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Everything posted by Threedawg42

  1. I play on a whitelisted server and right now we have a 2 man group. My practice used to be to try to communicate with other players on sight, but based on experience, I've learned to shoot first, ask questions later unless I know the person is friendly. Hero's are welcome and bandits are welcome (just don't kill us). We play on a white-listed vanilla server with some extra vehicles that has a medium population currently. All you need is maturity, some basic knowledge of the game and our play times should match for at least and hour or two. I'm usually on anywhere between 5-10 GMT-5 (EST) on weekdays and I play frequently on weekends. Server name is DayZ Unleashed. Here's the link to our server's forums. Only takes 5 min- few hrs to get white-listed depending on time of day. Server is GMT-7 day/night MSG me if interested. Join server chernarus (PVP) TS is: dayzgaming.us:9987
  2. Threedawg42

    Looking for some survivors

    No thanks, want to stay on current server. Still looking for people.
  3. Threedawg42

    Looking for some survivors

    Out of all posts here only one showed up :(.
  4. Threedawg42

    Looking for some survivors

    Still looking for people, got 3 total in group so far.
  5. Threedawg42

    Looking for some survivors

    Great, PMs sent
  6. Threedawg42

    Looking for some survivors

    No thanks, just looking for a medium group of 4-6 people