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Everything posted by debaubau

  1. debaubau

    ChernarusRP.com|Whitelisted|Hardcore Roleplay

    This place is awesomesauce!
  2. debaubau

    ChernarusRP.com|Whitelisted|Hardcore Roleplay

    A fantastically fun server. If you enjoy RP and don't want waiting lists or full servers, this is the place to be!
  3. Hey everyone, I've started a Tumblr for folks to share videos, pictures, and stories from their DayZ experiences in a nice, easy to browse format! We've got a few really cool submissions over the past few days its been up. Please feel free to follow and start submitting your stuff! Thanks! Deb http://talesfromchernarus.tumblr.com
  4. debaubau

    Tales From Chernarus - A Tumblr Page for You! :)

    You're welcome! Your submissions are beautiful! :D
  5. debaubau

    Tales From Chernarus - A Tumblr Page for You! :)

    Hey hey, more content has been posted! Don't forget to submit your own pics, vids, stories, erotic fanfics, and SSNs! :) Just kidding, no fanfics or SSNs :P
  6. debaubau

    Tales From Chernarus - A Tumblr Page for You! :)

    Added a few more submissions last night and this morning! Check them out! :)
  7. I was one of the guys on last night and this morning. Love the server. (weird, my enter key isn't working...) Found a base in [redacted], assuming it was yours. Wanted to befriend you guys, found Kirby later on in the day. Then I decided that nothing brings a bunch of people together like a common interest, such as hunting bandits. Well, my buddy and I are going to take one for the team and be your bandits. I shot Kirby, took all your guns and ammo and a car. Sorry :/
  8. I'd like your M24 and/or FN FAL AN/PSV 4. I have painkillers, no SD anything though. Anything else specific you'd like or would you like me to PM you what I have?
  9. debaubau

    Debaubau's Trades

    Hey there! Here's the deets. I'm currently looking for: Ghillie Suit M40A3 DMR Mags I currently have to trade: AS50 M107 Mags Mountain Dew I'm sure I've got some other stuff...Can't remember off the top of my head, haha. I'll update when I can. Let me know if you either have what I'm looking for or want what I have! I'm sure we can work something out. Thanks for reading! Updated 3/18
  10. debaubau

    Debaubau's Trades

    Have an M24 or M40a3 stashed anywhere? xD
  11. debaubau

    Looking for a Buddy

    Yeah, I play on the pubs quite a bit. I've got a TS server. We should all play together.
  12. debaubau

    Public Chernarus servers. wtf.

    I haven't had any issues over the past two or three days on the pubs. I'm sure that will change now that I've said something, haha.
  13. debaubau

    Debaubau's Trades

  14. debaubau

    wandering tradesman co

    I've got an AS50...looking to get an M40a3. Don't suppose you have one, eh?
  15. debaubau

    Looking for a Buddy

    Added on Steam! I'm 24 and live in Florida! I have a TS server and a mic. Lemme know what's up.
  16. debaubau

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    I can't remember what I have on me right now...Is there anything you need?
  17. debaubau

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    I kinda want the GPS and rangefinder! :)
  18. debaubau

    Debaubau's Trades

    Can totally get you that. Just lemme get some uberhax.
  19. debaubau

    Cifor US NY 2873 patching to

    Thanks dude! We're loving the server! I got on TS earlier but no one was using it :(
  20. debaubau

    Intensity's items for trade

    I know, one or two DMRs would give me either 4 or 8 m24 mags. I couldn't see using more than 8...I don't quite have the room for any more right now xD
  21. debaubau

    Cifor US NY 2873 patching to

    The server seems to be down. Will it be coming back up? :)
  22. debaubau

    Intensity's items for trade

    I could use 1 or 2 DMR mags I suppose...but I can't seem to access any of the public hives I play on right now...
  23. debaubau

    Intensity's items for trade

    Yeah, losing vehicles sucks even more. If you want any help gearing up or looking for cars n stuff, lemme know! I'm always down to play and help out a fellow player.
  24. debaubau

    Intensity's items for trade

    That sucks! Sorry to hear that :(