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baas (DayZ)

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Everything posted by baas (DayZ)

  1. baas (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I disagree and I think in some of your argument you are simplifing too much. 1. It is a game, that in some moments lets us partly forget it is one. Apart from the bandit thing there are a lot of other unrealistic - yet good - elements in it. For example in reality, you would be scared to die and therefore act cautious. Can't be simulated. In a video game you are not afraid of death. But you can be somehow afraid of loosing all your equipment you gathered. So this "parametrization" for fear of death is not realistic but serves its purpose very well. I think the same is true for the bandit/survivor distinction. 2. Yes, the game needs an unknown element. But it doesn't disappear with bandits in the game. The bandits are the people you usually don't trust at all, and the survivors are those who you don't know whether to trust. I think the bandit kind acts as a second threath besides the zombies and enhances the feeling of danger and need of cooperation with other survivors against both these dangers. 3. The point that is made so often, the argument that the system would not work properly, might be true. but it could be enhanced. Maybe it's possible to register when you shoot at a survivor. and if somebody shoots at you and you shoot back and kill him, then it could be counted as self defence.
  2. baas (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    You being killed by more survivors than bandits doesn't necessarily prove my argument wrong. I just said that a player assumes that the probability of a single survivor killing you is smaller than the probability that a bandit shoots you. He has less to loose. Now as there are more survivors than bandits it would not be uncommon that you fall to survivors quite often too. But you also meet more survivors who do not harm you than you meet bandits who do not kill you
  3. baas (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Than that would be considered as a "hard choice". If they play some time without killing somebody' date=' the survivor skin would appear again. Or they help others and undo their killing in this way. And the people that team up as bandits? Why shouldn't they be able to coop? There is clearly an incentive for them and bandit-bandit encounter would somehow be the same as it is now with the removal of bandit skin. And people like you should learn how to participate in a discussion. The Survivor/Bandit feature was in the game in the earlier versions and e.g. got a lot of positive feedback also from game magazines (rockpaper shot gun for example). It was considered as an innovative idea that brings a stunning dynamic into the game. To claim the game would clearly not be for people who disagree with you on this game.... is just idiotic.
  4. baas (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Honestly, I also think this new change is not a good idea. It removes a main point of the game. There was a downside to killing people - aside from your own "pseudo-moral" (because it's only a game) thoughts. And you were marked for others...an outcast. Now, what should stop players from just shoothing on sight every time? A lot of people wrote: the bandit/survivor system would not work propperly and that you can also be killed by a survivor. First: Yes, a survivor skin is not a guarantee, that someone will not shoot you, but it is less likely than an encounter with a bandit. Also the survivor with intentions to shoot you has to consider that after that he will be marked as bandit and his chance of surviving will decrease due to that. Second: The humanity would not work propperly. Here would be a proposal. - Allow Humanity to increase only if you help a Survivor!! This would inhibit people from giving just a blood transfusion to a fellow bandit. -For Bandits: The only way to increase Humanity again, besides helping survivors (also through e.g. giving them stuff from your inventory) should be TIME. If you do not kill a survivor for a long time, you could finally get back your survivor skin again. What do you think to these ideas? I think some way to divide players in two groups: those I "clearly don't trust" and those I "might trust", is essential for the game. Oh and... to the whole: In the real world you wouldnt be able to distinguish peoples intentions by their clothes. No, you wouldn't. But a game is not the real world. In a real world, people would remember and warn others about a killer going around. This is not possible in this game with changing servers etc. So if it is not possible to implement something in a realistic way, you have to find a good "virtual solution" for it. In a real world you would also not find the food just lying on the floor but you would have to search for it etc... but this doesn't mean, in a game you have to go through all the drawers.