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About barney.de.la.estrada@seznam.cz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. barney.de.la.estrada@seznam.cz

    DaRT - A Lightweight DayZ (and ArmA) RCon Tool (v2.1 | 11/10/2015)

    I C. Nevermind, very usefull tool anyway :) thanks
  2. barney.de.la.estrada@seznam.cz

    DaRT - A Lightweight DayZ (and ArmA) RCon Tool (v2.1 | 11/10/2015)

    is this tool just for global bans? As far as I know there are two banlists on the server. One is global, located in "app_root/cfgdayz/BattlEye" and called "bans.txt". That's the one which is listed in your app. But there is also local banlist, located in the app_root and called just "ban.txt". These two banlists are a bit different in the meaning of their format. Bans.txt is "GUID/IP tab INTERVAL_FLAG tab REASON", and ban.txt is just "PLAYERID" (but can contain comments // with anything like PlayerName, Reason, whatever, you name it). We are using both, so it would be nice to have a tab in your app to manage both banlists. Anyway, great job guys :)
  3. barney.de.la.estrada@seznam.cz

    Cheaters ruins the game each day.

    Yep, it is definitelly a cheater epidemy right now. I've been playing DayZ for almost 3 months now, and it is getting more harsh than ever. In the beggining we just heard stories, rumours and legends about bloodthirsty evil cheaters, but we've never met even one. Then we've met one or two unkillable god mode players from time to time, let say once a 3 weeks. But last week? It is unplayable. Me and my friends got killed by a cheater every day this week, sometimes couple times a day. Every single day some annoying prick comes to our server and starts ruining game to everybody. We even don't have a will and a taste anymore to report every single cheater situation here on this forum, we are so tired. I think it is right time to get a short/mid/long break from this great game. We love this game so much that we would rather quit playing it now than let these mofos to disgust it to us. I am not pesimistic, this game will survive this shit, but not as a mod of Arma's trusted environment. Our only hope is tightened and restricted stand alone version. P.S. What can help for now, it's to enable server log with information who, where, when and by what killed whom. Possible risk of admin abuse seems to be lesser evil now, because if you don't like the admins, you have another 20 000 server possibilities.
  4. barney.de.la.estrada@seznam.cz

    LU188 another cheater suspicion

    Actually, server restarts are scheduled on 2 am, 2 pm, 5 pm and 10 pm, BUT: we restart server manually sometimes when cheater is presented on server, and, what seems to be bigger issue right now, Vilayer (our server provider) has some constant problems with server scheduler and server time zone. Long story short, sometimes time on server is pushed forward or back with no action taken, and those scheduler restarts are triggered at wrong time than they were originally scheduled (I can prove it with screenshot on demand). Couple of times these wrong restarts happened straight after some of us got killed, it was akward coincidence, but that's life, we can't do anything with it. On the other hand, with no offense, feel free to think anything about us, zero fucks given, you know :)
  5. barney.de.la.estrada@seznam.cz

    Server Difficulty not correct?

    Hi Meta, I had same issues yesterday but I cracked it up in the end. Point is you have to have dayz.ArmaA2OAProfile file on the server. It should look like this: class Difficulties { class Veteran { class Flags { 3rdPersonView = 1; armor = 1;// Cannot be changed autoAim = 0;// Cannot be changed autoGuideAT = 0;// Cannot be changed autoSpot = 0;// Cannot be changed cameraShake = 1; clockIndicator = 0; deathMessages = 1; enemyTag = 0;// Cannot be changed friendlyTag = 0;// Cannot be changed hud = 1; hudGroupInfo = 0; hudPerm = 0;// Cannot be changed hudWp = 1; hudWpPerm = 0;// Cannot be changed map = 0; netStats = 1; tracers = 1;// Cannot be changed ultraAI = 0; unlimitedSaves = 0; vonId = 0; weaponCursor = 0; }; skillFriendly = 1; precisionFriendly = 1; skillEnemy = 0.9; precisionEnemy = 0.75; }; }; Ofc, set values by your needs (class Expert - not Veteran, etc). And you have to set Expert difficulty in server.cfg.
  6. barney.de.la.estrada@seznam.cz

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Hi dev team, may I kindly ask you to reset my location coordinates back to the dried canteen near the church in northern part of Berezino (I think it is 128/052 coords)? I am stuck in wilderness and no way helps me out. I tried to run back into the civilization area, but I logged off in the middle of my journey and it spawned me back 25 km far from the edge of the map. I got plenty of supplies so I can survive that half-marathon, but it is a bit annoying to run by myself aka I did it once in the past - no fun. I got nice top gear and I don't wanna lose it. Thanks a lot. Player ID: 16360006
  7. barney.de.la.estrada@seznam.cz

    Zombies after patch

    well, whatever, I am just saying it is not fun to start over and over again. Before this patch, I was able to survive for let say 5 - 7 days, and I died just because of my greed, stupidity and/or lack of awareness. Tonight, I've been playing for 3-4 hours and I died 14 times. A fourteen times. Only one death was because of bandit. I tried a lot of different approaches, I've kept an eye on indicators, I've tried to flank zeds left and right, I've even tried to avoid them at all, but in the end I've aggroed them somehow in every single attempt. And as I stated before, in some cases I aggroed them after very spawn even without a move, just because I spawned near some building. In every good game, for any action should be some counter-measure available, but I don't see any here in these cases after last patch, that's my point.
  8. barney.de.la.estrada@seznam.cz

    Zombies after patch

    well, behaviour of zombies is strange. If you are fully equiped, like I was still this morning, it is tough, but fun. But if you die and you have to start from the beggining, it is frustrating and almost unplayable. Not because I am not patient and carefull enough, or because I am a noob, but because it seems that game AI is "cheating". It happened to me 4 times a couple of minutes ago, I spawned on the coast and I aggroed some zombies presented around immediately, even without a move. It is insta-death. Stealth indicators are strange now too. Sometimes there is not even a single bar at my audio and visibility indicator, but I am aggroing zombies tens of metres away when moving prone slowly in the grass, no matter if it is day or night. But what more, it is not the same everywhere and everytime. Sometimes I can move crouch fast near the zombies and they won't get aware, but sometimes I am aggroing them even when moving prone and slowly, as described above. It is hard to master any survival skill if AI behaves absolutely unpredictable. It is almost impossible to get to the city (to find some basic equipment like the hatchet, bandages, food and drinks...) unnoticed. With no gear on me, it is pointless attempt, but how to survive then? Don't get me wrong, I love challenge and DayZ was quite "boring" couple of patches ago when zombies weren't anymore a real enemy I should worry about, but this is another extreme. In my point of view, ok, zombies can stay as hard as they are now, but then I should have chance to defend myself since the very beggining (means gimme some weapon, at least the hatchet, on spawn), or I should have a chance to sneak somewhere to loot (means fix or balance visibility and audibility when going prone). And btw, the hatchet...I love the chance to smash some bad zed's head with hatchet, but it is really neccessary to keep it in primary weapon slot?