if you stick around. ps. Don't get attached to your gear. ;)
  18. cyanyde

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Wait.. so a "brony" is someone who watches My Little Pony? Yikes, what do they call people who watched Care Bears? D: Honestly, I'll watch any cartoon, if it's from the 80's! <3
  19. cyanyde

    Golden Revolver

    If someone sees you with the golden revolver, you could risk getting reported for hacking yourself. You know that you didn't spawn it yourself, but nobody else will know that, and if they see it, they'll probably assume you did. Just sayin' ;)
  20. cyanyde

    I am the manhunter.

    I think it's pretty cool that he's willing to put himself out there like this.
  21. cyanyde

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Ahaha what a great post! Like I said, you talk a good talk.. For one, Bandit clans are just a bunch of ragtag buddies who played COD or CS together in another life.. It doesn't amount to anything but a hill of empty bean cans.. For two, the dudes I play with, and *alot* of the other coalition members, are experienced military. (or ex in some cases) For three, this coalition already has achieved something, so we're already a step towards our goals. As for the double agent part.. that is just my way of inviting paranoia into your little " bandit clans" I can pretty much rest assured that one of your little ass-hat friends will blow you up just for fun! :) As for living and dying part. Imagine a world where us little "hello kitty: island adventure" veterans hunt down your pathetic bandit ass no matter what server you decide to hide out in.. Gonna be a fun next couple of months. :)
  22. cyanyde

    Burn Tents?

    I kind of like this.. :)
  23. I'm curious about what is going on with the dogs.. they sound very interesting, but I feel like there are a billion other non-engine related issues to deal with first, before we deal with "companionship". That said, I haven't read any other replies in this thread. I just wanted to post my opinion with an un-biased view. Now I'll read the replies to the OP, that is, as long as it doesn't turn into another pissing contest held by socially repressed little twats. ;) Edit: oh cool, I'm in the minority for once!
  24. I agree that it sucks, but it will be fixed. For now try to test other aspects of the game. It's easy to avoid the artifacts, if you stay away from built up areas. (or just don't look at them) I got killed in Starry, fully geared because of them. I just gritted my teeth and decided to try a different approach to testing. Anyway, sorry to hear you're getting frustrated.. at least you're handling it well. ;)
  25. cyanyde

    Tent Disappearing Bug?

    What happened to me was this: I set up a tent in I put stuff in said tent. Server reset, no tent. no tents anywhere period. Server resets, all tents back, nothing in any tent pitched in, but anything pitched before that seems to come back and has everything you had in it in the previous build. It's shitty if you want to pitch a tent now, but it seems pretty chill if you pitched it in That's what's going on in my group's server anyway..