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About anjirudiabolos@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. anjirudiabolos@gmail.com

    Caution: DayZ Taviana Private Hive Server "Gwilo Productions Gaming"

    I understand that, but you could have easily said something as well when I was by it, or while it was running, or while it was lifting off. It was lack of communication both ways, then. Like I mentioned, there are other servers that have items in vehicles, ranging from a wide variety available. I've been on many servers, and there are quite a few that have had engine parts, fuel, wheels, etc. Whoever customizes the server decides what can be in vehicles and aircraft. Then when I lifted off, instead of someone saying or typing anything, I was shot at. I didn't shoot a single round at anyone on the server, and I already explained my rationale as to why I entered the aircraft to the point where it's beating a dead horse. Also, as you may have noticed, voice on side channel was pretty cluttered. People were constantly talking, but not once mentioned while I was that an Osprey that belonged to the admin was mentioned. You should add that to the title if that's the case, so that newcomers don't find one and make the same mistake as me. Besides, what good would talking on voice do when I was instantly kicked after I asked in text in the side channel anyway? I asked for the owner of the vehicle, and was cursed at immediately. At least I initiated communication in some form, whereas all I had were rude members respond to me. You seemed to be able to communicate with your kick message being in all caps lock though when it was over.
  2. anjirudiabolos@gmail.com

    Caution: DayZ Taviana Private Hive Server "Gwilo Productions Gaming"

    It's an aircraft that no one was actually standing by or actively using when I approached it. I always check to see if there's gear in any vehicle, because there are plenty of servers that throw gear pre-loaded into them. Did I find it weird that there were the items that I found? Of course, cause normally I don't find items of that value in vehicles/aircraft. When I got into the air and headed towards my friend at the gas station, the people talking on voice in the side channel, as you saw from the video, weren't exactly helpful. I had full intent on returning the aircraft to the location that I found it, again, as you saw me put it into auto-hover to turn around. After the remark that I'm assuming a regular made that told me to just get out of it, I was kicked. I even asked in side channel, in text as you can see from the video, when I noticed the commotion in voice, if it belonged to the admin that they were chanting about. I mean, I can understand if I killed someone for it then took off, but I didn't. We can both agree that would be considered stealing. It was my first time on the server, and I was just looking for an aircraft to fly. I was unfamiliar with the particular one that I took that it belonged to the admin or whoever it was. Sorry that it had to turn out this way. I just feel that situation could have been handled differently, other than cursing at me, kicking me, and having the vehicle destroyed. I don't wish to appeal, that server does not seem like one I would visit again. Good luck with your future endeavors.
  3. anjirudiabolos@gmail.com

    Caution: DayZ Taviana Private Hive Server "Gwilo Productions Gaming"

    Yeah, I know I can't do anything since it's a private hive. Read about that before posting to report it. Just wanted to give everyone in the community a heads up. My friend was at the gas station AFK, and said the Osprey was just crashed there.
  4. I entered a server that was non-pvp with a friend, just so he could try out some aircrafts. When I got to the airfield, I found an Osprey with no one around it in the middle. I hopped in, and moments later I'm being shot at. People in side channel are saying "someone took the admin's helicopter." So I asked if it was the admin's, with intent of returning it. Then an individual made a rude remark towards me about getting out of it, and I was instantly kicked before I could say or do anything. Between that and the constant spawning of items, the admins are rather abusive of their power, it seems. The IP address is, with the name "Gwilo Productions Gaming." I'm just putting this as a warning for what you're in for if you decide to enter such an immature server. This was my first time on the server, and I didn't talk with or encounter anyone else on it beside from my friend. Since I was streaming, I have footage of the incident, here.