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Posts posted by Schwett

  1. I agree with the idea, allthough I wouldn't do such "radical" changes


    KoS is an issue

    I agree, and I believe it's due to the FPS feeling people get holding a gun in a game, others just troll. One of them I believe can get improved, but trolls are a plague that'll allways exist in some(most) servers. How do we reduce the FPS feeling of DayZ? The way I see it is that you force 20-50 people on a server 225km X 225km. That is a small map for that amount of players, especially since everyone is everyone's potential enemy. And in addition to that, you have very few hot spots, making sure you'll run it to someone in those areas.


    So if we enlarge the map , lets say an area 4 times as big, 450km X 450 km, have these Big hot spots still there, and add a way for zombies to find these or Any hot spots.


    The idea is I had was the fact that they will be having roaming hordes of zombies going around mindlessly. I love that idea since it opens up for alot of fun things. But what if a dead body gives of a scent as they would rotting IRL, and these roaming hordes of zombies that's close by one or many dead corpses are more inclined to move towards them, everything from a single zombie to the entire horde can go to these places.


    Player 1 shoots Player 2, right in the head and he falls down dead

    Player 2 died and is rotting away giving out a scent for zombies, to give it a value lets say he gives out 2 scent, increasing slowly up to 5 before again slowly going back down to 0.

    2-5 scent makes it unlikely for hordes to stop, unless walking Very close by.


    At the same time, team 1 and team 2 meets up in Bor, and 12 players die, each giving out 24 scent, inclearing up to 70 at it's peak, making hordes pick up the scent from a much longer distance.

    This way we can make it so that these bush camping people atleast have a chance of getting forced out by zombies.



    People need to gain something from helping other players, but at the same time not punish the players who prefer the solo approach


    Firing guns is an issue at certain places, in a city. You'll get 20 zeds and anyone in that town will know you're there and might see you as hostile.


    Boredom leads to KoS

    Yeah, unless you're heavily punished by killing another player, this will happen. And if you punish a player for killing someone, trolling people will just force you to kill them by running around you making sounds.

    I would make it so that killing someone has a chance of destroying something he's wearing or something in his back pack, it's pretty realistic, and would make bandits more inclined on robbing instead of killing. Still doesn't solve the boredom KoS tho

  2. Personally, I like the scandinavian nature.

    The mix of archipelago, dark woods, tall mountains and deep valleys also makes it very suitable for a dayz map, not minding the difficulty in how they'd actually make it happen.

    The one thing that makes me quite sure that it'll never come to reality is the fact that to make this good, I believe it would have to be soo much bigger then the current map, and sadly even bigger then the new map size they've been talking about.


    • Like 1

  3. Great idea, but having a chance of getting a new server if you die might be somewhat pointless since you can just respawn and sign out. You can just have an option after pressing quick join (or just "Start" as this Should be the standard way of playing) you can have 2 options, "Fresh Start"- meaning new/random server or "Continue" - connecting to the last server you played on.

    ...Or have the last 3 server you've played on

  4. Hello

    My suggestion is pretty straight forward.

    I haven't been playing for that long, but when I started, I just went after gear playing pretty friendly, only shooting bandits on sight, asking everyone else if they were friendly before shooting them if they had a visible gun. I ended up being told friendly then shot, or they started shooting wildly until I killed them, only to be shot by their friend 5 seconds later.

    Playing the game like this gave me a need for a camp, since I found plenty of doubles laying around. I thought I was insanely wealthy with items, even If I thought I'd collected alot more... which I had

    Turns out a few people had found my camp in a forrest under a pine tree, and after having all my stuff taken, I just assumed they got lucky and found it and started to camp 2... Same story...

    This happened to everyone, and it was a group of people that played together with 4 choppers on the server, that went around looking for crash sites, and when they were done they looked for camps.

    So people started placing those small 4 wheelers in between trees which worked fine, and still does, but with a very limited supply.

    After I finally found their camp, went bananas on their choppers and items, I took their final chopper and did the same thing myself, only to realize that it was quite easy to spot camps, even the fairly well-hidden ones.

    Now, to the idea, to get more advantages from having a camp site.

    We could put this is a few stages of a camp.

    First step is just a tent like you can now, but add more camo for tents and vehicles. Camo for tents might sound redundant, but they're quite/too easy to spot IMO.

    After having 4-5 tents, and if you filled it up with like 50 (Just an example) blood bags, 30 Morphine, 20 Epi pens and 100 bandage, you'd be able to make it in to a medical tent. In the medical tent, you'd be able to give yourself blood, but also it would slowly "produce" medical supplies. Im not sure how to make the "production" sound more realistic, but maybe throught supply drops or something.

    It could also be possible to make a military tent, again "producing" ammo and possibly weapons even if I think weapons would be abit too much.

    A garage tent, possibly needed to repair vehicles, or vehicles placed inside would slowly get repaired.

    What do you think? Would it be too overpowered? Or would it take away too many aspects of the looting part of the game? Or is it a interesting idea?
