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Rami (DayZ)

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About Rami (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Rami (DayZ)

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    Source on the quoted bit? Last I heard he simply wanted people to play, period. No rules, no rewards other than what you get yourself. You're not a superhero, nor in any way special. You're a human who survived the initial chaos and infection and now has precious little supplies. I'm not at all surprised people shoot each other on sight, I still encounter people or small groups offering to assist. Resources permitting I let them pass, if I'm alone. If I need the resources, or playing with my friends on TS (more usually the case) then it's time for a set up. I'm just a guy trying to survive, if I need your stuff to survive, I will happily pretend to be your friend then kill you. I don't know you. We roll with a NTSKOS (Not-TeamSpeak-Kill-On-Sight) although the 'on sight' bit is dependent on circumstance, only a fool shoots at more than 1 person in an exposed setting. It's not personal, it's business, the business of surviving. If you think it'd be anything less in a realistic scenario, you are sorely kidding yourself.