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Everything posted by Movin_pics

  1. Movin_pics

    Rocket: Console version almost certain

    Frankly there isn't anything to worry about in regards to the pc version as that will already be launched before they think of making a console port also I'm fairly sure a PS4 could run DayZ as they have higher specs than my pc. Oh also in the same interview (though Im not sure if its in the link as I read it on a different site) Rocket said he spoke to Sony and they were very interested in DayZ, which makes the posters of confirmed devs and publishers working with the PS4 more interesting as BI was on that list.
  2. Movin_pics

    What to do after you have the best gear?

    Try playing Tour guide/Bodyguard to someone from the new players section. Actually showing people the ropes would ultimately be beneficial in having a steady stream of people that are not going to stab you in the back (for the most part).
  3. Your rig is almost the same as mine you can run the game but it takes some work to optimise it hell I only got it running smoothly last night (I have had to reinstall windows so the work begins again) there is a great guide somewhere on the forum which helped me immensely.
  4. Movin_pics

    Trouble In DayZ

    Ah I misunderstood I assumed the detectives were secret as well, sound fun though.
  5. Forget Mr Blobby.. Noel Edmunds is enough terror for me..
  6. Movin_pics

    Trouble In DayZ

    It would be better using tools and watches or thing like those instead of a weapon for the detectives as guns would automatically be equipped.
  7. Movin_pics

    RIP DayZ

    I don't get this Cod Kiddie thing I seldom ever see total dicks (only once but he trolled me with style) the fact of the matter is anyone who comes into DayZ or ARMA trying to play it as if it is Cod isn't going to have a good time.
  8. It never will become Beta there isn't any point with the SA coming out. I don't understand why you care about the distinction between Alpha and Beta builds for the mod.
  9. Movin_pics

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I doubt Rockets trip up Everest will have had any serious effect on any ETA as at this stage of the project the ball is in the programmers court, of which Rocket is not.
  10. As someone who missed out on the early dayZ I'm really looking forward to the Alpha being stripped to the bone and playing among other people learning to play the game again.
  11. Yeah you don't need to reload your axe anymore.
  12. http://image.gamespo...7572_screen.jpg Notice a particular devs logo there? [Edit] I should state for those unaware that those are some of the devs confirmed to be supporting the PS4
  13. Movin_pics

    DayZ comes up as a trojan

    I've been getting this as well, I have downloaded it from the actual site as far as I'm aware so I'm leaning towards a false positive.
  14. Movin_pics

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Plans changed it's no longer DayZ mod+. And in regards to 'keeping silent' its because as stated before, the work on the game is more important than letting us know every little detail of development, If they have the time they will whip up a dev blog on Fridays but only if they have the time.
  15. Movin_pics

    How much internet does DayZ use ?

    OP is asking for a rough estimate of data down/upload while playing as the contract for his iphone has a set data allowance. Buzzkillington out...
  16. Movin_pics


    Unfortunately there is no way of trusting them, its a risk you're going to have to take.
  17. Hi guys just been playing Origins on the UK001 server, I was in a building looting and the bottom of my screen was taken up by a banner advertising a Hacking program saying if you are interested add this Andrey guy on skype? well anyways my screen went black and I couldn't see a thing so i logged (When i logged back in I was outside the building bleeding). My question is this known about or new? PS: Kongen (If you're reading this) sorry for logging on you buddy I would have just gotten you killed lol.
  18. Movin_pics

    Hackers advertising in game?

    Sorry I must have been a little vague, I didn't contact this guy his add popped up in game. What I mean to ask is if its common or not for hackers to advertise in this manner as I don't really play that often.
  19. Movin_pics

    Whats your luckiest moment?

    Encountering a friendly when I was at his mercy when tabbed out checking a map.