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Everything posted by CS14

  1. I'd wait a little while as well until you have some more money and the game is a bit more optimized. If you're going for something like DayZ and pure gaming in general I'd go with Intel unless you really wanna play on a tight budget. Not trying to sound like a fan boy, especially considering I'm running AMD right now myself, but Intel is better when it comes to gaming however you pay a bit more money. If you're wanting something like Frankie's build for some odd reason, it's definitely going to be more than the budget you have provided considering his graphics card alone is higher than your budget.
  2. CS14

    Need info for a streaming pc

    If you have a 650 or higher you could utilize ShadowPlay to stream as well. While I haven't used the streaming feature of ShadowPlay, I must say that ShadowPlay is probably the best software I've come across for recording. Practically no performance loss yet still maintaining good quality (H.264 compressed).
  3. The lower your settings, the more of your CPU your game uses. Gradually turn up your settings to that the game will utilize more of your GPU.
  4. CS14

    Hunting Down Coastal Bandits

    Throughout the course of my buddies and I playing one of my buddies happened to notice a group of people along the coast not too far from Berezino sitting in the woods along the coast, killing innocent new spawns. After we met up with our buddy and got all of his gear back, we decided to see if the group were still along the coast killing fresh spawns. As we got closer to where my buddy got killed, we heard more and more shots, this time from more weapons. The closer we got, the more we heard shots. As we arrived, we saw one of them shooting a new spawn. Us moving in on them: We spotted one: And another... (not the guy standing, the one beneath his feet) I'd say trying to play a bit more friendlier for a change was rewarding:
  5. CS14

    What Type of Bases do You Want to See in DayZ

    Something like Epoch or Rust.
  6. Noticed this as well after picking up an M4 off of a guy I killed. Went the entire day without issues until then.
  7. CS14


    This. If you guys are unsure just drop your gear and run away from it a bit and see if you get a performance increase. I was playing fine all day with zero performance issues until I picked up a fully loaded M4 with flickering textures on it, then performance slowly started to bog down within minutes.
  8. This seems to be the issue from what I've experienced: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172280-reddit-rocket2guns-on-fps-drop-is-caused-by-pre-115106-gear/ I had zero performance issues all day until I picked up an M4 fully loaded with extra attachments that seemed to have flickering textures. Within minutes performance of my entire group started to bog down more and more. We all kept restarting our games and after a few minutes into game play it would be the same issue. I didn't realize that the weapon itself may have been the issue until I had already logged out and read the post I've provided the link to above.
  9. CS14

    Haha! This game is fun!

    DayZ at first isn't nearly as fun at first, but the more you play it the more you'll start to become addicted to it. I'd agree your best bet would be to team up with people, preferably those who are experienced with DayZ and can show you the ropes. Try finding players throughout these forums as a lot of people are looking to team up.
  10. CS14

    Suspicious Death

    Most likely were shot and did not hear it. A few times today my buddies and I would get shot at and one of us would not even hear it, even though we were always near each other. Hell, my buddy actually got shot and didn't even hear it, only noticed because he started bleeding. Also a small and rare possibility that you just bugged out for some odd reason.
  11. CS14

    Where to find SKS?

    Off the corpses of your enemies.
  12. CS14

    I am a complete coward in this game

    The best tip is to not get attached to your gear. When playing make sure that you are aware of your surroundings, move from cover to cover, and generally play smart.
  13. CS14

    A few DayZ wallpapers I made!

    Those look pretty nice. Would love to see more, especially ones when it's starting to become night time. Keep it up. :thumbsup: :beans:
  14. CS14

    Hunting Down Coastal Bandits

    I have no issues playing in 1st person what-so-ever, I just have to be in the mood to play it. Not trying to sound cocky, but regardless of if I was in 1st or 3rd person we would have been able to sneak up on those bandits the same exact way as they were too focused on shooting new players along the coast. Aside from their focus being else where, the fact that we were at the top of the hill and they were at the bottom gave us a huge advantage considering it's harder to shoot up hill than it is down. First person game play is not bad at all once you widen up your FoV a bit so that it's more realistic. Either way it was still a pretty good situation. Also I should point out that when I was behind that three I was not getting shot at. We caught the player off guard as he was shooting someone. Once we started shooting he ran off and we killed him while running before he even realized where we were.
  15. CS14

    How to avoid being killed by bandits?

    One option that is greatly frowned upon in the DayZ community, although it happens anyways, would be to shoot anyone you don't know before they get the chance to do the same to you. In all reality all you need to do is just be observant of your surroundings and don't run around in the open like an idiot. Move from cover to cover, constantly observe the area you are in, avoid people, etc. Whatever fits your play style, just do it.
  16. CS14

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Rain adventures Gotta love the beauty of the M4
  17. This. I tend to turn off in-game music in most games, depending on the game. Something like DayZ you want to be able to hear every in-game sound possible rather than music, especially if a player is trying to sneak up on you.
  18. CS14

    Darkest darkness

    Would love to see a night system somewhat like the screenshot in the first post, maybe a tad bit darker at most. Until then, avoiding night servers as it's practically unplayable.
  19. CS14

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Getting a better vantage point to cover some buddies of mine heading into the city.
  20. CS14

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    "Minimalist" look: Holding up some un-lucky passer-by. We let him live, hardly took anything off of him:
  21. CS14

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Decided to start playing with the "minimalist" look. Managed to find the SKS as well, though I gave it to my buddy.
  22. Although it's an annoying bug that exists (or existed, not sure if it was fixed or not, never noticed it much) even in the mod, it can be quite useful. Really good for luring out players you're trying to kill from an area by making them think they are under fire. Pretty useful for trolling friends too.
  23. Going to stop you right there and call bullshit on that. An i3 and a GTX 650ti without dropping below 30FPS in the cities at times? Right. So all those people with better i5s, i7s, even better AMD processors than the i3 paired with way better graphics cards, some in SLI configurations, are all full of shit when they say they drop below 30FPS at times too, right? OT: OP try to get a program to monitor your gpu and cpu usage in-game while you play. Configure your settings so that more of your GPU is being used and keep messing around until you start to see increased FPS.