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Everything posted by Chungmugong

  1. I'm leaning against it... I miss that unarmed players were helpless. But I could be wrong here. What do you think?
  2. That is really sad for you as a moderator, really. All I hear is , "alpha! alpha! alpha!" I would take that to mean that these forums are for people to talk about new features, bugs, what works, what doesn't work, etc. A poll was put up and someone gave the opinion that he wasn't sure he liked it, and HAD THE GALL to ask other members what they think about it. Guess what? An overwhelming majority didn't feel the same way I felt. I'm cool with that. I can even be cool with a lot of the posts being "STFU noob! stupid bandit madd at geting kconked out you suck!!" and various other attacks. When a moderator says it's "Unbelieveable" to question the almighty devs, that's sad. If you're gonna "throw something in the yard" do it then, be a man. Don't threaten or needly chime in with the reminder that you can suppress anything you disagree with that you don't feel was adequately shouted down by others. Don't be a bully. Allow dissent that is put forth in a clear manner without regard to its popularity. If you're not gonna do that you might as well go mod for WarZ.
  3. I'm not seeing how the OP included a suggestion. Does anyone else see "This needs to be removed."? It had a poll question and I gave my opinion, one that I admitted that I wasn't firmly attached to. I see 90%+ is in favor of keeping it. That's great to see that people like the change. I miss the totally helpless feeling of running into Kamenka, hearing gunshot and having NO other option but to haul ass. I have an unpopular opinion. Deal with it.
  4. If you think every untrained (or even trainer) fighter has one punch KO power. Educate yourself.
  5. Fights before Queensbury rules lasted an enormous number of rounds. And boxing deaths occur today, but not from 5 or 6 blows to the head.
  6. It is hard knock an average-sized male out with one punch. It takes a pretty precise placement and a pretty high amount of force. Doable? Certainly! But if it were that easy, all boxing matches and MMA fights would end in round one.
  7. If someone is camping spawns, they are gonna shoot no matter what, probably. Fists usually dont have a chance then. Back in the mod I wouldn't have shot anyone unarmed, but I have to say, I'd probably think twice about that now.
  8. A reason was stated. There was logic. A question was posed. That's all the feeding you'll get, troll.
  9. It's not stupid to suggest anything, that is part of what the "alpha+forums" is for. Don't be that guy.
  10. I do think there is a contingent of players tired of fresh spawns running up and knocking them out for their gear. I haven't had this happen. I'm not sure if I'm totally against it. But, I'd hate to see the coast become nothing but kamikazes, too.
  11. In regards to the OP: tl;dr... get better at saying what you wanna say with brevity. This topic is getting a lot of heat on both sides. And you are right about people not wanting to kill others in real life combat situations. That is a documented fact. ....but..... If things keep getting added to this game eventually it's gonna get top-heavy and no fun to play. What you are suggesting is a fun killer. Perfection isn't when there is nothing left to add, it is when there is nothing left to strip away.
  12. Chungmugong

    Upcoming Items/Weapons?

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have lost cabin pressure. Please put your oxygen mask on first before attempting to help small children.
  13. Chungmugong


    Calling out another forum member in the title of your post is bound to have the same conclusion as your first topic. Locked and forgotten. Ease up a bit, don't take it so personally, chap.
  14. If you want the community to respond to your opinion, a wall of text that said what could have been summed up in four sentences isn't a great start.... Whining and name calling isn't a graceful dismount, either.
  15. Chungmugong

    I just don't find item decay fun...

    I imagine if you sleep out in the elements, you're constantly running through trees and bushes, you're bleeding on your clothes and such... then stuff is gonna ruin a lot quicker than a 9 mile jog on the sidewalk a day. That being said, yeah, there is some elements that need a lot attention on this front. But, let us not compare apples and oranges.
  16. Chungmugong

    I Proclaim a Humble Opinion

    I think the OP brings up a lot of great points. Well said, Player vs. Environment is definely the sorely missed aspect in the mod. That's not to say teaming up doesnt have ANY advantages... it certainly does have some. However, as you said, the mod is entirely survivable (and thrive-able? is that a word?) solo, to a fault. I'd hate to see DayZ force us to team up, a la WoW. There should be plenty of room for Lone Wolves. But, creating MORE incentive and reason to reach out to fellow survivors wouldn't hurt a damn bit. What makes DayZ great is the random encounters: packs of bandits that take over a town, packs of heroes helping mainly themselves, helpful ones, the lone (but lawful) survivalist, the psychopath; all great roles to be played. What I see over and over (and argued against) was people whining about KoS. But i don't know if they are REALLY whining about KoS so much as grievers. While there will always be grievers, I think the one thing that spawns grievers more than anything is boredom. That's why you see a lot of it now, but I think it will level out quite a bit as content and challenge (not artifical "I'm hungry every two minutes") increases.
  17. Chungmugong

    Upcoming Items/Weapons?

    Dude, this is your second post in as many days on force-feeding feces. I'm sure there is a website for your particular, um.... interests. But I'll (and I'm sure a few others) quit this game if it becomes a fetish simulator.
  18. Chungmugong

    Fun new game.

    "Put out an APB on Will Smith... the killer left 'Fresh Prints'. EEEEYAAAAAAOOOOOOOO!!!"
  19. Chungmugong

    Induce Vomiting

    This is where the plane crashed into the mountain....
  20. I love the beard and hair idea. And before I go any further with my actual point, I think it's warranted to say that a "KoS problem" or "Banditry problem" is non-existant. It is a playstyle and doing anything to take it away subtracts from the game. That being said: if your gonna add skills, you must apply them evenly across the board for all playstyles, lest we all become scared little rabbits running away from everyone. Furthermore, I think without a combat logging mechanism, this would increase logging tenfold, as people would be scared to lose such a valuable character. The safest addition is the purely asthetic one such as beards and hair. But let's go just a step further and reward the sadistic manaics that makes the game enjoyable, like make a string of ears or tribal something they wear that gets more elaborate as the bandit kills add up. This would reward that playstyle and if you managed to kill or avoid one, you'd be like "whoa, I just cheated death." One last thing, though. A player should have the option of removing any of this garb or shaving as to avoid becoming a bigger target. Thoughts?
  21. I'm so glad priority was given to making new food and beverage types with the devs names on it. The community was demanding this and you delivered! Also, kudos for adding ammo that can fail 20% of the time on the weapon everyone was wanting, the crossbow! Just a word of advice: Perfection isn't when there is nothing left to add, it's when there is nothing left to take away. Maybe your priorities should be on fixing the minor problems instead of adding big changes that are at best are a nuisance that break immersion or at worst, break the game.
  22. Chungmugong

    DayZ Bug List

    Is talking over Direct Communication meant to aggro zombies in such a wide radius? if I try to talk to someone next to me I might as well fire of a Lee Enfield
  23. The debate for zombie difficulty rages in other threads and I do like the new challenge of this patch. However, one idea I liked at first that I have quickly grown to hate is direct chat ringing the zombie dinner bell like an enfield. If I come across some players in a city, it seems like I have no incentive to call out. If I don't wanna bandit or engage a zombie horde, I just have to lay there quietly and hope the other person never sees me. Anyone else agree?