As a long time player of Dayz I can tell you the most important rule for the game is do not get too attached to a charter. Even if you want to say, build a main character on an official server and mess about on others, bad idea. If you become attached to any character on any server main/private you will regret it. I had previously ignored this rules until my entire group were killed by a hacker, we were on an offical server only had a total of 6 players on it (smaller servers are less appealing to hackers) and we lost everything, hours of gameplay and a ton of rare gear. Best part is we were all killed because we tried to log out, so to recap. don't get attached. don't spend hours looking for rare gear. main piece of advice is build a average character and stay close to the coast, why? Tons of snipers at the airfields and stary sober (main town before airfields) if you are killed by a hacker and are near the coast once he is kicked/banned you will have a decent chance of getting your gear back from your dead body. this isn't me whining about getting killed, been killed plenty of times, its just some friendly advice.