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xXGHOSTXx132 (DayZ)

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About xXGHOSTXx132 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. xXGHOSTXx132 (DayZ)

    Military grade clothing

    Something i notice in game is that even when using Military style Clothing you get stupid hot really fast. Now from my experience using these stupid hot article of clothing in real life i can tell you that you will not over heat. . . . . .in fact just the opposite, the material is meant to keep the body cool using your sweat, and warm using your own body heat to keep it in. You may feel "Warm" but you will not "Over heat". I am going to make it my life's ambition to help the dev team get this right. The picture is of me in Afghanistan in full Kit hot ass balls but not falling out, or "Overheating". http://tinypic.com/r/549nup/8
  2. xXGHOSTXx132 (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Items do not update their state properly (durability/wet). Moving them, or relogging will refresh. All i have been doing is double clicking the item.
  3. xXGHOSTXx132 (DayZ)

    Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002

    SKS is doing the same thing the mosin did with only one round loading after a paint job