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Everything posted by cyanyde

  1. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    They don't let us moderate their forums. :P
  2. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    lol! It's pretty easy to tell what sort of gametype you prefer. :P As for your edit, I agree. but I wouldn't shoot on sight. Can't say you do either, but judging on your comment about the pvp problem, something tells me that is the case.. Either way, you just need to double tap, that way you have twice the chance of registering a head-shot.
  3. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    Guess the arma2 patch fixed our pvp problem, inadvertently. ;)
  4. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    I would recommend the steam forums.. they seem pretty active since the patch, and a lot of the posts seem to be pro-arma 2 as opposed to pro-dayz atm.. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=1010 (guess we're all here) ;)
  5. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    Not personally, only dayzdb has any real info that I can find.. but you could try the arma2 forums, they would probably know.
  6. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    I said the same thing.. I just wasn't a douche about it. :P
  7. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    This is a reeeeally good idea! :) I love the thought of having a bit of sniper protection against a random head-shot.. As for the hatchet thing. It happens when you remove it from the toolbelt and then drop it or put it in your bag. If you put it back on your toolbelt, and *then* drop it or put it in your bag, it will work as intended. Not sure if this bug is reported on dev-heaven.. if not, it should be.
  8. BI (not Rocket) dropped the noise level on it in a recent patch.. it's now on par with the AKM and other rifles so yeah.. it's pretty bad-ass. Even more so now than it was before the patch. :) Yes, it did lose some of it's damage, but it was way over-powered before. Now it's pretty much perfect. Source: http://dayzdb.com/ne...es-in-arma2-162
  9. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    You should read back a page or two and check out what we were saying about how to change it for the better.. I can understand why you would be annoyed, but don't make the mistake of jumping the "gun" (lol pun) when it comes to ditching DayZ for "other games" Those are commercial, and they probably won't listen to their playerbase nearly as much as they do their investors.. trust me, eventually DayZ stand-alone will be the only game anyone ever plays, ever. :P
  10. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    As soon as I read the part about people taking anywhere from 1 to double digit rounds, I realized holy crap he's right.. then I started thinking about random chances while I was reading about anatomy and stuff. (I diid that in school too.. :P ) Anyway, gotta say I like the random damage idea.. not too much of a variance, that would just be silly. But I could definitely see a subtle difference being a really interesting feature.. It would be even cooler if we could have heart, lungs, kidneys etc.. but then bandits would just gutshoot people and watch them bleed out. D: Anyway, you should refine the idea and post it in the suggestion forum, if it hasn't already been suggested. (didn't search.. yet.) I'll support it. :) Edit: thanks for the update, Rocket. Take as long as you need.. we'll still be here. ;) ps. you should read the recent talk about weapons damage, if you have time.. some interesting ideas are starting to develop. :)
  11. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    Good point about Rocket leaving the change as is.. I never thought about that, but you're probably right. As for the DMR comment.. I'm sorry that my sarcasm wasn't apparent in the post, I honestly was joking, I can't stand people who snipe from 400m away. If I was being serious, I would have suggested the AKM, or at the most an FN FAL. (probably my favourite gun, but not the an/pvs-4 version, I love the iron sites on the standard version) :) As for the changes, I don't pvp unless I'm forced to, but I usually go for the headshots (I practice on zombies constantly) so I don't care about the body shots.. if I do hit the body with a bad shot, it doesn't matter because I *always* double tap when I shoot. (unless it's bolt action etc. obviously) That said, I don't like the balance of the weapons as they are right now. The current weapon damage is, as someone said in another post, too "Gamey" atm.. I totally agree that a .45 round to the chest should put a player down.. zombies on the other hand need to be unstoppable unless you headshot them. I dream of zeds that crawl when you shoot their legs out(which they do) but it should be really hard to stop them unless you destroy the brain. :D Anyway, sorry if I sounded like I was trying to be a douche, I honestly wasn't. Thanks for not being a douche back. ;) edit: Grammar for the win! ;)
  12. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    Fair enough. :) I just don't want to see people complaining about stuff that Rocket didn't do. He gets enough shit for the things he actually does do. ;)
  13. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    Splitting hairs? You're blaming Rocket for changes to weapons in a game that he made a mod for. I think you've got your "figures of speech" confused.. I had it right with "barking up the wrong tree" Splitting hairs would be if he had them make the changes or something.. he had nothing to do with it. I'm not splitting hairs, I'm trying to educate you and others who are complaining in this forum about the weapon damage changes. I'll say it again. You're barking up the wrong tree. ;)
  14. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    You're barking up the wrong tree dude, Rocket didn't make the change, the Arma update did: http://dayzdb.com/news/weapon-changes-in-arma2-162 I'm sure it'll be worked out, in the meantime, stop trying to pvp with a sidearm, use a DMR from 400m away like the other player killers. :P
  15. cyanyde


    I noticed this yesterday, thought I was lagged or something. Afaik, it's still one hit headshot, but I had to use 2-3 rounds to the body.. Weird..
  16. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    For those complaining about the removal of the respawn button, there will be something new put into place for spawning. We may have to deal with not being able to respawn for a few versions, but eventually we will get something much better than what we have. We're testers.. we need to put up with minor (sometimes major) discomforts, but in the long run we are helping to make the future stand alone version of this game the best that it can be. I'm fine with dealing with a few inconveniences for the time being.. it's not like I have any reason to complain about this amazing free mod that I'm being allowed to test.. I'm just glad to be a part of building it. :)
  17. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    Ah sorry, I've never actually used it, just noticed the feature on their website. Yeah, it's irritating that server admins put the wrong info in their description, but it's not like the DayZ devs can control that aspect of things..
  18. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    If you want to find daytime servers easily, I believe DayZ Commander allows you to search for server by time. Not sure how well it works, but you should give it a try, if nigh ttime is such a hassle. (tbh I don't like it either, unless the moon is out) Anyway, you can find it here: http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  19. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    http://www.gamefront.com/files/22033895/ARMA2_OA_Build_95310.zip Here's a mirror for the new beta. Not sure how many servers are running it, but the Arma2.com link is having serious traffic issues right now.
  20. Kinda wondering if I should avoid that server in the future..
  21. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    Yeah I stopped doing that a while ago.. was tempted in my last couple posts, but I know a few COD players that aren't even close to as bad as some of these kiddies. :P
  22. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    Apparently there's a lot of guys named "Rocket" on these forums. I guess he just has a lot of different names.. otherwise I can't understand why people who aren't Rocket keep answering questions and requests directed at him.. There's even a minor flame war going on because someone asked Rocket for something, so someone who wasn't Rocket got mad and started posting hateful stuff. Seriously, grow up and stop acting like a bunch of spoiled little children.. it's annoying for those of us who actually come here to test the mod.
  23. cyanyde

    Pending Update: Build

    I can't believe there's 80 pages of the same thing, over and over.. How about we just wait for the results of the *Data Collection* that *will* be included in the new patch. Some of you are acting like the patch is already out and you've been banned unfairly.. There will be a ticket system put in place, if that is the case.. you will be able to appeal whatever action is taken. No one ever said you would be banned.. just that a "cool-down" on rejoining, if you're joining too many, too often *might* be the answer. It might not even be anything to do with bans or even "cool-down" timers.. why don't we just wait and see what actually gets done. The whole point of the "collecting information" thing in the patch is so that Rocket can allow for situations *just like the ones you guys are worried about* I wonder when some of you ever find the time to play the game ffs.. you're constantly in here bitching about stuff. :rolleyes:
  24. cyanyde

    Best way to find NV goggles?

    Server hopping is never ok. Don't do it. (please...)
  25. cyanyde

    Yep i am done, i quit

    lol These threads make me smile.. one less douchbag to worry about. yay! ;)