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About evilsnoww

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. evilsnoww

    Origins Clan [CCC]

    Night shift is on having some fun
  2. evilsnoww

    Origins Clan [CCC]

    Just invited Lukky and his friend antelope and we were having untill they said they must loggout they killed one of our members but i got them as they were doing the log out dance they havent played origins before i bet for other clans i advise strongly to not trust lukky or antelope we are going to ban them form ts and kill them till they leave our server
  3. evilsnoww

    Origins Clan [CCC]

    we can help you ill pm u the info
  4. evilsnoww

    Origins Clan [CCC]

    Just got some more members our server is now booming again
  5. evilsnoww

    Origins Clan [CCC]

    Still looking for more
  6. evilsnoww

    Origins Clan [CCC]

    Sry but were not looking for any servers at this moment but ty for posting
  7. evilsnoww

    Origins Clan [CCC]

    Night Shift is still on
  8. evilsnoww

    Origins Clan [CCC]

    The Cu Cumber Clan[CCC] is looking for new members 98% of the clan is German but a lot of them speak fluent English right now were recruiting everyone but mostly looking for people. For the night shift at night which is most likely 6:00 Pm EST which is midnight in Germany and in some other European countries too. During that everyone is off on ts and our server is most likely empty so we would want people for the night time to farm some materials/weapons and if our night group is good we might do some salvation runs. We are so close to building our stronghold all we need is cement bags really. we accept all ages our main focus is on finishing the stronghold were expecting to get all 9 stages with in a week or less. Pm me or write on this fourm if your interested
  9. TeamSpeak Name: Jon snow the bambi Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...) well i've been in many military clans that are very tactical but lately some clans are not very good and are not in my interest and i can bring many tactical ideas and can lead a group well Age.15 Location US Expericence playing DayZ. 10-11months Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10:8
  10. Alex 14- turning 15 in a 3months skype: alex.anwary
  11. evilsnoww

    Making a small squad... American English

    im interested my time zone is est
  12. DayZ Name : evilsnow How long have you played DayZ : 8-10months Time Zone:EST Will you stay loyal to our group?:yes What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Infantry,Medic,Sniper(best to not so great)
  13. server is up and running
  14. Were adding alot of new things day by day come and play