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About rivets

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    On the Coast
  1. rivets

    Concealable pistols

    Give players the ability to conceal a handgun if they have the right equipment; long hoodie, jacket, specific holster etc. I usually cache all my gear in a bush when I'm looting a city on my own so someone that gets the drop on me doesn't perceive me as an immediate threat and shoot on sight, but it would be cool to be able to pull a pistol and defend yourself if you absolutely had to. Could be implemented quickly by having an invisible pistol model with disabled functionality(similar to the inability to fire a bolt gun immediately after a reload) on the character for a concealed state, then when pressing the "switch rifle/handgun" key, draw animation plays, handgun model spawns and functionality is restored. Maybe a slow 2-2.5 second draw time to simulate clothing gear getting in the way.