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Everything posted by Selethen

  1. I think that the current infections that require you to find antibiotics to aid your self is going a little too far, what I think should be done is have major afflictions that do require antibiotics and then some minor afflictions like common colds that just need a little time and rest. I think the minor afflictions could be handled by eating some food maybe, also taking it easy some how for a few minutes (Maybe not sprinting or something.). I do think that exerting yourself should play a part in infections but i'm not sure how people will "take it easy for a few minutes." but i'm open to ideas. The major inflictions would still require antibiotics, but I was thinking cold medicine could right off the bat cure minor colds. Also wouldn't major infections be like a infected/festering wound that would not be contagious? Feel free to comment and offer opinions and more ideas :) . Have a good day. P.S- Zombie bites are dirty (grubby creatures they are) shouldn't they also have at least a small chance of infection? -Edit I just want to add that if a physical health system that improves for those who run around a lot is added physical health should be able to determine how fast you bounce back from a cold or infected wound to a certain extent of course. -Selethen
  2. There correct me if i'm wrong clothes being added into the game maybe have a winter set that would stave off the cold? -Selethen
  3. Selethen


    How about a hand car powered by two people that can fit maybe 4 if stamina ever is implemented then it will take stamina I think that with two people it can go a good solid speed maybe a little more then a bicycle when going down hill a bit harder going up hill? Just a idea. Copy this link if you don't know what I speak of :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handcar -Selethen
  4. Selethen

    Food, water, cola/pepsi. More relism please.

    If you want realism then food would spawn in houses, deer posts, cafes, restaurants, office buildings(snacks and soda mostly), schools(cafeterias school lunches ect.) hospitals ect. Food would be were ever people drop or use it any place they might store it would be a possibility not just grocery stores.