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Everything posted by CS14

  1. Thanks, however I lost the tractor roughly 10-15 minutes after I got it when I crashed it into a tree (engine and hull already damaged prior). Will keep that in mind next time I set up a nice little camp and get a vehicle again.
  2. Started playing with so I can't really say if it's too far :P From what I'm reading, it seems that hit was easier prior and I'm actually glad I started playing as it is getting harder which will only benefit me in the long run if it were to lets say go back to the way it was or get harder.
  3. CS14

    Trolling hacker foiled

    That right there earned some beans :thumbsup: :beans: Although I've just started, I've experienced hackers (in other games as well) quite a few times since then where we'd all get teleported to the airfield or somewhere similar, even 30 seconds before a scheduled server restart once. The one time on the airfield a good majority of people were smart enough to take off and only a few sat around and shot each other. I think the best thing is just to ignore hackers in any game,they'll get bored before you do.
  4. Got a specific server in mind? If not I know a good server with a good TeamSpeak 3 server as well. Just lemme know.
  5. CS14

    Funny story! :D

    Haha, have a sort of similar story. To keep it short: Creeping up on 2 bandits on a roof in Cherno, one of them falls over the edge and lands unconscious in front of me (not sure how he survived) as I was walking around the bottom and ended up shooting him upon realizing he was alive. Funnier if you saw it in person :P
  6. CS14

    New player

    Check out the 'Index of Helpful Threads' and click on some of the guides listed there. Also check out the DayZ Wiki to learn a bit more about certain things in the game (love to do this when bored at school B) ) to better understand it. Although reading through guides and what not will help you out, nothing will be better than hands on experience. I just recently started myself and already feel like I've been improving at the game just by playing on a variety of different servers (I'd recommend playing on ones that don't start you off with any good equipment).
  7. I'd recommend using PCPartPicker to search for parts as it'll automatically compare the price of whatever you select with a number of stores and will find you the lowest price you can get. You could also checkout overclock.net and learn a lot about anything you could want to know about PCs and get help with recommendations as to what you should choose and why. I'll try to throw together a decent list for you.
  8. Not always the case, sure a 1-2 grand desktop could play all current games without any hiccup at high framerates and multi-monitor resolutions, but isn't absolutely necessary to get decent frame rates on most games. For example, I built my desktop around Christmas for ~ 500 USD and have been getting a steady 30 FPS+ for the most part (occasionally dips down a few frames, not much, and occasionally increases up to 60 depending on location) while playing on high settings. I could probably squeeze out more FPS if I found that 'perfect' graphic setting, even a bit more when I overclock my processor which would be fairly easy as it's unlocked, as well as my GPU as it came factory overclocked and with overclocking software. Long story short, yes an expensive rig would be ideal to play any game with nice graphics on high resolutions without any hiccup, but a 'budget' or 'mid-range' PC would do just fine. Agree with this 100%. You can get more for your money with a desktop.
  9. CS14

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, I'm CS14 (in-game as well) and I just started playing DayZ this past Monday (02/04/13) and have been loving it more and more since then. I consider myself a 'neutral' player meaning I'll play friendly but my character's safety comes first and won't hesitate to shoot if provoked. I plan on sticking with DayZ for a while and looking forward to meeting new people and having fun while playing.
  10. CS14

    An intense DayZ session

    Interesting story, sounded really fun. Haven't managed to have anything as intense as that. We should play together sometime :P Also, lol at the truck XD
  11. CS14 Go beserk on the Zombies!

    Wow.. just wow :o Must have been fun lol
  12. lol didn't realize what you meant at first then saw the chat in one of the photos. Thanks
  13. CS14

    No more flies on dead bodies?

    Personally I've noticed flies buzzing around every body I've found since I started playing.
  14. Thanks :) Unfortinutely I died like 10 minutes after taking the picture of the tractor when I crashed it into a tree and it exploded (engine and hull was orange/red) and after I got the M4 and stuff yesterday from dead bodies I got banned from the private hive I was playing at the time for apparently duplicating/spawning items or something along the lines of that :(
  15. Don't remember the exact reason of the ban word for word but it was something along the lines of duplication or spawning. I think it was a hive but I'm not 100% sure. Posted in hopes that one of the admins from that server may see and look into the issue. Edit: Also I think it may have been an admin ban from one of the server's admins. Edit #2: Just found some screenshots after digging through my FRAPS folder. Took some yesterday as kind of a 'memory' since it was the best equipment I had found since I started playing DayZ.
  16. CS14

    First kill today ...

    Saw this thread earlier before I registered while randomly browsing the site and knew I had to reply to it. Had my first kill myself earlier today while roaming in Cherno. When I first entered Cherno it seemed pretty quiet and things were going smoothly until I started hearing gunshots near the taller factories. Knew the shots were not towards me, and that I was severely lacking in good weaponry to defend myself if whoever it was noticed me, yet I still started heading in the direction of the shots to investigate. Turns out that the closer I approached, the more shots I heard, still not towards me. When I finally spotted the shooters, two of them, I noticed two things: That one of them had pretty decent weapons and that it seemed they were shooting players on sight. I managed to circle around the bottom of the factory when one of the guys falls over the edge and a few feet in front of me. It startled me as I was not expecting it. I approached the body thinking it was dead until I approached and realized that they were only unconscious. Self-assured that both of them were bandits, I put one round of my silenced M9 through his head and took his gear. Wasn't the guy with the decent weapon, just some small but useful supplies, so I started to sneak up on the other one. What do you know, some how that one is dead by the time I get up on the roof. Noticed he had a shotgun and quickly took it and left before anyone noticed. Was pretty fun, first encounter with PvP (sort of) :P