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Everything posted by CS14

  1. CS14

    Your bad DayZ habits

    Always hiding bodies of other players even if said player does not have any sort of gear on them aside from what they start with. Always carrying more ammo than any person would normally need in a single life time. For instance, last week I was playing with a few people and almost my entire inventory and a majority of my bag were filled with DMR mags and didn't even come close to using most of them before dying. Double-tapping whenever sniping with a DMR or similar sniper rifles even if I know it's going to be a head shot. I like being double-sure. Reloading over and over whenever I am running around and start to get bored. For some reason I like the sound of the reloading.
  2. TeamSpeak 3: thewolfpackclan.vortexservers.com:9999 Server IP: Requirements: Age 16+ Minimum Ability to act mature Clear & Working Microphone TeamSpeak 3 Installed Skype and/or STEAM What We Have to Offer Mature Players Experienced leaders (Administrative experience on various games, knowledge of coding/programming, knowledge in web development, and experience in server hosting/managing) Friendly environment for all types of player Willingness to play as realistically as possible and much more! What We Plan To Do: Expand out the clan into a small community, eventually working our way up. Create and host a website on a personal and dedicated server. Groups and servers in other games (Such as BF4 and the DayZ standalone when they are released) and much more! Want to join? Here's How: Connect to the TeamSpeak server and wait in the lobby. An administrator will be with you shortly to grant you talk power (only members will have talk power to prevent unwanted guests) and will speak with you. The thread will be further updated later on...
  3. CS14

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    There's really no way to know a specific amount of FPS with specific settings on specific hardware. The only way to really find out is to either find out from someone with similar hardware (Forums, YouTube (sometimes lies), etc.), or to just get it and find out. I would imagine that you should get more than playable FPS on high settings with that, but don't hold my word to it. Also would not recommend getting a laptop unless you absolutely have to. For that price you could build a desktop that is practically guaranteed to max out any game.
  4. CS14

    [WANT] Ghillie Suit & NVG

    Update: Now only looking for NVGs. --------- I am looking for a Ghillie Suit and NVGs if anyone has some to spare. Willing to trade some of the following (may/may not change after confirming with my squad what they are willing to trade): Satchel Charges Frag Grenades Stanag, DMR, SVD ammo M4A3 If interested either message me on this thread or feel free to add me on Skype and/or Steam: xcs14x
  5. CS14

    [WANT] Ghillie Suit & NVG

    Then why mention it? :P --------- Edit: Now looking for NVGs as I have recently found 2 Ghillie suits.
  6. CS14

    Anyone found a machete yet?

    Found it once or twice off of people I've killed, never actually found it by itself as far as I can remember.
  7. CS14

    Who wants to play Dayz with me?

    17..nearly 18. My groups looking for a little bit of a higher age but some exceptions may be made. Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
  8. CS14

    Upgrade for more fps?

    Definitely the graphics card. I'm using the 7770 at the moment and it's alright for the price, really can't complain, but I cannot wait to upgrade here soon. Planning on spending some of my graduation money towards either a 7870 or a 7950 and a new PSU.
  9. Not a big fan of the admins there, they're quick to ban and some act quite inmature. --------- If you play public hives, US 1992 and US 1993 are some good ones.
  10. CS14

    [WANT] Ghillie Suit & NVG

    Add me on STEAM: xcs14x to discuss further. Won't mind trading it, just have to wait for one of my squad members to get on as he has it.
  11. CS14

    Who wants to play Dayz with me?

    How old are you? My squad and I are looking to recruit some members.
  12. Once you start using STEAM (on any game), it's a much better experience. I used to not like STEAM a little while back but I've loved it ever since I started using it.
  13. CS14

    DayZ Sound Mods

    I was actually looking into something like this the other day but I was wondering if public hives are able to support this or not. I would think that it would be just private hives, no?
  14. CS14

    Places to get better gear?

    Banditry is where it's at, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Do what you desire, not what others feel you should do because it's 'right' or 'wrong'. This is a video game, there is no 'right' or 'wrong' in terms of play style (Unless you are a douche bag hacker). Want to grab some decent gear but don't like the risk of heading into populated areas with a high chance of PvP? Just camp outside those areas and wait for one unsuspecting person to come along with all the right gear. Simple enough, right? Even better, if you happen to spot a group of people around just follow them and see if the eventually lead you to their camp, that is if they have one. Don't have the patience to do all of the above? Just go ahead and shoot on sight, why not, right? Sure you'll get those who bitch saying it's unrealistic but in all reality nobody knows how something will happen until it actually happens. This isn't a peaceful word we live in, shit is bound to hit the fan.
  15. CS14

    Chopper fuel

    As far as I know, there are no public hives that will allow you to refuel by simply being next to a fuel tank/gas station, correct me if I am wrong. I know some private servers have the option to do that, but most of the time you will end up needing jerrycans to refill it.
  16. It would be better to just repair everything before you start using it, rather than having to worry about it at a later point in time. My squad and I have found and fixed enough helicopters to know that's the best route. Once you start flying around in that thing it's going to start attracting a lot of attention and you may even get shot at occasionally. Aside from that, there are few places that are great for landing that to do some repairs unless you want to stash it and make multiple trips back and forth to where ever you plan on getting the materials to fix it from.
  17. My favorite troll? I'd have to say the time that I bugged out under the supermarket in Cherno (un-intentionally) and decided to take advantage of it and start playing the Halloween theme song over direct chat when two people entered and managed to take stuff out of their bag through the floor. Longer version of the story (If you are still interested ;) ): Just re-spawned near.the Cherno area and decided to head into the supermarket when all of a sudden I am shot and instantly break my leg. As I am crawling I get kicked by an admin for whatever reason (Don't remember since it's been a month or two) and immediately logged back in. Upon logging back in I noticed that I was under the supermarket with a broken leg, no morphine, and no way of getting back out. The person who shot me had left however unfortunately for the next two people to enter I decided to take advantage of the situation and start having some fun. At first I started out by playing the Halloween theme song over direct chat as I crawled around underneath them. They seemed to have been startled by the music and began running around the store like crazy, eventually hiding behind the shelf in the back that is parallel to the back wall. I continued to do this for some time, until I happened to notice that I was able to some how access their bag from underneath the floor. To mess with them even more, I took out all of their food and drinks from their bag and began intentionally eating it while underneath them so that they would hear it. Since this didn't to manage to scare them off for whatever reason, I finished off by playing Friday over direct chat. After roughly 10-20 seconds of playing that song over direct chat, they fled.
  18. CS14

    Looking for Testers

    If you are still doing testing I would be more than happy to help. I would add you on Skype however when I searched for your name two different ones came up and I was not sure which one to go with, so here is my Skype: xcs14x
  19. Looks like it'd be pretty interesting to see in game, and scary...
  20. CS14

    Is my PC up to standars?

    What graphics card do you have in your computer? If you don't know how to find it just open up device manager and click next to display adapters or just type 'dxdiag' in cmd.
  21. CS14

    Where is our community headed?

    True, no matter where you go there will always be idiots. Every community and every forum will have those kind of people.
  22. CS14

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Yes, you should be able to run the game just fine. What general frame range are you getting when you play? Yes, however I would recommend either getting an FX-6300 or an FX-8320/50. No, the graphics card is quite bad. Yep.
  23. CS14

    Where is our community headed?

    Lets see, where to begin? I guess I'll start by listing some things then going into further detail. Let me go ahead and state in advance that I am not 'bashing' on the community or anything of the sort, but rather stating my honest opinion, which we all have our right to. Anyways... One thing I notice within the community, specifically the forums, are a lot of idiots. People going around having nothing but stupid remarks to say about others, acting like they are better than them for whatever the reason may be. Another thing that I have noticed within the community is a lot of bitching and moaning about the whole banditry concept, which is part of the game. I've noticed that people will sit there and complain about how bandits kill on sight, then turn around and shoot the first bandit they see in game. Makes sense, right? Oh let me go ahead and complain on the forums all day because I am constantly getting shot on sight by bandits, then get in game shortly after and do the same to them (/sarcasm). Combat logging is still a pretty big problem within the community as well. I cannot tell you how many times I've nearly killed someone with an M107, AS50, etc. only to have them 'disappear' right before they die. Even people with the worst of gear can be seen combat logging from time to time. Killing new spawns and un-armed players is another problem as well. I've seen countless people shooting un-armed players, hell, I've even been shot a few times after just spawning or doing nothing but running around un-armed. That's just to name a few off the top of my head, won't get too far into it as my point as been made. Let me also go ahead and say that I am not complaining because I'm 'bad' or whatever else someone may feel the need to say, I am merely expressing my opinion.
  24. **** This was their exact post on their forums, however I would like for others to see this. **** First off before I go ahead and start, let me clarify that I can care less about getting un-banned from this server, however I am here to prove innocence to my name. Now, let's go ahead and take a look at my game directory, shall we? Now for my downloads folder: If there's any doubt at this point, I would be more than happy to show one of the administrators through my computer over TeamViewer however like I said I don't care about being unbanned here, I am merely just proving my innocence. Anyways, continuing on... Moments leading to my ban in-game I was running around the Berezino with nothing but a Winchester (11 or so bullets in it if I remember correctly), an Alice Pack, a hatchet, 2 cans of soda (Pepsi if I remember correctly), hunting knife, and other small things. If I were actually hacking like I was accused of doing, I wouldn't be running around with just a Winchester away from the rest of the population on the server. I was actually planning on heading up to the North East airstrip while my two buddies and I waited for the rest of my squad to get online until I was banned. Now let's take a moment to review the 'professionalism' some of the administrators on this server have. Now feel free to correct me if I am wrong, however if I saw correctly it looked as if what I thought were one of the administrators trolling another member over side chat about the true purpose of the razor, sitting there and telling them that it can be used as a weapon if equipped (which obviously is not the case). Not only did I personally witness this, but I have two other members of my squad who could vouch for this (not like it matters anyways). Another thing that I would like to bring up is that I have been playing DayZ since late February of this year and if I have been hacking, surely BattleEye would have caught me by now if it were the case. As a result of this wrongful ban, this server has just lost 11 up-coming regular players, as my squad and I were looking for a new server to actively play on. Anyways, I'll leave it at that. **** This was their exact post on their forums, however I would like for others to see this. ****
  25. CS14

    US 264 Wrongful Banning

    If you're ignorance keeps you from believing that I do not have hacks installed in my game directory, then that is your problem. I am simply proving what I can, considering I don't sit there and record what I do non-stop while I play. If I did, I could have simply just provided the video and that would have been the end of it. I have also clearly stated within the original post that I would have been more than happy to have shown one of the administrators through my game directory and other affected files regarding ArmA over TeamViewer however I am simply trying to dis-prove any wrongful assumptions associated with me rather than actually be un-banned on the server. Sure, I could have deleted the files if that were the case but there are always left overs to something that could be found at one point or another. How do you think people who commit crimes with a computer get caught? Unless you know every file, directory, registry key, etc. that is affected, which in this case I do not as I have never used a hack program for DayZ or ArmA in general, there is always a way to trace it back. "Who even said you were hacking?" That right there just goes to prove how intelligent you truly are. Aside from the fact the ban itself and the administrators supposedly said I were hacking, it goes against the rules that the DayZ team has put in place for hosting public hives which in that case means the server should be shut down. You can go ahead and read all about that by following the link: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules-updated-3009/ "Maybe you pissed them off" Read above, again it goes against the server hosting rules and if that were case then the server should be shut down. "Maybe you you are too young" Read the two things above. Aside from the fact I am nearly 18, that has nothing to do with the case. You come on this thread, post like you are all knowing, and come insulting me, yet you make stupid comment like that which immediately reveal how intelligent you truly are.