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Everything posted by HarrySaches

  1. HarrySaches

    Top 10 Features to Remove

    Why does everyone want third person gone, for me personally I can't play in first person it gives me a massive headache. I've had this same problem with just about all first person games, some aren't as bad as others. This mod in particular with all the bobbing around and shaking, it would be almost unplayable if I couldn't have my character in third person.
  2. HarrySaches

    Zombie killing skins?

    So I tried to search the forums and didn't see any results with this idea, although i'm fairly certain someone somewhere has more than likely brought the idea up before. If that's the case, sorry I wasted time posting it. If not, than please respond. You get hero and bandit skins, why not a skin for killing X amount of zombies, maybe something like 500 - 1000 zombies will net you a new skin which shows off how awesome you are at killing zombies? If something like this exist that would be awesome. If not, maybe it should be. Currently outside of personal stats and seeing the stats on the server screen Zombie kills are pretty much pointless, giving the player a skin option for killing them could make people kill more zombies?
  3. HarrySaches

    Suggestion (suicide)

    I fail to see what the big deal about killing yourself for a better spawn is anyway, if you get a craptastic spawn you don't like, most zombies are only a minute or two away, run to zombies, allow them to beat you to death, rinse and repeat until you get desired spawn. As for clans why would they committ suicide and lose their gear to a potential server crash? It wouldn't make sense, but what do I know right? People seem to think if it requires vast amounts of time invested or majorly annoying it equals something good for the GAME. When in reality all most of these things people seem to suggest amount too is greifing for new players or over complication when it's not needed.
  4. would be nice if as you did things, you increased in ability, the more repairs you make to a car the higher your ability gets in making future repairs. Same with medical and killing zombies, the more zombies you kill, the better at it you get. ETC, I do agree currently no reason to work with other people exist, it's just kill this guy becuase he has a Gun you think looks cool... screw it, just kill that dude anyway, just because of the LOL's of killing him. You are a pretty much able to last on your own, outside of needing bloodbags which if you are pretty decent at hunting and hiding a camp somewhere you don't even need bloodbags. Just cook up that food and eat it.
  5. HarrySaches

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    I used a few points points, thanks, don't know why one became a smiley face but again that's unimportant to the grand scope of what my points were. Also it's not difficulty it's called a time sink. Their's a difference between the two. It's not as if waypoints magically teleport you to the area you want to go right? You'll eventually learn the area regardless. Time you spend running around looking to figure out which area you are in is time you could be spending doing other more important things, like searching for gear, food or drinks. In all honesty you don't even need to travel away from Electro to stay alive in this game, everything you need is right there anyhow. It's a convience issue rather than a difficulty issue. For people who dislike it you have the option to not use it, why argue to have that option removed from other players who do enjoy using it for convinence. Difficulty would require something that makes it harder to survive without, do you really think it would be harder to survive without waypoints? You can find everything you need to survive in any of the big cities which are all pretty much easy to find, and you can survive in any of the smaller cities provided it has a shop you can loot for food/drinks. None of the shops, firehouses, factories, houses or anything else is marked on the maps except for cities. We can agree to disagree but your insistence that you are right is downright bordering on elitism. Also, whatever language the maps are in, yeah I can't read that, I have no intentions on learning to read it either, like I said, an unneccesary time sink.
  6. HarrySaches

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    Like I said, when did I say the game should be easy? The difficulty you speak of is only present because of the glitchy nature of the zombies and the threat of getting killed by another player. If you think the game would be made more difficult without waypoints you good sir are mistaken. Way points are more of a convinence than anything else, it's not like the map has any relevent information on it, rather than the fact that A) a town is here B) you have this far to go to get to X town/Y air strip With the already massive difficulty in finding anyone to group with due to the COD ADD kill on sight anything that moves playerbase. I personally see nothing wrong with way points nor do I think they alter the difficulty in anyway, shape or form. If they are that much of a bother to you, and you think they put the game on such an easy mode don't use them. Instead of trying to force your own opinion on everyone else. No i'm sure you're one of those fellas who uses it and justifies the reason being that "everyone else does it" As for me leaving with a shred of dignity, the moment I start to let someone one, I don't know, on a message board dictate my amount of dignity will be the day I kill myself. Personally I enjoy the mod for what it is, it is very brutal, while at the same time it's a game, i'm posting a message on a suggestion portion of the message board dedicated to that game. Someone posted a suggestion I disagree with, I presented my ideas on why I think way points deserve to stay. If they were removed i'd deal with it, until then i'll voice my opinion on the matter until either. A) I no longer play the game B) way points are removed (which as I pointed out wouldn't increase the difficulty at all, rather than just make people unfamiliar with the map quit) C) You prove to me conclusively how not having way points makes the game more difficult, I already told you I played the game for about 2 weeks without even knowing way points existed, I still had zero problems with surviving outside of the occasional glitched zombie, or getting killed by bandits when I was unarmed. The only difference way points have made to my game was I spend lots less time not knowing which city i'm in, and more time looting, zombie killing etc.
  7. HarrySaches

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    so instead of actually reading my post, finding out what my question was you call me stupid.. That in fact makes you stupid, does it not. Let me spell out my question for you, since you are obviously too challanged to go back and read them. "WHY SHOULD WAY POINTS BE REMOVED TO MAKE THE GAME MORE REALISTICAL WHEN OTHER REALISTICAL STUFF ISN'T IN THE GAME, IT DOESN"T MAKE SENSE" I even typed it out in all caps for you as well. Mind answering that question? What difficulty does removing the way points provide other than kicking new players in the nuts and telling them to go screw themselves if they don't know where they are. It adds as much difficulty to the game as mending a broken leg with morphine does it not. Actually i'd wager healing a broken leg with morphine is far more unrealistic and breaking of difficulty and authenticity than using waypoints princess. Also when did I say the game was too hard sunshine? Please point that out to me, I said nothing of the sort. Actually the game is quite easy, the only difficulty exist in the glitchy nature of the zombies. If you'd like to continue to argue, mayhaps you remove the twinkies from your mouth and talk with some respect. What "throwing authenticity out the window because you think the game is too hard" are you talking about, mending broken bones with morphine? Having loads of ammunition laying all over the place, having admins that spawn themselves gear and helicopters? Healing yourself with food, even though you've already eaten a steak... Having food heal bullet wounds? Having loads of houses you can't enter because the doors are shut, not like someone in that situation wouldn't just, I don't know pick the lock? Having Zombies magically hit you through walls/doors/floors/ceilings? All unrealistic but yes, lets remove way points because it kills the authenticity of the game. Remember you insulted me first, now if you'd like to respond back to me in a rational way and respond to my question about waypoints being removed like an adult instead of an ADD 13 year old, mayhaps we can resume our conversation, in other words, GROW UP.
  8. HarrySaches

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    you don't enjoy repeating yourself but you do enjoy not providing any answers to the questions I posed, it's all good, I understand you can't do that because you have no real answers. Also if a person runs from point a to point b without stopping for food and water, most likely they'll die rather quickly. You start on the coast and run up to the airstrips either NE or NW and odds are by the time you get there you'll be out of food and drinks and be about half war towards death. Being that food and drink are rather rare on the airstrips (mainly food outside of animals, which you won't have a hunting knife to kill anyway) you'll die before you get the chance to get back to a city to pilliage it. Typically on my runs I hit the cities on the way up looking for useful tools, if I even go up that way anyway.
  9. HarrySaches

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    That isn't the point that was being made in this topic, this topic was bringing up the point that you shouldn't be able to make waypoints because they don't exist in real life. My retort to that logic was you have to make some sacrifices to realism in order to make the game function as it should. If you can heal a broken leg with a single dose of morphine than it's likewise to assume you should be able to do put waypoints leading you towards the areas on the map you would like to visit. We are on agreement with the idea that you need certain devices in place to make the game how it is. At the same time, I fail to understand how taking away viable gameplay options really helps the community. Like I said, I went a while without knowing about waypoints, without having a map etc etc, at the same time once I was told about waypoints it made the game that much better, I could still explore towns, etc, I could know my location and which towns I was in without having to guesstimate. The key to a successful game/mod whatever is having it be accessible to the masses, this game is brutal with or without way points. To remove waypoints seems like a foolish idea to me, especially when a person can choose to not use the way points if it bothers them that much. A game should be about playstyle choices, one such choice is having the ability to mark waypoints to point you in the right direction. It's your journey between point A and point B that makes up the story. If you ignore exploration of towns you are just hurting yourself, running from the Coast up to one of the airports will typically see your food and water meter be just about gone by the time you reach them. That includes if you eat and drink the food and water you are provided. Maybe we just think differently on what a game should be. It is a game, unless everything i've mentioned becomes a reality and the game mirrors real life.
  10. HarrySaches

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    That isn't the point being made in this topic, the point is having way points removes the realism, my point is the game isn't as realistic as it could be because you can die of hunger or thirst in a matter of hours instead of days. You can heal a broken bone with a morphine shot, etc etc etc. Also they could have the death come while you are logged off, your thirst and hunger meter still reduce. Lets make the game like farmville, we can boil our water offline, then log back in to retrieve it, if we take too long the water goes cold and we have to start over again.We have X amount of time to log back in and make sure we feed our characters and give them drinks or else they'll die... lol sound like a good idea? Cooking raw food should take atleast a half hour or so, heck for that matter, raw food should spoil, i'd wager cooking a steak you've had chillin in the trunk for a car for a few days wouldn't be very healthy for you now would it. If one aspect needs to be removed in order to make the game more realistic then the other areas should come in line and be made to be more realistic as well. Ultimately it's a game which is very brutal as it is, if you dislike waypoints don't use them, why remove them from people who would perfer to use them. So you have other things to gloat about? If a game becomes too much like real life it ceases to be fun. I"m sure loads of other people feel the same way, if ultimately way points got removed I'd probably still play, but ultimately it wouldnt' be as fun for me. I'd rather focus on avoiding zombies, finding food, water, weapons than have to worry which city i'm in. It comes down to personal choice, removing the option altogether removes that choice for the player. Right now you don't have to use way points. Also does the player have any knowledge of the area at all? If so that could explain the way points, after all if a person lives in an area you'd figure they would have a knowledge of that area they have lived in.
  11. HarrySaches

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    No my entire point is if you want way points removed because they dont' exist in real life and thus remove immersion to the game, then you have many other things that don't exist in real life but still take place in this game. So yes, you shouldn't remove waypoints, unless you want it to take 3 + weeks to die of hunger and 3 + days to die of thirst. Also yes, Pepsi or any soda for that matter doesn't quench your thirst. In fact it makes you more thirsty. As for being crap at Navigating, I got around just fine for about 2 weeks until I found out about way points, then I saw how much more fun it made the game. let me guess now because it's not about navigating, someone will toss out I should go back and play COD right? Instead of making poitns of why the information I posted isn't valid.
  12. HarrySaches

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    So for that matter I guess you agree with them boosting the amount of time needed between eating and drinking right. I mean in the game currently you die of starvation or thirst in a matter of a few hours. In real life it would take literally days for you to die of hunger and starvation. As for thirst, the soda cans you drink don't really quench your thirst in real life, if anything soda makes you more thirsty, yet in the game you are nice and refreshed after taking a swig of your pepsi, coke or mountain dew. How about starting up cars, you can't hop in a car with no key and have it magically start up. Also in a real event like the one in this game do you really think someone would leave their car unattended while they sleep. I mean you load up a car with supplies, then decide you'll disappear so others can steal your car? I didn't know a shot of morphine could heal a broken bone either. Typically don't broken bones take weeks to heal? Yet in the game it's healed up in a matter of seconds with a single dose of morphine. Sometimes in a game you need to move away from realism because a game can't be 100% realistic or else it ceases to be fun. People need to weigh pros and cons, what pros exist from taking away way points outside of just making the game more difficult for the sake of making it more difficult. If you don't like way points, don't use them, why exclude them from people who want to use them. If the only reason you have for removing it is it takes away the realism, then look at my points from above.
  13. HarrySaches

    Waypoints only allowed with a GPS

    Hey I have to poop and pee in real life, that should be included in the game as well. The way point system is fine, has nothing to do with holding a persons hand, has everything to do with moving from point A to point B on a huge map. I want to play the game, I don't want to spend 15 minutes trying to figure out where I am by using locations which look nearly identical... oh look this place has a church.... oh wait 15 other places have a church as well. Just makes the mod pointlessly difficult, if you don't like waypoints don't use them. Getting rid of them will do nothing but drive potential gamers away. I didn't know about them for quite a bit after I started playing, once I figured out how to use them, it made the game so much more better, I could actually figure out where I was on the map instead of guessing, etc. Some people have to remember it's just a game, already brutal enough especially with the glitchy nature of zombies. We've all met him Zombie Superman, who you somehow miss while he's standing right in front of you. Zombie hits through the floor is also another friend of mine, I don't even think I need to talk about Zombie hidden under the floor or Zombie hits you through the wall.
  14. HarrySaches

    DayZ Standalone Forum Best Ideas

    I like alot of these ideas, althought the losing blood when you run and go prone, not too sure i'd agree with that one. You aren't scrapping your knees when you have long pants on, unless you are running and jumping on top of glass. Ever play tackle football on concrete, you might scrap up bare skin, but hardly ever scrap up skin covered with clothing. As for players dieing and becoming zombies, what does that do with your loot, lets say you die and make the run all the way up to loot your deceased corpse (provided someone else hasn't already and the server hasn't reset) you'll have to kill yourself to get it. We have plenty of Zombies already, no use turning your corpse into one as well. The death penalty is alreayd quite high in this game, atleast you have a small saving grace in being able to recover your corpse. Although I agree with the rest of the ideas, the two I pointed out just don't seem to fit with me. Also for people who bring up it's just a game, a real human being can go days without food or water, yet in this game you are just about dead if you don't eat or drink in a couple of hours. A real human being in that situation would enter a town, see all those closed doors and start to break into some of those houses, in the hopes of finding loot. A real human being would sleep in his fully loaded car and wake up if someone tried to steal it from him. Not obliviously sleep on the side of the road while his car gets stolen. You can only emulate some much real life, should they add urine and poop meters as well, I mean they are part of what it means to be human. Sometimes you need to step away and realize a game is a game.
  15. since i've had my cars stolen, if I come upon any cars with gear in them, I take what i want and blow the sucker up. Then leave a nice little notation on the map telling the person I blew up their car.
  16. HarrySaches

    blood bags

    yeah in theory it should work towards teamwork, but currently that portion isn't working because people would rather kill you, take your gear just for the LOL's even if you have nothing to benefit them. Players have zero reason to work with each other, why help this guy when you can kill him and take what he has. You have no real means of keeping gear on your person. Allow the user to use Bloodbags on himself with some aspect that makes it more desireable for another person to administer it. Such as a long usage time and a lockout timer to prevent using to many of them in a short period of time. I don't think that would do anything other than allow solo hero and bandit characters more options for staying alive. Also matches seem to be very, very rare indeed, atleast on the server i'm on, not sure if they are that rare on all servers, but I've gotten tons of other stuff including guns, crossbows and various ammo types, but only 4 or 5 boxes of matches.
  17. HarrySaches

    blood bags

    typically from my experience it goes like... Player A, anyone able to hit me with blood in X town. Player B, Sure i'll come get you... Five minutes later.... Player A dies.... Player A - Why'd you do that..... Player B - lol i got your gear
  18. I'm really enjoying this game, the survival aspect is spot on, some things just seem a bit odd like the empty cans in your inventory. Also the zombies aren't really hard, the difficulty lays in the random nature of your malee hits, you either one hit kill them or it takes 10 shots to kill them. Hit detection seems to be all over the board, something I'm hoping gets fixed in the stand alone game. It could be lag that is for sure, but my ping is pretty good so i'm guessing it's only part lag. Something to be said when you are swinging your ax into a zombie at point blank range and they don't die, while at the same time I can swing my ax while 5 feet from other zombies and they go down hard. Although i'm really enjoying this game, now if only I could recognize my areas a little better.
  19. Have to say i'm a newbie to the game, but when I do play it'll be on this server for sure. Now if only I could figure out how to reconnect to it