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1 Neutral

About Gernon

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  1. Name: James Gernon Location: England GUID: 239746c893cb5de2f0c6afc9c29ce731 Brief Statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: I have a group of about 10 real life friends on the server and they are going to show me the ropes. Plus I always find it more fun playing a game with people i know. Cheers.
  2. Gernon

    whitelisted servers

  3. Gernon

    found my first heli - questions

    keep an eye on that fuel gage :o
  4. Gernon

    Why banditing?

    what's a bandit?
  5. Gernon

    Just saw Rocket again.

  6. Gernon

    DayZ Memes

  7. Gernon

    Ultimate New Player Guide?

    great guide
  8. Gernon

    What is so fun about this game

    is it worth getting arma 2 free and then the expansion - my pc is rubbish and i'd be running on low anyway?