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William B.J. Blazkowicz

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About William B.J. Blazkowicz

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  1. William B.J. Blazkowicz

    Bizarre Dayz issue cannot use alt profiles

    Able to play Arma 2 MP missons and wastelands
  2. I am having difficulty logging in to any DayZ Origins servers. Everything seems to work great, including gender and spawn point selection, up until the point that the message "Requesting Character data from server" appears on screen. At this point the game locks up hard. The progress bar freezes between 80-90%, the login timer counter stops between 1-5, disk/cpu/network activity all go to 0%, and no further packets are sent to or received from the server's IP address. I have tried the suggestions of reinstalling all of ARMA2, as well as letting the game sit at the loading screen for an hour. Neither worked. I figured out that it was failing when I tried to log in using the "blanky blank" profile I created in ARMA 2, but would work fine when I used the default / non-deletable profile that matched my windows username. I don't want to use my windows profile as my handle in-game, however, so here's what I tried so far Start Arma 2: OA Beta from steam Delete any custom profiles. Only the the default/undeletable one should be left. Exit the game. With DayZ Commander, Log in to a DayZ Origins server. The game will use the default profile this time. If this gets you in-game you're making progress and the rest of this will probably work. Hit Esc, Abort, and Disconnect from the server, putting you at the DayZ Origins Main Menu. Customize your settings/controls/etc as desired for the default profile. Create a new profile using your <desired-name> (Don't bother customizing it!) Exit the game Go to your "Arma 2" folder in my documents. Copy the "<username>.ArmA2OAProfile" and "<username>.vars.ArmA2OAProfile" Paste them into your "Arma 2 Other Profiles" folder in my documents. In "Arma 2 Other Profiles", delete all the <desired-name> files. Rename "<username>.ArmA2OAProfile" to "<desired-name>.ArmA2OAProfile" Rename "<username>.vars.ArmA2OAProfile" to "<desired-name>.ArmA2OAProfile" My best guess is that something wasn't generated properly when I created my profile from within Arma 2 / OA, and dayz doesn't like it. The default named profile seemed to work every time though. I don't know enough about the guts of ARMA 2 to know what else to do any help would be awsome
  3. William B.J. Blazkowicz

    Adult looking for mature group

    Hmmm tried Fogeyz not much interaction was fun cumminty to play in no doubt but no real team work well none that I was exposed to. I was given a helio ride and they fixed a car for me and I was left to my own devices.
  4. William B.J. Blazkowicz

    Adult looking for mature group

    Alrighty sittin in TS no one seems to be talkin
  5. William B.J. Blazkowicz

    Adult looking for mature group

    I looked at both groups are these just private servers so the things I find wont transfer over to other servers?
  6. William B.J. Blazkowicz

    Adult looking for mature group

    Intersting will check this out I sent a app in look to getting that TS password to come talk
  7. William B.J. Blazkowicz

    Adult looking for mature group

    Thanks just wondering most people that play from the united kingdom?
  8. William B.J. Blazkowicz

    Adult looking for mature group

    Also intersting however is this mostly a UK guild I live in the united states not that I have nothing wrong with brother and sisters across the seas more of a time differnce issue.
  9. William B.J. Blazkowicz

    Adult looking for mature group

    Was just scanning through your rules and "Must be able to dedicated 3-4 days a Week and atleast 3-5 hours a day to playing and being active on the Teamspeak and Server" Not sure if I be able to follow this and a few others such as "Do not talk to Public players unless they are asking something about the Clan" seem absurb to me personaly. I am not intersted in joining a super serious military lead group I understand leadership but I think it should be more of a group input then one leader sort of thing. I was in the military once it sucked and I am a firm beliver that those with power of people will let it run to there head and open to abuse. Thanks for the offer though
  10. William B.J. Blazkowicz

    Adult looking for mature group

    For those with a short attention span: Wife|Husband share one dayz account and looking for active group that understands when real life calls and someone who cannot be on everyday. I am a former air force mechanic and understand of tactics and enjoy team work however I am not interested in me or my wife being belittled or yelled at by kids|manchildren who scream or shout and forget the game is played to have fun. More background:I am fairly new to Dayz however me and my wife have been able to obtain and shotgun and plenty of ammo and a blood bag and a few supplies. Don't have much to offer larger groups besides being a pack mule or being a spotter of sorts as long as we are included in the team I am happy. For gaming experience however I come from playing the original ghost recon and rainbow six games back in the day. I also played operation flash point and a few others however due to work and kids it’s hard to invest allot of time playing every new game. As for the subject of time I am in the http://www.timeanddate.com/library/abbreviations/timezones/na/est.html EST time zone and my play times are very random. Somewhere between 3PM-7AM you might find me or my wife playing mostly me though working on getting her a computer so she can play separately. I have a microphone and a rather laid back guy and looking to make friends to play Dayz and perhaps other games that come along as well. Contact: Due to the stragness of the world we live in I would prefer it if you posted your contact information here and perhasp a brief message about the group if that isn't to much trouble. I will be checking on this post and responding to offers as they come and see if I can't find a good fit.