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About Kalleanka

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    On the Coast
  1. Kalleanka

    Logreading in Dayz

    Yea seagul iv understood is desync problem. But the thing with login script restriction stuff in the remote exec has never happened on the server without there beein a hacker attack.
  2. Kalleanka

    Logreading in Dayz

    From what iv read that is when a player gains admin access throu scripting, every single time iv seen this entry there has been clear hacker activity with someone teleportin and messing with the user in some way.
  3. Kalleanka

    Logreading in Dayz

    Modified my post a bit to make it easier to read. Yea seems like legit players can get this to. Server had some lagg later on and the same time another player got SeaGull'ed so might be legit players. I might have been a bit hasty in banning player 2-6, player 1 still looks guilty thou.
  4. Kalleanka

    Logreading in Dayz

    Are they the script kiddies or did someone do this to them ? 09.02.2013 13:05:55: Player 1 - #0 "SeaGull" 62:7 [10439,1863,23] 09.02.2013 13:05:55: Player 1 - #1 "SeaGull" 62:7 [10439,1863,23] 09.02.2013 13:07:00: Player 2 - #0 "SeaGull" 61:2 [10439,1863,23] 09.02.2013 13:07:00: Player 2 - #1 "SeaGull" 61:2 [10439,1863,23] 09.02.2013 13:09:23: Player 3 - #0 "SeaGull" 67:7 [10437,2338,25] 09.02.2013 13:09:23: Player 3 - #1 "SeaGull" 67:7 [10437,2338,25] 09.02.2013 13:09:32: Player 4 - #0 "SeaGull" 68:7 [10437,2338,25] 09.02.2013 13:09:32: Player 4 - #1 "SeaGull" 68:7 [10437,2338,25] 09.02.2013 13:09:45: Player 1 - #0 "SeaGull" 66:7 [10437,2338,25] 09.02.2013 13:09:45: Player 1 - #1 "SeaGull" 66:7 [10437,2338,25] 09.02.2013 13:10:09: Player 5 - #0 "SeaGull" 64:7 [10437,2338,25] 09.02.2013 13:10:09: Player 5 - #1 "SeaGull" 64:7 [10437,2338,25] 09.02.2013 13:10:22: Player 6 - #0 "SeaGull" 65:7 [10437,2338,25] 09.02.2013 13:10:22: Player 6 - #1 "SeaGull" 65:7 [10437,2338,25] Chat/Console log 01:05:46] Player 1 has been kicked by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 01:06:51] Player 2 has been kicked by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 01:09:14] Player 3 has been kicked by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 01:09:23] Player 4 has been kicked by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 01:09:36] Player 1 has been kicked by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 01:10:00] Player 5 has been kicked by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 01:10:13] Player 6 has been kicked by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #1 Electro Harbor 104/136 Player 1 feels like a clear cheater with the thin that happened in the remoteexec log. Player 2 where at the same cords as Player 1 in the first SeaGull event Electro Small Residential area 103/131 Where player 3, 4, 1, 5 and 6 where transformed all about 10-20 sec apart. In the coming minutes the server got very laggy (with high trafic increase and low fps) and then the remoteexec.log says 09.02.2013 13:15:43: Player 1 - #0 "if (isdedicated) then{{isNil _x} count (dayzLogin getVariable 'dayzLogin2');};" 09.02.2013 13:15:43: Player 1 - Script Restriction #139 "if (isdedicated) then{{isNil _x} count (dayzLogin getVariable 'dayzLogin2');};" Based on the logs i thought they where transformed to birds and i expected some rage in the chat, but noone said anything pointing to this Looking again in the logs player 2 and 3 said stuff about beeing killed and them and player 4 also tried to rejoin a few times (makes me think they didnt know what happened).
  5. Kalleanka

    Logreading in Dayz

    Im only a moderator for the server so the only tool i got access to is rcon (dart) and the logs from the game. That tool would be nice to have, so you can monitor some player for a while and see if he have some strange movement pattern. Guess i should ask the owner for more access. Yea i spent a while looking at the cords to figure them out, had some -18000ish cords in the logs that messed with me but those where debug field cords (i guess). Later we figured out that the cords in the logs are from bottom left (ingame map are from top left). But where do i find the information about a players cords? All i found are when someone connects and spawns into the server, and this dont help much unless the players logs out between teleportations.
  6. Lately there has been a few incidents where people accuse others for cheating. Teleporting to them and killing them. Is there any way to see this in the logs? Is there any documentation or anywhere to ask about, how to read the logs cos all if find in them is trash. Found some forum posts where admins refer to setpos.log when it comes to looking for teleporting people but there isnt one created in the log folder so i guess nothing triggered it (setpos.txt is there).