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Everything posted by CS14

  1. CS14

    US 264 Wrongful Banning

    The screenshots do prove something, they prove that I do not have any non-default files in my directory (i.e. hack programs). Another thing, most if not all hackers do nothing but troll other players or spawn themselves things for their own benefit. Why would I bother to have hacks in-game (not saying that I do, just a hypothetical statement) and stay away from other people, legitimately find my own guns, and keep to myself? Your statement is flawed. Name one time that you have seen or heard of a hacker that didn't troll other players, blowup cities, spawn gear, or do other actions for their own benefit? Aside from that, no the BattleEye comment is not useless. ALL public hives include BattleEye, if I were hacking surely BattleEye would have caught on at some point in time and therefore I would have been banned if I were legitimately hacking. Your statement about the administrator coming on with log/video proof, the administrator has already failed to state how I was supposedly hacking which is against their own community rules and I would be more than happy to prove that. Edit: Why is it that you feel you need to get involved in other's matters when it clearly does not involve you? If you're not involved, get the fuck out of my thread and keep to yourself.
  2. Check out my newest video on my new channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3z0k3Q0vMA Slow motion version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DKaXWb1HhE
  3. CS14

    [VIDEO] One in a Million Shot

    Hate all you guys want, could care less. Those saying you couldn't see anything clearly didn't watch the video in HD/Fullscreen. Slow-motion video coming.
  4. There should be an age restriction for who can host servers, regardless of private or not. Even then, you'll still get those older people with the mentality of a 12 year old that gets a raging boner while hacking in video game s.
  5. CS14

    Anybody find a Machete yet?

    Yeah I found it once but didn't really care to pick it up considering I had a shit load of guns.
  6. Last time a hacker teleported to me I just instantly closed my game. It pisses them off more. If it's something like what happened to you, where the hacker script kills the entire server then there isn't anything to be done. But if they are going around killing people one at a time it becomes pretty obvious and I just switch servers.
  7. CS14

    A wild idea.

    If it meant that we wouldn't have to buy it again when the full release came out, sure. I wouldn't mind helping to find bugs and what not but I would mind if I had to buy the game again.
  8. CS14

    Luckiest NWAF Run

    Decided to head up to the NWAF with my group and it perhaps became the best run up there that we've had... While we were heading up to the field a member of the group spotted a working Huey just a bit down from the airfield and we managed to get there before anyone else near the airfield did. After we checked it out we decided to take our ATV into the airfield and start looting. I went up into the fire station and my buddy drove the ATV to what turned out to be our stolen offroad in the middle of the field. I ended up sniping the guy who had it before my buddy got shot by someone else that was there at the time. After a few minutes of waiting the person who shot my buddy started crawling like an idiot across the field and I managed to get him before he got to the bodies and the offroad. After clearing out the area I looted all bodies and took back our offroad that was stolen days before, only to notice it had been loaded with a lot more guns than we had in it. Got the helicopter full of fuel and decided to have some fun around the map with the helicopter including a dangerous air-rescue "op" to get one of our team mates that was being attacked out of Cherno...
  9. CS14

    Luckiest NWAF Run

    Yeah it was a lot of fun.
  10. This guy.. knows his shit. :beans:
  11. Easy... 1. Find a rifle, preferably the Lee Enfield. 2. Run towards Cherno or Elektro. 3. Profit?????????????? Just kidding... But in all seriousness just stay on the move and you'll be fine.
  12. CS14

    What is the community like today?

    Mostly people bitching about banditry, PVP, KOS, etc. In-game it's usually all of the above.
  13. Nothing is a fact unless it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt multiple times, it's just your personal opinion regardless of how right or wrong it is. Personally as a bandit I don't tend to get shot on sight as I'm smart when I play and usually play with a rather large group. If I get shot after freshly spawning I don't let it get to my head as people who just sit there and shoot people along the coast suck at actual PVP so they get their rocks of by shooting at people who don't have a chance. Best way to not get shot on sight... be better and faster than your opponent. Works 100% of the time.
  14. CS14


    Servers with excessive amounts of vehicles or starting gear really doesn't make the game any more fun. Aside from that, vehicles with high amounts of vehicles that can't compensate for the extra load tend to have performance issues.
  15. CS14


    Playing on official servers has nothing to do with not finding vehicles. You have to look in all the right places and not along the coast. You're obviously not going to find one along the coast due to the high population of players who do spawn along the coast and if you do manage to find one along the coast expect it to be a trap as it's highly unlikely. Head up north and scout around the smaller cities. Be prepared to fix up a vehicle if you do find one, it's unlikely you'll find a fully working vehicle. Also look out for those idiots who try to drive vehicles around the cities or populated areas to tease players. Last time someone did that to my squad and I they ended up loosing all of their vehicles and gear when we mowed their asses down.
  16. So basically I should stop playing the way I like to simply because other people don't like it? I don't think so. While I do understand why someone may not approach someone that may appear to be dangerous, however if people against banditry and think that shooting on sight isn't the answer to everything then they should give the same respect to bandits alike. Honestly I've tried changing from my bandit ways but that never works out due to two reasons. One reason being that if someone shoots you or at you and you shoot back in defense it still counts against you which isn't fair to begin with. If there were some way of detecting that you were shot first before killing someone so that killing back doesn't affect your humanity then I'm sure with just that alone there would be less people going towards becoming a bandit. The other reason being that everyone I have tried to help out even as a survivor has screwed me over. One example being the time I tried to help a new spawn by giving him some gear only to hear him mis-chat in direct comm. to his buddy telling them to come kill us. Another example being countless people claiming they are friendly only to try and shoot me moments later. I've gotten to the point of no return and decided to just stay a bandit. My humanity is so negative anyways that it would take a long time to fix and it's just not that worth it.
  17. Please don't capitalize every word you type. When I see a post like that I think a 9 year old wrote it. On topic.. I'd like to see where this leads. Considered this server as my buddies and I are looking for a good white-listed server to play on once the public one we play on shuts down soon but now I'm hesitant.
  18. Everything bugs me about PVP whiners. The biggest thing being people who bitch about bandits killing others on sight, then going around and doing the same to bandits and using the excuse "you're a bandit". Everyone who complains about bandits KOSing then goes and KOSes a bandit is a full of shit hypocrite.
  19. CS14

    How to play music through your mic?

    Could possibly try a decent soundboard.
  20. I like to shoot noobs with axes... especially idiots who try to charge at me when I have a gun. Was at the airfield the other day guarding my friend's body and our off-road when some idiot charged at me with an axe. Let's just say he ate up some DMR rounds quite well.
  21. CS14

    Fly a Chopper

    I'd recommend playing the helicopter boot camp mission... It'd be a shame if you found a helicopter in DayZ and crashed it as soon as you took off.
  22. CS14


    Just practice using the keyboard and mouse, it's quite easy. Practice using boot camp missions and scenario missions in ArmA II and you'll be fine. Took me a couple tries at the helicopter training mission when I first got the game but I find flying quite doable (wouldn't necessarily call my self a great pilot as opposed to those who have been flying a lot longer than I have).
  23. CS14

    Grenade damage

    Every time I've thrown a grenade at or near someone it knocked them out and I ended up having to shoot them to finish them off although they probably would have bled out before they even awoke from unconsciousness. Be especially careful when throwing them, I threw one in a hangar once and it knocked me out when I was outside it. Good thing my buddy was close enough to get me up.
  24. CS14

    Building pc for DayZ.

    An SSD doesn't actually increase FPS, it just loads textures faster and makes it appear that it is playing smoother. SSD is nice if you have the money but not something that is absolutely needed for gaming. If an SSD is being considered, go with a Samsung 840 Pro. I spent less than $500 total on my system and don't have a problem playing at mostly high settings. Averaging anywhere from high 40s to low 60s in the wilderness depending on the server to low 30s in populated cities depending on the server. If I could have re-chosen the parts I picked for my build, I would have definitely gone with something like a 7870 2GB.