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Everything posted by Slugfoot

  1. Slugfoot

    Improvised night vision.

    It's actually very easy. A mate of mine uses a lash-up of this sort for shooting rats on his allotment. He just lights the area with IR lamps and uses a camera at the back of his scope. :)
  2. Slugfoot

    Improvised night vision.

    :D Did you try it?
  3. Slugfoot

    What's wrong with Berezino?

    Lol. I think it could be a mistake to advertise it on here. I envisage cues at the supermarket checkouts and a 4 hour waiting time at the hospital very shortly. ;)
  4. Lol. That's pretty scary sounding. But...Now imagine a fat zombie guy dressed in ladies' underwear chasing you. :wacko: Now, try to unimagine it. Mind bleach, anyone?
  5. ^ Could someone fluent in gibberish please translate?
  6. Slugfoot

    Modifying ammunition

    I understand that if they are cut with small 'tabs' on each side instead of just one side then they won't bend and will cycle through a pump action no problem. As an afterthought; - Wouldn't it just be just as good to be able to modify the cartridge loads...? Coins, washers, solid slug (made from molten shot), less-lethal stuff like wax, wooden dowel, etc. - All it really entails is opening the end, emptying the load out, replacing it with whatever you want and then closing it again. This way you could have a choice of range, lethality and spread, etc.
  7. For me? 1/ Hackers. I know it's been said that things will improve for the SA, but I seriously doubt that they will held at bay for long. The SA will appear as a challenge to them and will become a prime target, I reckon. I'll just have to wait and see what happens, I guess. 2/ Performance issues. We can't all afford high-end rigs. 3/ Too many deathmatchers and spawn killers. (A strong TDM element would be fine by me, though.)
  8. Slugfoot

    Modifying ammunition

    I'd go with cutting shotgun cartridges to turn them into slug rounds. It only takes a minute to do.
  9. Slugfoot

    How not to taxi a plane in DayZ.

    Can they be nudged straight again using another vehicle?
  10. I think people are generally more altruistic towards other individuals than you are giving them credit for. It's groups and factions that tend to fight each other. If people just went around murdering other for what they had on them then we would never have been able to build such a complex society. This game (and all others that I know of) fails to take into account a very impotant factor - People want procreate and pass on their genes and that can't be done if you're murdering everyone on sight. Even chimpanzees know this.
  11. I, for one, would like to see a 50 strong trans-Chernarusian bicycle race complete with running commentary and aerial camera footage via helicopter. Methinks that would be fun. :)
  12. They could be used to 'motivate' the slackers. :lol:
  13. Imdeed. Anyone not high on drugs would be summarily banned.
  14. Stop ruining the thread with reason and logic. <_< Anyway, they could easily be spawned in on a private server for such an event, couldn't they?
  15. Slugfoot

    Concerning "Hating Bandits"

    Good op, but I have to say that threads like this (and the ones about hackers) each put me a little more off buying the SA when it comes out because it sounds like there are too many fucktards out there who play (or cheat) purely to piss people off. I'm beginning to think this may not be the game for me even though I've wanted something like it to come along for years. I'll be monitoring the SA carefully for stuff like this and deciding if it's worth the frustration before buying it.
  16. I've used a few of 'em irl...They're awesome and certainly more accurate than a standard FAL with iron sights. I seem to recall that they were available in three stock sizes, too.
  17. Slugfoot


    I'm not sure about a ghost train but I'd be all for more track (maybe a big fat figure "8" route covering the entire map with points that can be switched) and hand carts.
  18. Slugfoot

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    I predict that any publicity/notoriety incurred as a result of crapping in-game will only increase sales.
  19. Slugfoot

    Please don't put defecating in the standalone

    Are perventative/counter measures to disease spread in this way being planned?
  20. Don't laugh, these are pretty powerful weapons...I'm thinking along the lines of Quackenbush models:- http://www.quackenbushairguns.com/ Features:- *Lead ball ammo that has to be crafted from scrap lead which can be found around old buildings, etc, using equipment such as a musket ball mold, a fire and a crucible to melt it in. *Can be charged directly from an appropriate found stirrup pump or from scuba tanks (which can also be charged (painstakingly) using the pump). *Quiet. Just a thought... Edit - This weapon could feature decreasing perforrmance as the air reservoir is depleted requiring the need to recharge it regularly.
  21. Slugfoot

    Pre-charged Air rifles.

    Is that a joke? .177 or 6mm BB guns would be uselessly underpowered except for hunting rabbits, maybe. There are several manufacturers of large bore pre-charge air rifles. I just picked Quackenbush as an example.
  22. Slugfoot

    Pre-charged Air rifles.

    They have an air reservoir which allows multiple shots (decreasing in power after each one). Some come with circular clips of ammo and others are hand loaded. They're generally bolt action. I think these things would be potentially lethal to people at waaaay over 100m. Edit - Pre-charge air rifles aren't new. The Austrian army was issued repeating Girandoni air rifles with a 21 round magazine on the side from 1780 to around 1815 and they out-performed just about all firearms of the period. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are thought to have had one of these weapons with them on the Corps of Discovery expedition in the early 1800's:- http://en.wikipedia....ndoni_Air_Rifle
  23. Slugfoot

    Isn't it about time we added horses?

    I bought some the other day.....And they're off!
  24. Slugfoot

    Pre-charge Air rifles.

    Double post, sorry.
  25. Slugfoot


    Have these been considered for the SA? I'm thinking that they might offer an alternative to the new complicated helis for folks who will not be able to pilot a chopper. I also think that this would be a more common find than a chopper in our scenario since there are more privately owned ones because they are cheaper and easier to fly and maintain. An amphibious version would be cool and might come in handy for rescue, etc. - especially since Utes will be included in the SA and people are bound to ditch in the sea from time to time while travelling back and forth between Utes and the mainland. Thoughts...?