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Everything posted by Pergolin

  1. No offense, but anybody who votes 'no' in this pole doesn't know where he's standing, ovbiously. OF COURSE we want, need and will have wild animals in DayZ, just like we have them now. Just another way of getting food, I won't say anything else because it's not necessary.
  2. Pergolin

    The Reason your a Hero/Bandit?

    In the beginning, I wasn't neither a bandit or a hero... I was quite a noob and I trusted most of the people, maybe for the fact that I wanted a buddy because alone things were quite boring, but of course, every single contact I made at the game in that times ended in my death. That's when I started wielding the bandit skin... I didn't even trust people who say friendly.. I make contact and I shoot on sight.. not for the reason that usual bandits do (stealing their loot), but just to make sure he doesn't pull the trigger first. I've never done other bandit things such as sniping in a big city, etcetera. And about the hero part... well, I've never been a hero in DayZ, but I consider that the only possible way of reaching the hero skin is by helping YOUR FRIENDS and YOUR FRIENDS ONLY. Real life friends I mean. And I basicly base myself on this just like I base myself on what I said before - it's the same. If you can't trust him when you see him, much less help him.
  3. Pergolin

    DayZ Scenario: Would You Kill or Help

    I'd help him. I actually have nothing to lose, and even though I'd win something if I kill him, where's the action on that?
  4. Pergolin

    worth buying arma now?

    Not all of us live in the United States, or in Europe, my friend. Euros and dollares are not our cash and maybe our cash is less, or more worthy than the standard dollar or euro. For some of us, 25 dollars could be a worry. For me as an example, in my country, one U$S dollar equals 6 coins, and one euro equals almost 8. Plus, I must pay 15% more for online purchasing, such as Steam. Some of us have to manage the money well, my friend.
  5. Pergolin

    worth buying arma now?

    I'll give it my best shot; ArmA II: Combined Operations is not a bad game at all, it's a war simulator. But if you would buy it just to play the DayZ mod, then don't buy it now. In any moment, DayZ Standalone will be released, and that's your best option. You just need to wait a bit. Still, I repeat, ArmA II as a game is not bad, if you want to play the game aswell, and not just the mod. But also there's another thing to be taken into consideration - ArmA III is also in development. Although, for ArmA III you'll have to wait more because as far as I know it's not going to be released soon. My point is, that you should wait and not buy it now just because you're excited to have it. If you're pacient maybe the results will be better.
  6. Pergolin

    Latest News about dayz standalone

    The release will hopefully be before April. I believe you can find all the information you want on dayzdev.tumblr.com. Also you can check the devteam's twitter for the latest news. A DayZ official page/game hub is already on Steam, even though there was never a public announcement (some of us discovered it investigating), which is a very good step that show us we're close. And also, (this is not confirmed, but it's a conclusion I've taken) the official page of the Standalone game is dayzgame.com, and days ago if you entered that page you had all the links to the twitter, tumblr and everything, but yesterday I've found out it was down. My conclusion is that they're starting to prepare the website for the release... I hope I've updated you enough.
  7. Hey guys, DayZ community. My fellow survivors, bandits and heroes. Me, like most of the community or at least the DayZ lovers and dedicated members, are awaiting DayZ Standalone very unpaciently. Personally, I check all the pages (development blog, dayzmod.com and dayzgame.com) everyday, it's turning into a routine actually. I'm very excited for any kind of news I can get. Well, today, on one of that routine checks, I was checking dayzgame.com, and I noticed it was down. I waited a while, hours, and then entered again. Still down. Either down, or... under heavy work. I bet that you've taken your own conclusions as you reach this part of the text and we probably share that conclusions. If not, let me explain myself: Maybe I'm taking conclusions too fast, but as soon as I noticed something was wrong... or rather anormal on what was happening the days before today I inmediately started taking conclusions and investigating. Maybe it was a net problem of mine, but I checked with enough friends to see that the page was actually down. Now, to the actual point - I believe that the cause of this 'downtime' is because they're doing some heavy updating and editing on the website, possibly getting it prepared for the big day and for what it will be for the rest of the days... Getting to the big point (I said this twice already...), I think this is one step closer to the day we're all waiting for. What do you say? Leave your comment and let's discuss this all together... As I said, maybe I'm taking conclusions too fast, but well, we'll see. Thanks for reading!
  8. Pergolin

    dayzgame.com - Coming very soon?

    I doubt that started today with the design of the website anyways. If they wanted to have the game ready by December 2012, they must have some content for the website.
  9. Pergolin

    dayzgame.com - Coming very soon?

    I'll try to tell you as soon as I know any news about it. I doubt that if they're getting it ready for the release we're going to be able to see if before that, though.
  10. Pergolin

    dayzgame.com - Coming very soon?

    I'm doing that regardless of this post, I just wanted to say it in case nobody noticed, and also discuss it. Maybe somebody has info? I totally agree, the official pub is definately a big step.
  11. Pergolin

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Actually I was about to shoot him, but then he said something like "Wait, don't shoot me" or something like that lol. I didn't have a knife for the meat anyways.
  12. This... I'm still here though, but the mod has been going downhill lately.. it ain't the same. EDIT: By "the mod" I mean the community and servers in general... public ones are fucked up, and only a few (whitelisted) are acceptable.
  13. Pergolin

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Yeah, quite sure he was a hacker because I was sure that the invisibility was a hack, and I saw a running nametag when I was invisible. But still, I was shocked and didn't use my brain for nothing related to.. well, think.
  14. Pergolin

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Well, I browsed by this topic numerous time to read some stories, but nothing awkward ever happened to me in DayZ... until this afternoon. It was evening, actually. I was alone in my house. I don't know if this story will scare you or such, not even cause suspense. I actually had a smile on my face while it was happening... not because it was funny at all, but it was very awkward. Well, to the story: I spawned on the coast, as usual. I walked a long while by the highway, to the point that I reached it's end. Then I just bend down and checked once again my usual starter gear, it's some kind of routine check I make. As there was nothing else to make at that point of the road, I began to ran up the hill that was facing me. I honestly didn't know what I was looking for... the place didn't look interesting at all. Well, before walking for even a minute, I watched a few animals appear on the background, very far, none was interested on me or such. Then, I see that a bunny rabbit was right infront of me (strange I didn't see him before I turned and watched the horizon, where the other animals were). I started hearing a voice, rather human. My first guess was that somebody was speaking on the public/global chat and I ignored it. But then the voice said "Yes, man, I'm speaking"- the rabbit said. He said some rather stupid things like "I'm a spiritual soul.. a spiritual rabbit, so to say. I'm here to guide you, Survivor. Follow me." I had nothing else to do than following him, and given that the situation was extremely awkward, I just followed him. He leaded me to the outskirts of some nearby woods, but we didn't enter. After reading this topic with all that rumours of an assassin with a hatchet on the woods, then I honestly started feeling a little bit worse. In a way that most people would take ironicly, I said "I don't like how this looks, spiritual rabbit." I was about to say "The woods, I mean", but I finally didn't. It said "there's nothing to worry about.. just enjoy it". I dissapeared for a few moments and finally I appeared again, like some invisible hack, and then the bunny rabbit dissapeared. I thought that by "just enjoy it" he meant the view, the horizon and everything. So I just stayed there for some significant minutes and right before I log off, I checked my inventory again. I had a ghille suit, a sniper and a few more things. I admit I got surprised, but as the server didn't look legit at all I didn't care. When I was about to click the "Abort" option to quit the game, I got banned from that server for spawning items... This story may look awkward and unrealistic, but I swear it happened to me this afternoon. It was the most awkward thing that ever happened to me in DayZ... I could have recorded it, but in that moment I was so shocked and confused that it was the last thing on my mind.
  15. Like I said, given my nerves and thirst of DayZ Standalone, I have reached the last level.. asking Cleverbot.
  16. I'm glad my boredom gave some people some good laughs.