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Everything posted by CS14

  1. CS14

    Take note of where you DC

    Not to mention that you appear visible to others before you completely appear logged in on your end.
  2. Server: US 303 Dallas (v1.7.6.1/build 102591) Date: March 08, 2012 Time: Unknown (Some time after 5PM GMT -5 and before 9PM GMT -5) Player Info: Name: GUDDEISA GUID: (See screenshot(s)) Screenshots: Initially suspected player "GUDDEISA" of hacking after having initial contact with the player on the hospital roof in Elektro climbing up the ladder before I shot them in the head with the head with the Lee Enfield. The player had a hero skin on and was equipped with an AS50, which I found it weird that someone would be running through Elektro with an AS50 considering the rarity of the gun. Few minutes later I get killed on the roof of the same hospital in Elektro by a player in a hero skin brandishing an AS50. Little time passed after the incidents when I noticed the player getting banned for invalid items and getting kicked for having invalid GUIDs.
  3. I didn't mean for my response to sound like I was being a dick, just been a little bit of a rough day and was a little pissed off earlier when I replied and I apologize for that. I do enjoy the server from time to time and appreciate the fact that you guys have been running the server. I'm not saying that my evidence was proof that the guy was hacking, I was just hoping it would be enough to go off of to investigate that *possible* hacker. Also just a quick unrelated question to the subject, but what is the MM999 in the corner of the screen for? My buddy and I noticed it one day when we logged in the server and have been curious about it since.
  4. CS14

    Make banditry be punished

    Even better... They should be dressed in all pink while having the musical theme of barbie playing every time they make a foot step I would enjoy this while I run up to someone making a weird terroristic war call as I aimlessly spray at my target. I do this sometimes to scare the shit out of players.
  5. CS14

    Make banditry be punished

    There should be a punishment for bitching about banditry and K-O-S where your character becomes so depressed from the constant bitching that they venture into a horribly deep depression and develop Lou Gehrig's Disease... jk
  6. That's not always the case. I've seen some people running around in a hero skin killing people. Not sure how they mange to keep them. I'd love to have the hero skin just because it looks awesome but I'm going towards becoming a full time bandit. There's really no point to even trying to be a hero if every time you shoot back in self-defense it counts as a murder and only hurts you more. Every time I've tried to work towards lowering my humanity, it ends up becoming worse by the end of the day. You get those people who bitch about bandits killing on sight, but yet they do the same to bandits. I simply just kill anything that poses a slight threat to me or my squad.
  7. Yet another thread bitching about getting killed in cities, not surprising. Just because you can't manage to stay alive in cities doesn't mean it should get removed from the game. I go into cities with my squad all the time and we usually don't have problems. Kill or be killed, it's a tough world out there. Reppin' -68,000 humanity all day every day.
  8. I never stated that the player was spawning items, however it seems pretty suspicious. I posted this in hopes of it getting looked into but it seems you have that "I don't care attitude" since your server is going down soon anyways. My squad and I (15 people total) aren't playing there much anyways, getting sick of the constant problems with the server. Have fun with your fail server.
  9. Another thread with pointless bitching... *sigh* This is why I don't come on the forums often...
  10. CS14

    Bandit Challenge

    Interesting, might give it a try.
  11. Never betrayed someone I team up with, that's just being a dick. Personally the best thing that works when it comes to surviving is to either kill or be killed. I've tried the whole "be friendly, help others" thing but that doesn't always work well. One example would be when my buddy and I were trying to hook up a new spawn with some food and supplies when all of a sudden he accidentally presses his talk key while he was telling his friend (most likely in Skype) where we were, what we had, presumably so his friend could come and take our gear. Another example and this has happened multiple times would be running into someone who claims to be friendly only to have them try to kill me (and fail badly) after a few moments. After that I just pretty much kill anyone that could pose even the slightest threat to me. Humanity is somewhere around -50,000. One funny story about trying to survive would be when me and four other people were stuck on the roof of the fire station in Cherno with at least 50+ zombies outside... let's just say I finally found a use for the grenade ;)
  12. CS14

    Whats with my gpu?

    Clearly you don't know what you're talking about if you made a statement like that. Now while it may not be a lot, depending on the hardware, overclocking does actually help. When I had to send in my current graphics card for a replacement and was stuck with an older one, overclocking actually helped me to gain a small but noticeable FPS boost in games. Yet another person who doesn't know what they are talking about.. *sigh*. Running something like a CPU or GPU at higher speeds isn't dangerous, it's the voltage involved that can be dangerous. Of course with pushing something past it's limits it's going to need more power and in this case voltage however the only way you can damage something when overclocking is by too much heat and too much voltage. Laptops aren't meant to be overclocked, no surprise it over-heated. Laptops are bad enough at managing heat as it is, totally different from a desktop with sufficient cooling. @ OP - If you want to get into overclocking, checkout overclock.net
  13. Lately I've noticed that whenever I hit Scroll Lock to pull up whatever the new monitor is called (still Debug Monitor?) I've been noticing that it doesn't update until I relog. I thought it was just the server I was playing on at the time so I went ahead and tried it on another private hive that I play on and I noticed the same thing. Any ideas on what it can be? Would it by any chance have anything to do with me recently installing DayZCommander with PlayWithSix already installed? Any help is appreciated.
  14. ******** SCREENSHOT & VIDEO EVIDENCE WILL BE UPLOADED AND POSTED SHORTLY ******** Server: US 303 Dallas (v1.7.6.1/build 102591) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON][uTC +9] Time (Server Time): 5:00 - 6:00AM (UTC +9) Time (My Time): 3:00 - 4:00AM (GMT -5) Player Name: Silly Sausage Suspected of using teleport hacks numerous times when my teammates and I noticed the player repeatedly appearing near us after just killing them. The first few times we saw and killed the player they had a blue face however the last few times they appeared to have a bandit skin. We recognized the player not only by their blue face, but the fact their name - Silly Sausage - kept appearing after we killed them. My teammates and I are hoping that server logs can be reviewed if a server administrator sees this thread or the evidence that will be provided will be clear enough when posted. My teammates will be posting back on this shortly to confirm as well.
  15. People that complain about getting shot in an action/shooter game is like enlisting in the military, going to war, and acting surprised to get shot at by the enemy. They don't call it an action/shooter game for no reason, obviously there is going to be shooting whether it is at zombies or other players it is up to the person shooting, but nobody here has the right to try and determine what is the correct way to play the mod other than the developers. All I see when browsing the forums is people bitching about getting shot at and trying to "dictate" why their way of game play is the correct way. It's a game, have fun. That's what games are made for, are they not? Imagine the game with nothing but 100% peaceful players, where's the fun in that? Where's the worry that you're going to get sniped if you run into Cherno/Elektro or if you just heard a player trying to sneak up on you or not? The game wouldn't be as fun of an experience if there wasn't an incentive for PvP, it's part of the game. Honestly if people are going to do nothing but complain about the way other people play the game, they shouldn't be playing multiplayer IMO. Just enjoy the game for what it is and have fun.
  16. CS14

    Weapon Customisation

    That's only going to lead to camping outside the workshops. And before someone suggests (not sure if posted yet, didntread.gif) safe zones.. no.
  17. CS14

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    lol interesting list :thumbsup:
  18. CS14

    Fed up of fighting in Cherno and Elecktro

    Maybe don't go to Cherno or Elektro if you are tired of it? Seems like the most obvious solution. I don't mind going into Cherno or Elektro due to two reasons: 1. I make sure there are no snipers around, if they are I try to hunt them down. 2. People in Cherno/Elektro typically have crappier weapons than I do assuming they go there for the same reason I do, to stock pile on drinks and medical supplies. If you want weapons your best bet is heading up North and scouting for helicopter crashes or just taking them from players that were unlucky enough to come across you and try something.
  19. CS14

    Is This A Good Desktop To Run DayZ

    Wouldn't take long to learn how to build a computer at all. Give it a few weeks, read up on some stuff, watch some videos on YouTube, and choose your parts wisely when the time comes. I'd recommend checking out overclock.net , you can learn a lot there. It's where I first started really getting in-depth about computers.
  20. CS14

    Is This A Good Desktop To Run DayZ

    Before you go and look to buy a PC for gaming I would suggest learning more about them. Don't take this the wrong way, but you barely know what an OS is and you're looking to buy a PC. You'd be better off building your own once you sufficiently know how to, as it'd be cheaper.
  21. CS14

    Is This A Good Desktop To Run DayZ

    Don't be mislead by people who don't know what they are talking about. Sure, if you want to absolutely crush every game with the nicest graphics at more than playable frames you'll be looking in the thousand range, but for a little bit less than $500 I built my PC and can run the game on all high settings with high frames in regular ArmA, and high frames throughout the wilderness in DayZ with some FPS drop in the large cities, yet still playable.
  22. CS14

    Ethics of the common player

    Allowing yourself to get killed doesn't make you a "legitimate player". I'm really getting tired of people going around trying to befriend everyone they run into, then complaining on the forums that they get killed. Tired of getting killed for coming off too nice? Do something about it. Constantly complaining about it isn't going to change the game, so stop trying to force one way of playing on everyone and just enjoy the game for what it is.