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About Shinjetsu

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  1. This guy was chasing down anyone on the airfield. We weren't a threat to him. He attacked me and died. He had loads of awesome stuff on him. Thats why it doesn't pay, I can understand fighting it out for PvP purposes on the airfield, but I was making tracks away from this guy and he lost everything.
  2. So, not being a bandit, I was on a very low pop server with 2 real life buddies around the NW Airfield. We were casually gearing up the least geared of us, as I sat south in the barn and my other friend was in the watch tower. We decided early on not to attack others unless they were a threat. Anyway, my friend was sneaking his way through to the south barracks and someone spawned in, ran through and killed him. He had a hatchet. Stole his STANAG mags he'd picked up. He then saw my friend in the tower and must have decided he was too much of a threat and headed south. Knowing the player was around, I decided that I would avoid him. I was shot at with this bandits M16A4 from across the southern field. Breaking my legs and rendering me useless. Shit I thought. This is it. I've survived for 3 days, killed over 200 zombies and got myself good gear and this is how it ends. Spinning round, I saw him sprinting towards me. I fired my AKM, once, twice three times on single shot. He hid behind a bush, bleeding. He mustnt have hit me again, I was bleeding badly. My friend too far away to come and help. I saw this horrible rat ducking in and out of cover. Bam. One lucky shot, in the head and he was down. My friend was too far away and too surrounded by Zeds to assist. I was going to die. Crawled over to his body. Morphine! Bandages! Blood! I was saved! So, basically, i took his gun, his mags, his ridiculous amount of food and drink together with his backpack. He logged off from rage. It was my first kill of a bandit. It felt GREAT.
  3. Shinjetsu

    Share your "betrayal" stories

    That was horrible. I hope your meat gets infected.
  4. Shinjetsu

    Share your "betrayal" stories

    I was betrayed. I started at Krutoy Cap with another survivor. We headed into Elektro together. It was dangerous. We were great, avoiding zombies and bandits. Then he found an Enfield. I'd told him I'd found bullets earlier. I said he could have them. He killed me instead. 2 hours of playtime with this guy, getting food and water and tools for nothing.
  5. Shinjetsu

    Ultimate New Player Guide?

    Case and point - not an hour ago, I was at Balota airfield - fresh spawn. Had nothing. Private hive so I had the M9 SD and a crossbow. I'd just been talking to a helicoper and its crew who needed blood. I waited for them to leave, advising them I was friendly. As the guy who'd been scouting got in the chopper, fire rang through my headphones. It was close. I ran into the first hangar. The helicopter crew asked me on side chat why I'd fired. I told them it wasn't me. They flew off. I was running arount the airfield, got a few mags for the M9 from some dead bodies and hunted for something a bit better. A guy come running over, shouts friendly. I lowered my weapon (I was a fresh spawn, he had no real reason to kill me) Killed me. This is why you shoot on sight. The helicopter crew couldn't see me. I just waited for them to leave. But the second I was seen by someone, they killed me. Claimed "friendly" So, anyway, I hunted that son of a bitch down and teabagged his corpse.
  6. Shinjetsu

    Ultimate New Player Guide?

    I see your point, but you'll 9/10 end up getting flattened. I avoid others unless I know them in real life.
  7. Shinjetsu

    Ultimate New Player Guide?

    Its when you start ARMA 2 - OA, some error I forget, you'll know if you see it.
  8. Shinjetsu

    Ultimate New Player Guide?

    KOS is the best strategy for a new player, instructing otherwise is just wrong. I'm still a new player, and I get killed on sight, so my advice is to not trust anybody. They want your stuff. The only help you'll ever get as a new spawn is generally from other new spawns, who usually wait until you're both geared up before they take your stuff. I don't bother with Morphine initially, as any firefight I've been in, they go for headshots. Its useful to remind also that bloodbags < cooked meat. Just spam cooked meat if you're low on blood. So, morphine is more important than a hunting knife or water bottle? Pretty sure I could survive in the woods without morphine.
  9. Shinjetsu

    Ultimate New Player Guide?

    Just a quick bump, hopefully more people will read it!
  10. http://www.pcusa.com/System/Details/9/11458,11979,-1,11370,11454,4670,-1,12365,11468,9556,12543,12559,12579,-1,11083,11383,11512,-1,-1,-1,11092,1461,-1,11383,1480,11383,11103,-1,11383,11383,-1,-1,-1,11383,11383,-1,-1,11099,9645,11492
  11. Shinjetsu

    Who can answer my question?

    My rig runs it fine Intel Core 2 Quad - 6600 (2.4ghz) Radeon HD 5830 8GB corsair RAM I basically robbed the guy on Ebay, he had no idea what the computer was worth, and for that, custom cooling tower, Razr Deathadder/Arctosa Mouse/Keyboard and a 20inch Samsung digital LCD Monitor £250
  12. Shinjetsu

    Tell me your best kill...

    On a private server, I'd spawned just outside Elektro - heard a few guys trying to meet up inside to take on fresh spawns on side chat. The place was over run, and I heard gunshots in the distance - they'd holed up in the firestation, had a sniper at the top and had looters running round. Think there were about 4 organised. I wen't into a cafe style building (you know the ones with a bar) found myself face to face with a crossbow and around 3/4 bolts. I could have hightailed it out of there, or I could strategically plan my assault, as these guys had so much stuff. I used the binoculars I had (custom loadout etc) and saw the sniper looking in the opposite direction over the supermarket. He was bragging to his friends about the shots he was making, believing himself invincible. His friends were also bragging about the loot. It had to end. I snuck up on the sniper, crossbow bolted him - sidechat went crazy. Turns out he had about 15 bullets left. It was enough. I waited up there. One of them came up. He died. The second one, being a bit more intelligent - dragged a massive horde of zombies (I am no good at sniping) so i couldn't hit him. He dragged them all to the fire station and logged out. 2 hours I waited there for them to disperse. Only to then get killed by the original sniper who must have either found another rifle, or gone to get another from his camp. Anyway, the fact I crossbow bolted him in the head was enough for me.
  13. Shinjetsu

    Ultimate New Player Guide?

    I couldn't find a map for a while so I used the web map - basically looked for landmarks and shapes in the coastal structure, rather than potentially die for the privilege of having a map in game..
  14. Hi guys, first post. Made an account to basically combine everything I've learned about Day Z, including those dreaded client errors. I think I've had them all. Ok, so - errors first. Error compiling pixel shader: You need to go into Steam, force remove of Arma2: OA and close Steam. Open Steam (right click and "run as administrator") - redownload/install and you should be fine. Don't forget to run the Beta too. Wait for host: You need to delete Battleye associated with Arma2: OA and delete Day Z itself. (Don't worry you'll get it back) Go to - C:Program Files(x86) or whatever. Then Steam, SteamApps, Common, Arma2 Operation Arrowhead, then @dayZ. Delete everything in this folder. Then go to Expansion, BattlEye and uninstall BattlEye. Ok, then open DayZ Commander and go to install/update and redownload DayZ latest patch. Start up Arma2: OA FROM YOUR DESKTOP OR ICON This will then reinstall BattlEye. Being kicked for server restriction #40, #44 or #45 You'll need to be able to see hidden files. Forgotten how to do this but it should be easy enough. Go to C: Users then your username for the computer. Then AppData, Local, Arma2 OA and BattlEye - delete this .dll. You'll generate this file again upon logging on. Ok - the guide. Shinjetsu's Totally Awesome Newbie Guide You'll want to find an official server (click the option to hide unofficial in DayZ Commander) and one with 1 - 5 players and a good ping. Ok, so you spawn. Argh! WTF IS THIS HUD? Look at the bottom right. Quickly. This is where you are. Remember it. Then go to http://dayzdb.com/map#4.127.091 and decide where to go. Ready? Excellent. If you spawn really far from Cherno or Elektro, then you're likely to die unless you're a vet. If you're a veteran player, why are you reading this? I can't teach you anything. Go away. DON'T MOVE YET Firstly, press G. You will have a really Amiga game looking inventory. You will have Painkillers, bandages, a backpack and a flashlight. Firstly remember you may open your backpack to put things in. I didn't learn this ability for a while. Your standard backpack has 8 slots. Its useful for food, drink, medical supplies and ammo. Anything else, don't bother. Certain things if you right click will have an option. Never use the flashlight, ever. I'm not even going to tell you the hotkey because its not going to be needed. Ok, so your next job is to move. Sounds simple right? Most of your time out in the open will be spent sprinting. W is run forward, but double tap it and you'll sprint. Useful for outrunning zombies. A,S and D are generic movement keys from there. Numpad Enter is to go 3rd person. Useful to give yourself a panoramic view. Alt toggles mouselook, meaning you can run and look over your shoulder. Give it a try. Get used to this, because when Zeds are after you, its vital. Then we have Z (prone) X (crouch) and c (stand) - the shift key allows you to walk while crouching, so give that a try. V is for "vaulting" basically jumping over stuff. Don't bother vaulting unless you think you need to. Its a bit unpredictable sometimes if you'll break a leg (I did) Right, well you can move, you can use the inventory and you know where you are. You'll notice on the right there are some indicators. One is thirst. One is Hunger, One is Blood and the other is temperature. If you can't decipher from the icons then please find the nearest sharp knife and stab it into your eyes, because they clearly aren't being used for purpose. You'll notice that the hunger and thirst bars deplete while you run. Don't worry - these are like petrol gauges. You can survive when they're blinking. Just. You'll want to find some beans/sardines/pasta and coca cola/pepsi/mountain dew. Don't make this your immediate concern however. You've got a good hour or so to find that stuff. You'll find them mostly in residential areas on your way to a large city. The blood one however is important. See below. The others that are the eye icon and the ear icon are the levels of visibility and noise. Don't make much noise. 2 is.....acceptable around Zombies. Anything above 2 and you're asking for trouble. Same with vision. Although some Zombies are superpowered and have seen me from 200m away when i had 2 visibility. Anyway; ATTENTION You are likely to see Zombies. Right mouse button zooms slightly. Walk around the edge of built up areas in a crouch. Pay attention to the surroundings and their pattern/path. You can make it! If not....well.....see below. If you are bleeding, get yourself to safety. You've encountered a Zed. You'll notice a + sign is in the blood icon. Don't stop. Run. Zigzag. Find trees. Hills. Anything. Don't run in straight lines. Press Alt and look around as you run. Only when you stop hearing them is it a good idea to apply bandages. Now, hopefully you did this quick enough to avoid dropping below 9000 (roughly 3/4 of the bar) If not, you'd best press ESC and try again. You're too far from a town and if you're playing in a group, you're likely to hinder your team mates. Its ok, you'll find them again (if you were lucky enough to meet them before a big city) Loot Middle mouse button or Enter. You're likely to find allsorts. Best loot is tools and guns. Common stuff is food/drink. You'll want a hatchet. If you get one, and no primary weapon then right click it in inventory. Remove from toolbelt and you will have a zombie one shot kill weapon. Reload it first with "R". (weird I know) Do not engage zombies. I repeat. DO NOT ENGAGE There. That was simple. You're best running away and hiding. The hatchet can get you out of a squeeze with left mouse button as attack, but you should be stealthing with shift, x and going prone around zombie areas. Shinjetsu's Big City Guide Ok, so you're moderately armed. You have food and drink (hopefully) - now its time to do a speed raid of a big city. This is a one shot deal, so get it right. You'll want to spend time scouting the area to find the least zombie infested path. Remember, right mouse button. And do NOT engage if you can help it. Don't use any gun you find in a city for gods sake. AK47's and 5 mags at a time do NOT spawn so even if you do get super lucky, the mag will be gone quicker than painkillers in Michael Jacksons medicine cabinet. What you get here will be your "expedition" gear. Because you'll need stuff to move with. Don't forget, if you're low on space, you need to select your backpack and "open bag" in the inventory screen. Save this for food and ammo. CHECKLIST - rated /10 for importance HUNTING KNIFE - this will be your food source - 9 WATER BOTTLE - this will be your....drink...source - 6 (if you find drink then its less important) MATCHES - 6 HATCHET - 6 WEAPON - 10 AMMO - 10 You cannot leave without a weapon of some description. If you're holding your hatchet, you may pick it up again after picking up a primary - it goes into your toolbelt again. You will want enough sidearm (pistol) ammo to hold off an average zombie attack (3/4 zombies) so we're talking 2/3 mags. You shouldn't have shot anything yet. I hope you haven't. Your primary is for killing other players if you cross them. Lets get that out of the way now. TRUST NOBODY They want your stuff. They'll say "Friendly" in side chat or by pressing "/" to type it. Do not believe them. If there are no zombies around, shoot the hell out of them. It avoids them potentially doing it to you. If there are Zombies around. Run. This person wants your stuff. Make it to a safe distance and consider logging off for a while. I have a story about a particularly patient sniper, but I'll save it. Once you have the above items, its time to leave. Optional extras can include - map, watch, toolbox and crowbar (crowbar is crap) Thats all for now folks. I'm aware I've probably missed some vital stuff, but I'm sure you'll fill it in for me below. Shin