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Everything posted by devilhammer

  1. devilhammer

    Items to trade

    Ive got: AS50 x1 M107 x1 M4A1 CCO x1 M4A3 CCO x1 M4 CCO SD x1 AS50 mags x8 M107 mags x10 SVD mags x2 Stanag SD x25 NVG x3 Rangefinder x2 Ghillie x3 Looking for: DMR http://i265.photobuc...03-02-35-31.png http://i265.photobuc...03-02-40-36.png
  2. devilhammer

    Tents to Trade

    I currently have 5 tents to trade. Offer me what you are willing to trade.
  3. devilhammer

    Items to trade

    Sadly Im not really in the market for a M249. If you can find anything else I may be able to help you out.
  4. devilhammer

    Items to trade

    I can trade you both for another DMR
  5. devilhammer

    Items to trade

    Paschl: Pm me and we can figure everything out.
  6. devilhammer

    Items to trade

    SVD is still available. What have you got to offer?
  7. devilhammer

    Items to trade

    I can trade those Nick Pm me
  8. devilhammer

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 to Swordsworn trade was done in less than 30 sec.
  9. devilhammer

    Items to trade

    Assassin I can take that pm me and we can talk about meeting up
  10. devilhammer

    Items to trade

    Rkelly: all the SVD's have camo. Foskifo:Sorry I have like 20 saved up just cant find a single DMR
  11. devilhammer

    Anerag's Guns and Gear

    Looking for a DMR. Ive got 5 tents to trade.
  12. devilhammer

    Giveaway Thread

    DMR mags and Ghillie please?
  13. devilhammer

    Need Anything From Weapons To Beans? Click Here!

    Im looking to get NVG's and Ghillie for a couple tents.
  14. devilhammer

    Tents to Trade

    Im looking for any sniper but the cz and some ammo. Possibly a ghillie if youve got one.
  15. devilhammer

    Need camping tents

    What do you have to offer? I have 5 available currently.
  16. devilhammer

    Tents to Trade

    Packed tents.
  17. Would you be interested in 5 tents for a DMR, Ghillie, and NVG? Add me on Steam devilhammer(should be a picture of a bear riding a shark) if interested.