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Everything posted by beavis_5000

  1. beavis_5000

    Female Skins.

    Honestly, I say take out spawn selection and give the females back their skins.
  2. beavis_5000

    Timelapse of the epoch trader cities

    You caught a hacker during the time lapse. 11 seconds in, a zombie with an M14.
  3. beavis_5000

    take all the time you need to make the SA

    There is a video of some gameplay somewhere in this thread. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/151995-hetstaine-in-standalone-confirmed/
  4. beavis_5000

    The map

    Blood not working right?
  5. beavis_5000

    Female Skins.

    This is exactly right hel1x. Origins has spawn selection and gender selection so Im sure they will work it out for Vanilla.
  6. beavis_5000

    Female Skins.

    I wouldnt play with a female skin. I cant put my finger on exactly why but I just wouldnt be able to get past the fact my dude was a female. Im not a female in real life so that immediately takes away from some of the realism.
  7. beavis_5000

    Precious Values

    Interesting theory lol
  8. beavis_5000

    Hetstaine in Standalone confirmed

    Another question: Is there any specific Mod in which you could describe the SA as being most similar to?
  9. beavis_5000

    Hetstaine in Standalone confirmed

    Didnt mean to complain. Really I just wanted a description of how the new survival aspects made the game feel. klesh gave me a very good response and I would love to hear more from him and everyone else. I hate to have made my post seem so critisizing but I know myself and many others have put much thought into how the new gear degredation and eveything else will effect the game. What better place to ask these questions than right here where people are actually playing the game? I tried to think of a way to word the question so it wouldnt come off as so negative and I guess I it didnt succeed lol.
  10. beavis_5000

    The map

    Starting off with a controller, I didnt have enough buttons to map out in order to use the Waypoint option. Too many other important buttons. By the time I switched to m+k I had learned navigation by terrain so I didnt really even think about using waypoints. Does it make a marker pop up in game for navigation. Like Skyrim, for example, that gives you a navigation marker?
  11. beavis_5000

    despair NEAF

    There is only one Despair server right? The reason I ask is because the only one that shows up in my Arma 2 OA at most has 2 maybe 3 people on. Actually no one is on there most of the time. Am I just unlucky?
  12. beavis_5000

    Good Dayz US servers?

    I can never find that server n/m, i just found it lol. Didnt put a space between the US and the 1503 and it wouldnt find it.
  13. beavis_5000

    Hetstaine in Standalone confirmed

    Thanks for the reply klesh. I have no idea how these aspects flow in the game so I figured I might as well ask. Its better to ask these questions now than when the SA comes out. Really if they just fix some of the more glitchy aspects of the game we would have an awesome SA imo. I guess imo the mod is so good any change for the SA scares me lol. So the main question is are these new features good, bad or not much different?
  14. beavis_5000

    Frankies dayz sniper rifle zoom tool

    This makes me as sad as when I found out Holyfield used roids.
  15. beavis_5000

    Hetstaine in Standalone confirmed

    You guys allowed to give us anymore info on the game? Just my opinion here but it almost seems like a lot of "headache" features are being added to the game. For example, not only do you have to find food but you have to find a can opener to eat the food (also taking up another inventory spot). And we have to worry about about character getting tired also shoe degredation, etc? Things like this seem like they would be more of a burden and headache to worry about rather than a challenge. I also noticed there were very few zombies. Sorry to seem so harsh. I would love to discuss these things if you guys are able.
  16. beavis_5000

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    Last night and early this morning (Nov. 15-16, Eastern US) it didnt seem like there were as many zombies. Were there some changes made within the last 24 hours?
  17. beavis_5000

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    You sure thats what you were banned for?
  18. beavis_5000

    I'll trade Bizon SD

    Hes likely died and lost it by now lol
  19. beavis_5000

    one less idiot

    I dun a woman
  20. beavis_5000

    All time favorite item in DayZ, and why?

    I killed myself with a gate just last night. Bolota Airstrip Medical Tents. I opened the first gate and I got caught between the outside wall and the gate. I couldnt get out and couldnt shut the gate back so i had to sit there and get ate by zombies.
  21. beavis_5000

    Frankies dayz sniper rifle zoom tool

    Im not saying Frankie is a hacker or cheater and in fact he seems to be pretty against anything like that also he seems to legitimatly love DayZ so I doubt he cheats in game but if he was a cheater the zoom he edits into his videos so his viewers can see better what he is aiming at would be the last reason I would accuse him of being a hacker.
  22. beavis_5000

    one less idiot

    PS OfficerRaymond, Im not saying those dayz didnt exsist or that those dayz couldnt return, but it really does seem like just a myth. People talk about the "Good old DayZ days" like we talk about the mythical dayz of King Arthur.
  23. beavis_5000

    my friend the admin

    If he threatened to ban you over a car you wanted to drive then that tells me all I need to know as that is admin abuse right there. PM the dudes name, I pay mostly US Vanilla, I will probably recognize the name.
  24. beavis_5000

    my friend the admin

    Thats especially fishy for a Vanilla server, especially if he says hes doing it solo. And he "wipes" the server if his camp is attacked. Its not totally impossible tho. But admin abuse cant be ruled out. I can have a couple of cars and tents in two or three different locations and log in the next day and its all gone. So considering how long it takes to build a base like you described and the extremely high chance of someone running into even a lone tent, the chances of him building a base to that size without having to "wipe" the server would be so slim. Especially if he does this solo. And once again I want to stress its not impossible, just very hard and unlikely. And hes says he does this all the time? If he has several teammates he plays with regularly it makes it more reasonable
  25. beavis_5000

    one less idiot

    It seems its always been like that tho. If someone is being held up then one af three things can happen. 1) They will lose their gear to bandits, 2) They can fight back or run, be killed and still lose their gear to bandits or 3) They can fight back or run and just possibly get away. If someone has a two week old character and all their favorite gear what do you think they would do? If they are going to essentially start over they will likely take thier chances. Even if you watch FrankionPC when he holds peopel up, he has to shoot a lot of them. And he likely would of had to shoot many more if the people werent surprised by hearing FrankieonPC's voice out of no where.